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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 13 KB, 394x394, VIDT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16839048 No.16839048 [Reply] [Original]

>One of the only alts with a real revenue stream that doesn't involve dumping on holders.
>Extremely transparent.
>Real time tracking of verification usage.
>20% Monthly Burn 10% Internal Supply & 10% Market Buy

So Anon, why aren't you buying one of the only legit projects in crypto?

>> No.16839074
File: 266 KB, 1070x800, big-vidt-shill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder V-ID requires nearly a $2000 year subscription. What does the monthly subscription get you? Literally nothing. N O T H I N G. Except you get a minor discount on every additional file you want to validate. Holy shit bagholders are retarded.

>> No.16839094
File: 119 KB, 678x542, itsover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a scam. Acronis has already cornered the security token market. Amspec is already signed on with them. Check out the front page of Huffpo

>> No.16839098

On time as usual fudster. See everyone how dedicated this Anon is, why doesn't he want you to buy? So he can accumulate more?

>> No.16839109

Gonna trust the anon running an EOL OS to know what a cutting edge project is when it slaps them across the face?

>> No.16839136


Acronis is putting out a top product, it's cheaper and people get it as part of a package. So when you buy their product you get the beta tested file verification free.


>> No.16839153

>On time as usual fudster.
Interesting how the OP in these shill threads are always familiar with me. How is that possible?

>> No.16839167

FUD to accumulate.

>> No.16839204


Why is the schizophrenic FUDster so passionate about FUDding VIDT? Does he genuinely care about the financial well-being of complete strangers to the point where he religiously shits up every single VIDT thread for the last several months? It's either that or he is hoping to accumulate for cheap.

>> No.16839206

I hope fudder will keep the price low for the rest of the 20th century. I will fud this shit myself if I have to to make sure you will never get rich. Fucking pajeets this coin is a scam.

>> No.16839219

Same thing happened with Link. They do it for a reason. At this point, it's become blatantly obvious.

>> No.16839249

>Does he genuinely care about the financial well-being of complete strangers to the point where he religiously shits up every single VIDT thread for the last several months?
Unironically, yes.

>I hope fudder will keep the price low for the rest of the 20th century.

>> No.16839286

I'm sure you do, the amount of time you have spent trying to fud this project is insane. I hope you seek mental help if you truly aren't fudding to fill your own bags.

>> No.16839303

It's clear you don't care for the financial well-being of complete strangers, which is why you keep shilling this shitcoin for months, always promising the bottom is in.

>> No.16839325

I have made no such promises, and VIDT is my main holding. I have seen all I need to see with it to know this is an excellent project.

>> No.16839334

I can hire a team of fudders anytime this shit tries to break 1500 resistance. This shitcoin will not pump more than 50% never in your life guys. Buybacks don't make a difference. I will make sure that I dedicate my life for fudding this shitcoin if Acronis fudder decides to stop. Why? Personal reasons with VIDT holder.

>> No.16839335
File: 40 KB, 1193x514, Breakout.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have broken up out of this triangle. The second leg up is going to be glorious.

>> No.16839347

>I can hire a team of fudders anytime this shit tries to break 1500 resistance.
>Why? Personal reasons with VIDT holder.

Imagine being this much an in incel. Holy shit.

>> No.16839374


Hence why smart people right now are accumulating BSV

>> No.16839376
File: 11 KB, 250x250, disappointed-rodent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have made no such promises, and VIDT is my main holding. I have seen all I need to see with it to know this is an excellent project.
AKA you don't care if other anons lose money, you simply want a temporary pump to get out because you were too greedy to sell the top. If you were confident about the project, you wouldn't need to make threads for months and make up lies. You would buy, set, and look at the price once or twice a month. The fact that VIDT is your main holding means you cannot be trusted.

>> No.16839378

I don't care if I have to pay thousands of dollars to make sure this shit stays low. I will fucking do it.

>> No.16839381

I will happily see you waste your money as this 100-1000x's.

>> No.16839390
File: 68 KB, 1193x514, 356115a7-4c39-480a-9f47-e566b555b4c7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16839400

VIDT is premined shitcoin with no volume. NEXT

>> No.16839409

thats allot of words just to say your a virgin

>> No.16839419

I remember my first shandy. Settle down there.

