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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16836150 No.16836150 [Reply] [Original]

What's your plan after you make it, biz?

>> No.16836174
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I think we both know ;)

>> No.16836277

Cocaine isn't worth the after effects

>> No.16836308 [DELETED] 


>> No.16836316 [DELETED] 

because i wont make it

>> No.16836329


>> No.16836363
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I will find someone to impregnate and keep her in a constant state of pregnancy.

>> No.16836402

kaczynski mode minus the bombs

>> No.16836456

-Buy land
-Put a nice house on it
-Live well
-Create, manage, and/or fund organizations that help the white race secure homogeneous homelands.

>> No.16836476

Shit on everyone

>> No.16836488

you just need to do more and never stop and have atlest 50k to deal with aftereffects of ethernal binge and prostitutes and alchochol. Yea its not worth

>> No.16836491

I will never make it.
I will die alone in my apartment and nobody will notice I'm gone.

>> No.16836498

Get better cocaine

>> No.16836501

Good luck having more sex when there’s 2+ little shits running around trying to find some bleach to drink or magnets to swallow.

>> No.16836511

Impregnation and farming

>> No.16836522

calm mindful living
-NO DRUGS (except dude weed and maybe occasionally pure LSD), especially no alcohol
-buy my family a small dairy farm with nice house and some cows and goats, near a lake

>> No.16836534
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>> No.16836547

I know this is a meme but some people really have made it, so it's not really a question that more of us will eventually make it
So here's a better question for you all, how do you get around taxes assuming you actually become a millionaire

>> No.16836559

Make a sekret club with my frens and control global trajectories

>> No.16836562

Find a gf and start a family. I don't want my kids to struggle. If I don't make it then I'm just gonna die alone.

>> No.16836565

touch nothing and immediately call a good lawyer

>> No.16836571

blow all the money on a lambo, drugs, prostitutes and another lambo.
then i will try and get a job at McDonalds, saw this heart warming video which suggest that even middle-aged and old people can work there.

>> No.16836575

Be the same sperg as right now, only richer.

>> No.16836583

Two chicks....at the same time

>> No.16836651

Quit wagecuck immediately. Probably take a year off focusing on fitness, health and mental wellbeing. Visit friends during this time and Road trip some national parks. Basically take enough time to re-wire my brain from growing up to be a cog in the machine. Seriously, I think my work and the whole wageslave process gives me PTSD.

>> No.16836675

Do the same thing I do now (play games, consoom media, and be a lazy fuck) but in my own house and with all the time in the world. Probably would develop some more expensive hobbies like getting a pilots licence and flying around for fun. Maybe travel to japan and eat at nice restaurants.

>> No.16836783
File: 1.11 MB, 1748x972, 1_2CmHvUouw3pIeX_tnsbCRQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy a boat, travel the world, use my ALGOs everywhere, that's pretty much what's gonna happen right?

>> No.16837027

Uni stem meme again, this time I at least know why I want it.
Only need like 130k or so, at 30k now

>> No.16837045

Use the money to fund the Fourth Reich

>> No.16837080


>> No.16837092

There's no comedown off good coke.

>> No.16837101


>> No.16837128

Well when I made it to 7 figures I proceeded to drop 80% of it into shitcoins and lost 60% of it
I live in a tiny apartment and do online codemonkey work, stare or the window and browse /biz/ waiting for the bullrun that will never be
Life truly is suffering
no larp

>> No.16837140

The same as now, i just dont have to worry about money, wich i did alot growing up

>> No.16837147

oh and the cash I did have I wasted on fancy traveling

>> No.16837163

I keep hearing this meme. Its either a meme or murrica mostly has bunk

>> No.16837167

buy a rolls royce wraith and spit on my old teachers

>> No.16837171

buy this shitty site and ban everyone who makes "when you make it" threads
none of you losers will ever make it

>> No.16837179

Tell people I have some prestigious job to explain my vast wealth, while actually just staying at home and posting on /biz/ like I do now. Might even set up an office for it.

