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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 432 KB, 2400x2400, VIDT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16840240 No.16840240 [Reply] [Original]

How we all doin' tonight fellas?

Feeling comfy?

I am.

>> No.16840249
File: 266 KB, 1070x800, big-vidt-shill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder V-ID requires nearly a $2000 year subscription. What does the monthly subscription get you? Literally nothing. N O T H I N G. Except you get a minor discount on every additional file you want to validate. Holy shit bagholders are retarded.

>> No.16840258

53 seconds.

That's got to be a new record.

>> No.16840269

How many copy paste threads have you made today?

>> No.16840925

Pathetic volume your little scam will be at 2 cents eoy

>> No.16840964

keep posting that FUD bro. Free bamps for VIDT.

Not too late to load up on a nice stack before we launch the moon mission.

>> No.16841015

>before we launch the moon mission.
Apollo 13th, 2020

>> No.16841302

30K here. Feeling comfy as fuck.

>> No.16841332

0K here. Feeling the comfiest of all.

>> No.16841338

They must be paying him top rupee

>> No.16841377

why do you care so much?

>> No.16841381

Why do you care why I care?

>> No.16841396

hahaah few months ago we bought this shitcoin at 5 cents and started the shill squad on /biz
pumped to 50 cents and dumped on yall
enjoy the bagz pajeeetzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

>> No.16841425

you're just a sad virgin with no social life, aren't you?

>> No.16841439

I may have never seen a vagina before, but I have seen scams and VIDT is one.

>> No.16841491

I guess you can’t be much of a ladies man shitting your pants on /biz/ all day fudding Rankesh.

>> No.16841503
File: 68 KB, 1193x514, 356115a7-4c39-480a-9f47-e566b555b4c7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16841506

>It's funny that the only way bagholders can promote their project now is by discrediting the personality of fudder. Evidently, there is nothing else going for it, other than ponzi buyback burns, at which point you might as well buy NUKE or any of the hundreds of deflationary cryptocurrencies that are out there.

>> No.16841507

I can hire a team of fudders anytime this shit tries to break 1500 resistance. This shitcoin will not pump more than 50% never in your life guys. Buybacks don't make a difference. I will make sure that I dedicate my life for fudding this shitcoin if Acronis fudder decides to stop. Why? Personal reasons with VIDT holder.

>> No.16841515

I will fucking fud this shitcoin i fucking hate you i will not allow this shitcoin to pump you fucking pajeets someday you will fucking cry because 4chan fudder ruined your shitty investment VIDT IS A FUCKING SCAM DUMP DUMP DUMP

>> No.16841539


>> No.16841553

Thanks for fudding this shitcoin because it doesn't deserve any pumping. Let's make sure it will never get pumped by noobs who bought a scam shitcoin by telegram pajeet shills.

>> No.16841561

was someone not very nice to you on the internet? :(

>> No.16841566

-64% ROI not very.

>> No.16841580
File: 25 KB, 1088x295, 1578886085251.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop or I will start fudding more you fucking pajeet

VIDT is a scam. Token not needed. They created VIDT for the sole purpose of raising money. Service idea came first and then VIDT got shoehorned into it. They needed a utility coin for an ICO, as otherwise it would have been a useless security token and have no chance of being listed on exchanges or being legal. They knew no one would want to invest in a "1 VIDT = 1 Validation" scheme because that would make it a stable coin and have no speculative value. Which also means that VIDT price doesn't matter to V-ID at this point, they already got their million dollars. Unless they want to dump. All buybacks are scams to raise the price, so you give them your lunch money and create liquidity to dump into when the time comes.

Token not needed. There is no staking and there is no reason to hold VIDT for an investor. What is the UTILITY of this token for you, anon? Why would hold 10,000 VIDT? Just holding it in case V-ID comes on IDEX and buys it off of you? Is that the utility right now?

>> No.16841671

:( :( :(

>> No.16841716
File: 891 KB, 1151x665, vidtygirl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a girl, and I hold VIDT.
If you don't own at least 20,000, I consider you a beta sissy faggot. Real men own VIDT. inb4 Tarundeep replies.

>> No.16841739

>I'm a girl, and I hold VIDT.
Is that why you're hiding your Adam's apple? Major sell signal.

>> No.16841753

>8 posts by this user
Seethe, Raahithya

>> No.16841781

You're awfully familiar with obscure Indian names I have never heard before in my life, Raynesh.

>> No.16841822

>ponzi buyback burns

do you even know the meaning of the words?

>> No.16841833

>everyone bought the ico
>everyone bought the top

people actually think like this

>> No.16841880
File: 256 KB, 1298x891, against-the-law-oh-no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do you even know the meaning of the words?
I do and so does the SEC, which is why VIDT will never be on any other exchanges (as confirmed in the AMA)

>> No.16841892
File: 81 KB, 831x468, 1569886405106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And pic related is the only reason why VIDT is still available on KuCoin.

>> No.16841903

>trading on any other exchange except for IDEX and KUCOIN

How do you find time to post fud and be a bootlicker?

>> No.16841916

>thinking burgers are the only people who buy crypto


>> No.16841932

>How do you find time to post fud and be a bootlicker?
>VIDT bagholders are having wet dreams of V-ID working with governments and expanding to the US
Make up your mind, VIDTard.

>> No.16841956

thanks for the free bamp loser


>> No.16841970

Ok, dump incoming.

>> No.16842692

55k vidt marine reporting in. Been hodling for a year now..

When $1?

>> No.16842716

soon fren

>> No.16842799
File: 67 KB, 916x430, vidiots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres a fucking classic

>> No.16843298

didnt read not selling

>> No.16843349

$50 eoy 2020

>> No.16843948

/our coin/