>> No.16839421

Maybe if you made your posts sound more like well-meaning opinions as opposed to heralding the absolute truth about a future which you clearly can't predict, your fud would have more impact.

>> No.16839439
File: 56 KB, 516x689, 1531221445350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw vidt is pumping in this moment

>> No.16839457

>Maybe if you made your posts sound more like well-meaning opinions as opposed to heralding the absolute truth about a future which you clearly can't predict, your fud would have more impact.
I can identify a scam, an illegal security, terrible tokenomics that could easily be exploited, and an overpriced service that is already cornered by a giant cyber security company that is trusted by every Fortune 1000 company. I don't state opinions, I state facts.

>> No.16839502

So you gave up on fudding link because you failed, and now you are preparing to fail at fudding vidt?

>> No.16839519

I never fudded LINK or made a single thread about it. I sold it shortly after it was added on Coinbase.

>> No.16839541

nah you fudded link too butthurt to admit it

>> No.16839548


>> No.16839579
File: 56 KB, 731x811, secure-upload-connection.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The project is overpriced and worthless. Customers cannot validate files in bulk, there is no software, and the team has to come to your place of business to validate or you have to upload all your sensitive files to the server of a small Dutch startup ran out of a shared office, next to a Subway sandwich shop. Pic related. To be a reseller of V-ID, you need to pay for tokens upfront, bought on exchanges, and hope to move it by roping in customers. Meaning the more tokens you need, the more you have to pay. Does that sound reasonable? Having to pay a company to sell their product? The tokens are worthless on their own. MLM pyramid scheme scam.

>> No.16839588


>> No.16839602

awwwww how cute you made an image <3

>> No.16839612

That's a screenshot, tard.

>> No.16839616

whoooos a clever boy!!!!

>> No.16839632

Telegram tranny mental breakdown ITT

>> No.16839673

remember anons, Acronis shill doesn't have your best interest in mind if you hold VIDT.

They have a personal beef with VIDT. They are trying to suppress the price and its failing. VIDT is going to moon hard and they are upset for some reason.

The stale fud will continue. you would almost believe he is getting paid to post that copypasta day in and day out.

Just hodl VIDT and enjoy the massive gains that are coming to you.

>> No.16839723


Face it, corporations are never going to spend 2k a year to streamline a verification process to 3 dudes living in their mom's basement in Amsterdam. See >>16839579

>> No.16839747

Then why are they having a round table with Vopak?

>> No.16839872

incase people don't know:

Royal Vopak N.V. is a Dutch multinational company that stores and handles various oil, chemicals, edible oils and natural gas-related products. The company was created by the merger of Van Ommeren and Pakhoed in 1999. Wikipedia
Stock price: VPK (AMS) €49.32 -0.24 (-0.48%)
Jan. 13, 5:35 p.m. GMT+1 - Disclaimer
Headquarters: Rotterdam, Netherlands
CEO: Eelco Hoekstra (Jan. 1, 2011–)
Revenue: 1.305 billion EUR (2017)
Subsidiaries: Vopak North America Inc., MORE

>> No.16840001

Because AmSpec will be there and they are also a reseller and get a cut.

>If you are interested in adding this new validation capability for your company’s AmSpec Quantity/Quality Certificates or want to discuss blockchain compatibility, please email us at
Any other question regarding V-ID, VIDTard?

>> No.16840125

>Face it, corporations are never going to spend 2k a year to streamline a verification process to 3 dudes living in their mom's basement in Amsterdam.
This. But it's $2000 a year + $2 per file. Companies only get 300 documents for "free", which if they use up in the first month, then stuck with paying 11 months worth of service that does NOTHING and UNUSABLE unless they pay an additional $2 charge for every file.

>> No.16840204

This thread inspired me to buy VIDT. Thanks, /biz/

>> No.16840211

smart move. buying before the massive bullrun VIDT is going to have is the best thing to do.

>> No.16840224

He tries so hard, it's hilarious.

>> No.16840239

Bagholders trying so hard to make it seem like anyone would be interested in this shitcoin. For no apparent logical reason. Quick, change IP!

