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16841697 No.16841697 [Reply] [Original]

We win. You lose.

It's that simple.

>> No.16841826


>> No.16841873
File: 13 KB, 480x282, simonsays.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that was this about? The real Satoshi wouldn't have this kind of attitude. Thought Craig didn't want any attention yet here we are, seeing everyday pictures of him with a smirk on his face and his crew around him treating him like he's God.

Too much of a coincidence and background story in the life of Hal Finney for him not to be the main contributor of Bitcoin. Then you have Nick Szabo who has already written a whitepaper of what was Bitgold that was too much too similar to Bitcoin. It's not this big mystery after that.

Why did Hal and Nick deny being Satoshi? Well, wouldn't you do the same to avoid the kind of attention that would come with creating Bitcoin? Nothing wrong with white lies every now and then if they don't cause or result in hurting someone else. Denying you're the creator of Bitcoin is a smart move.

Since Craig has experience as a security expert in the cybertechnology field and he has worked or had relations with NSA employees, it makes sense that he's an informant in some form or another. We know Dave Kleiman is deceased and Hal Finney is deceased. They can't be here to make any claims or deny anything either. There's more people involved in what led up to the creation of Bitcoin.

Craig is the sole brains behind it and quite frankly, there's proof of him committing fraud. Very smart con man. he's like the Harry Houdini of con men. Sooner than later, we will all come to a conclusion that Craig Wright is not the mitochondria behind Bitcoin.

>> No.16841878

Holy fucking cope and seething can feel the feminine energy oozing from your post faggot

>> No.16841887

The corecucks last stand.
Holy shit boys this is momentous

>> No.16841898

Buy OCN decentralized ODYSSEY fagget

An alphabet nigger and insider told me Yi Shi 888 is a genius and about ocn 2 years before it was released. Buy OCN decentralized ODYSSEY fagget s and get rich like me when it goes to Saturn cunt

>> No.16841899
File: 3 KB, 125x125, bojesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are trusting your life savings in the project fronted by a man who likes to suck dick. I'm going to pray for you anons, stop empowering godless sodomites.

>> No.16841906


This is what an actual pajeet looks like, btw