>> No.16837192

id do the same desu

>> No.16837193

When Will YOU make it tho?

>> No.16837201

Actually some of us are going to make it. Kys faggot

>> No.16837203

Get a ton of silencers and make a nice, comfy fortress in the middle of the woods with my husband. We will wait for the neoliberal world to collapse and hopefully live long enough to see fascism take over.

And buy a $3k gaming computer for both of us and a lot of psychedelics, weed, and beer.

>> No.16837236
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I will help my three brothers and sister. Thinking of having a lambo as my trophy. Buy a nice house and move in with my mom.

>> No.16837264

Most coke is shit.

>> No.16837276

Sooner that everyone else here
Even if that were true most of you are going to lose it all judging by what's been posted in this thread

>> No.16837318

Buy 4chan and permban everything I dont like.

>> No.16837328


>> No.16837391

spend time for reading and meditating, maybe work on something i find important for humanity, maybe just enjoy the inner peace

>> No.16837507

Whats the point of making it if I will never have my ex gf back and i cant forget or get over her? Im just going to give all my money to my parents and kms in a few months if I see that my life is still the same sad and depressed af.
I just hate myself so much for wasting time doing nothing and crying about her and not getting with other women

>> No.16837522

this is truly making it

>> No.16837575

You need to move on for the white race. If you’re not white disregard this advice and proceed with your plan

>> No.16837589

Heroin and cocaine. Then spend it all on house's,cars,jets, yachts, collectables, gambling, options,bitmex and crypto. All 800 billion. Spend spend spend.

>> No.16837600

Korean wife and 4 healthy and happy half breed kids

>> No.16837631



>> No.16837642

Beta cope

>> No.16837650

How do I move on?

>> No.16837927
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But sometimes when we kiss we say no homo

>> No.16837969

lots of anal with 18 year olds

>> No.16838013
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Figuring out where it goes with these two.

>> No.16838061

>muh jews are genociding muh huwyte race
beta cope

>> No.16838175

Why anal and not vaginal? Queer.

>> No.16838277


If I make enough to pay for my current lifestyle I'll quit immediately and live the good life, just working on my own projects/hobbies, travel a bit, move to a smaller town, find a wife and have as many kids as possible.
Maybe buy some property next to a lake and set it up for offgrid living that my family can vacation to, or I can retire to.

If I make more than a few million I'll setup a trust for my family, so they all get a share of dividends every quarter.
Also around that wealth point I'd have people work on projects for me, so if I have an idea for something like a game I'll hire a few people to make it, and potentially transition that into a game studio. Every 1.5-2million invested you can essentially hire a decent developer fulltime without depleting the value of your nest egg, so even if every project crashes and burns you aren't risking much.

At a certain wealth point, somewhere over 20 million, I think the only thing that would change is taking private jets to travel or go on vacation. Fuck typical airlines.

>> No.16839197

Checked. You gonna make it anon.

>> No.16839236

keep making it
buy property

>> No.16839265


I made it years ago. And I am still trying to figure out what my plan is. Other than being lazy. Nothing changes really. YOU don't change. You now have money and can buy what you want. That's it. Having nice things gets just as boring as everything else.

>> No.16839285
File: 23 KB, 280x320, concrete victorian house 1873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to build a house comparable to this. Solid poured concrete, but with classic styling.

>> No.16839324

dont want em to get pregnant ya dummy

>> No.16839348

I just want to not have to get a job and be able to afford a car, a house, food, and drugs.

>> No.16839561

thanks fren
I worry I might end up doing this, just being lazy, content, without much purpose. I feel that's a straight pathway to an early death.
Have you seen any ideas in this thread that you'd be interested in doing? Since you're in that position already you have the opportunity to go any direction you choose, you just have to seize it.

>> No.16839590

I want to have all my clothes personally tailored to fit. Thats it. Also I want to own a personal gym and eat meat everyday

>> No.16839676


Tried and done most of these things. I was even lucky enough to get divorced without her getting money. It's all pretty boring in the end. There's always sex, and a few hobbies that are fun. And alcohol. But in the end, no matter what you do, travel, party, buy new shit, invest in real estate, oversee renovations, whatever it is... it all gets tiresome and boring. In the end you just get sick of people too. There is no long lasting happiness in life.