>> No.16840268

Stop pumping



>> No.16840281

kek dont tell me there's people still actually holding this shitcoin

>> No.16840290


you really don't know the meaning of the word

>> No.16840303


>> No.16840309

Ask yourself why vidt threads appear every day. Do these anons want to help you or do they want you to pump their heavy heavy bags

>> No.16840314

If vidt holders were so confident in the project they would not post everyday

>> No.16840351 [DELETED] 
File: 448 KB, 471x514, VIDT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dare the schizo FUDster to prove that he is white. Only paid Indian Pajeets FUD this project. VIDT is unambiguously the most promising micro-cap project on /biz/ and will be worth $30 in the next 18 months. Seethe and cope, Pajeet.

>> No.16840432
File: 9 KB, 227x160, Chain-Document.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jannies got your thread got deleted, so you're posting it here?

>V-ID is only a subsidiary of WIDIDI. WIDIDI is a developer house that occasionally implements blockchain validation technology into their projects. VIDT will convert to shares next year, except the shares will be in the subsidiary, V-ID, and not the parent company WIDIDI. The only reason the team cares about the value of VIDT is because they have a referral program and want companies to sprout up for the sole reason of shilling this validation technology. One of these so called companies is called ChainDocument and they have three likes on Facebook and being ran out of a storage unit. The only way that company would ever have any value is if they forget to pay rent and someone from the show Storage Wars buys the contents of their unit. Which we can speculate to have one table, a lawn chair, and a Lenovo laptop stealing wi-fi from the neighboring apartments. Research the other partnerships. This is a dead coin. It's over.
>Lenovo laptop
Okay, Pim. Did you steal that napkin from Subway?

>> No.16840455

>Okay, Pim. Did you steal that napkin from Subway?
LMAO. I hate the schizo pajeet FUDster, but I admit he is pretty fucking hilarious at times. You gotta hand it to him, the Subway and cockroach-infested office building FUD is comedic gold.

>> No.16840457
File: 1.23 MB, 1425x1600, comfy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Jannies deleted the OBSESSED anon out of existence.

>> No.16840464
File: 328 KB, 436x448, VIDT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prove you are not a Pajeet. DO IT.

>> No.16840576

Nice Photoshop edit. But you forgot to crop out that 2004 laptop from the background, Raynesh.

>> No.16840607

Tarundeep, I need to save as many US dollars as possible so I can inject them right into VIDT. It is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Maybe if you spent less time curry-posting you would see that.

>> No.16840620

>I need to save as many US dollars as possible so
Try eating less Subway, fatty.

>> No.16841193
File: 66 KB, 1185x589, vidt-stole-this-idea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16841452

Anon just go buy some Acronis shares already if you love them so much.

>> No.16841534

Trust me, if it was possible to buy, I already would have. They increased their revenue by 30% since last year and opened up new offices.

>> No.16841564

Stay poor

>> No.16841581

V-ID will be 100% abandonware by EOY.

>> No.16841643
File: 25 KB, 1088x295, 1578886085251.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chuck E. Cheese token
VIDT is a scam. Token not needed. They created VIDT for the sole purpose of raising money. Service idea came first and then VIDT got shoehorned into it. They needed a utility coin for an ICO, as otherwise it would have been a useless security token and have no chance of being listed on exchanges or being legal. They knew no one would want to invest in a "1 VIDT = 1 Validation" scheme because that would make it a stable coin and have no speculative value. Which also means that VIDT price doesn't matter to V-ID at this point, they already got their million dollars. Unless they want to dump. All buybacks are scams to raise the price, so you give them your lunch money and create liquidity to dump into when the time comes.

Token not needed. There is no staking and there is no reason to hold VIDT for an investor. What is the UTILITY of this token for you, anon? Why would hold 10,000 VIDT? Just holding it in case V-ID comes on IDEX and buys it off of you? Is that the utility right now?

>> No.16841668
File: 905 KB, 1160x670, vidtgirl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would never even look at a man who doesn't hold a minimum of 20,000 VIDT. If you don't own VIDT, you don't deserve to call yourself a man..you're just a beta VIDTless sissy.

>> No.16841860

>I would never even look at a man who doesn't hold a minimum of 20,000 VIDT.
With that face, might be for the best.