>> No.16839739

basically just travel. Buy a car in Europe and drive around hitting all the countries. Hit the rest of the U.S. States, probably go to Argentina and Chile and then parts of Asia. I want to go to Morocco and Tunisia as well so perhaps take a ferry from sSpain to there

>> No.16840070

get a hobby, stupid

>> No.16840308

Sorry to hear that's where you're at, there's a lot of truth in how everything becomes tiresome.

I used to have that same feeling about everything, just bored with everything, but something this past year shifted my worldview wildly. I started getting pissed off with the direction society was going, how everything has been moving more left, how everything is "straight white men are bad", how sick trans people are targeting children to try to normalize themselves, how there are naked men in gay parades with children around, how it's somehow radical to not want men self-identifying as female sharing a woman's locker room with actual women, how white people have become forbidden from advocating for our own self-interest like other racial groups do, how immigration is displacing almost every country's people with a random mix of other people while actively discouraging you from having kids "for the environment".
I honestly used to not give a shit about any of it, I didn't really care what people did as long as they are respectful, but fuck they keep pushing their ideology into every aspect of my life, the schools, my workplace, entertainment, public spaces, and corrupting children.
I came to the realization that I don't want any of this to keep happening and being indifferent means it will continue being forced on everyone.
Part of this change in my worldview made me start embracing my racial identity, and that made me want to start having kids. I didn't used to want to have kids, but now I want a hundred of them. Can you imagine that? Just 100 of your direct descendants taking over an entire town, growing up into full adults, all helping each other create and build an empire, and then having children of their own.
100 kids is of course absurd, 10 kids is more realistic. Point is, this change gave me a larger purpose, or at least something I could push against.
Bottom line is, who cares if life is boring when you can work towards a long term goal like that?

>> No.16840394

You're a fucking meme man, can't believe there's actually regards like you out there

>> No.16840569

wake up

>> No.16840581

>no bribe authorities with all the money you have
cringe and bluepilled

>> No.16841604


>> No.16841706

>move out to nowhere
>buy ramshackle garbage dump
>be racist
You can do that right now just work harder on getting out of that trailer park.

>> No.16841725

treat myself to something expensive

>> No.16841729

imagine saying this without a hint of irony today.
Sometimes the born too late meme really feels real.

>> No.16841798

Hiding behind layers of irony is 2012 sõy cringe tier. Speak your mind plainly anon, don't be afraid to be sincere.

>> No.16841843

Make a hyper-realistic fursuit with full electronics/cooling/robotics/whatever. Will put about 50 grand in it.

Will also spend thousands of dollars a month commissioning art from the top artists, pissing everyone in the fandom the fuck off

>> No.16841884

it's not hiding.
What I'm saying is that a noble statement wherein you declare yourself free of responsibilities to other parties and generally free of consuming is really not very feasible today at all for a public official.
That statement, while noble then, is basically impossible now.

>> No.16841990

I mean "given that I'm financially independent," "can return to private life at any time"
That's fucking fantasy for like 98% of the population and I'm in the lowest 25th%.

>> No.16842030

Start a family.

>> No.16842043

Definitely the middle two you could get a start on even before you make it bro

>> No.16842103

I've only had highly rated dnm coke and never had a problem going to sleep
sometimes I would take 15 min naps and then get back to doing more
but after a week of daily use your skin starts to go and you start looking drained no matter how good it is
it isn't as safe as say heroin for daily use

>> No.16842121
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Absolutely the same. I'm going to be like the werewolf from Hotel Transylvanian.

>> No.16842261

Immediately: expensive dinner and maybe a fancy hooker for the night.
Day after: Swiss /madeit/ watch to commemorate the occasion.
Short term: set up a bank deposit with a high interest rate so I can earn some passive income on the side.
Set my parents up for retirement.
Mid term: shop for a nice house in a good neighborhood.
Move in, pick up a couple of comfy hobbies.
Long term: start a family.

>> No.16842295

based, this is also my plan.
also keep a harem of breeding w*men for me to seed the next generation with as many kids as i can.

>> No.16842454

>buy a nice house in a nice neighborhood
>buy a nice car
>bang shitload of girls
>party hard
>enjoy my life in general

>> No.16842526

2 prostitute same time

>> No.16842539

To fund the scientific advancement. Already doing this on a smaller scale though.

>> No.16842540

Move somewhere that gets decent interest rates which is pretty much anywhere except the US. Hell some third world shitholes offer 10% just for having a bank account and depositing usd and you get the interest back in usd. In USA your luck if you get .01%

>> No.16842586

kek. no.
buy FRM

>> No.16842598


>> No.16842606
File: 137 KB, 1591x1042, The LM Investment Engine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so far so good.
black across the board

>> No.16842624

Move somewhere remote and spend all my time training my body and doing whatever I want in complete isolation.

>> No.16842674

who is this based author?

>> No.16842693


Break up with my loyal girlfriend of 5 years and bang escorts, quit my job and buy a joystick and play TIE Fighter all day on DOSBox to get the old school music. Then with the rest of my money, I will hire a good wealth manager like Northern Trust and have them set up an endowment to help fund ultra-right wing organizations, like a crowd-sourced wiki database of illegals and anchor babies.

>> No.16842725

>thousands of dollars a month commissioning art from the top artists
you'd have all the time and best available tools/resources in the world to mastet the craft yourself and you'd rather blow thousands just commissioning what you want from popofur artists? Typical consoomer.

>> No.16842804

>350$ rent
In a shipping container?

>> No.16842822

literally the same reason patrons of the arts would commission things back when. They liked the different styles v and techniques but it's difficult to embody all of that yourself even if you are talented.
But with degeneracy. Fuckin kill it with fire.

>> No.16842830

have some fun, buy buddies beer, buy some more guns and a million rounds of ammo. train 13 hour days every day, become the best shooter in the world, win all the gold medals in three gun and olympics, maybe join the military and try to join special operations, after i leave start a ranch in the middle of nowhere and train civilians and police better ways to shoot. continue to win competitions and maybe wife up a gun bunny who will spank me until i cry

>> No.16842878

travel, chill, work even more

>> No.16842913

Create a non-profit construction company to build affordable housing.
Travel and have sex with expensive escorts.

>> No.16843460

Fuck you race mixer.

T. a hapa

>> No.16843472

kill yourself

>> No.16843513
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>noooooo!!! You can't just have 10 white children!! Only niggers and arabs are allowed to breed!

>> No.16843520

shoebox room with 6 roommates yeah.

>> No.16843599

King Moment

>> No.16843609

Hookers n blow.....duhhhhhh

>> No.16843797

Time. Time and environment change. I felt just like you for years. Now I don’t think twice about her. AMA.

>> No.16844287

Hjalmar Schacht, saved Germany during the 30's and worked with Hitler until he decided he went to far and tried to assasinate him. Not many people know about him, a small part of me wants to keep it that way whilst the greater part wants good people to appreciate him.

>> No.16844302


>> No.16844377
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Write a killer dapp and launch it on as many blockchains as possible, eos, tron fleta, eth, matic, cosmos

>> No.16844399

unironically this

Just trying to make it big and buy Mountain and Beach land in a adjacent state next to me, and a beach state next to me

>> No.16844426 [DELETED] 

Travel from town to town (like pokemon without pokemon), climb mointains, hangglide, skydive, hide from my family and keep daytrading.

>> No.16844432

Made a nice amount from that tbf.
ALGO/ATOM though, have you seen how much is being staked there - easy moneyz.

>> No.16844434

I just snorted a fat fucking line not 60 seconds ago.
My nose stings like hell and I've lost any and all sensitivity in my tongue.

>> No.16844888
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No point staking ATOM when ALGO is available desu. Diversification is for plebs.