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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16831470 No.16831470 [Reply] [Original]

>every year things get automated more and more
>the cutoff line for making profit doing ANYTHING will get so high that most of us will literally be an economic liability by simply existing

>> No.16831484

thats why you need to make it and make it soon

>> No.16831497

this is why stinks are important

>> No.16831520


>> No.16831536

I disagree, I think the fact that consumers are needed for so much of the economic process right now that it is an antifragile self-correcting type of situation. If automation overshoots too much too quickly, it will fail due to a lack of consumer demand to support it. This is why UBI is so insidious, it distorts the signalling mechanism behind this and shifts the power more in the direction of political considerations rather than economic ones.

>> No.16831608

Your already an economic liability when you're born, or did you pop out the womb with a sickle ready to farm?

>> No.16831655

It's why socialism is pretty much guaranteed Automation and AI are going to leave everyone unemployed. Thirty years from now, Bernie Sanders' platform will seem conservative. But idiots on here think capitalism has a future.

>> No.16831659

Death's Cursed Children.

>> No.16831675
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Accumulate wealth while you still can.

>> No.16831693

You can always suck dick for money, dont worry.

>> No.16831753
File: 12 KB, 600x450, merlin_135847308_098289a6-90ee-461b-88e2-20920469f96a-articleLarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The New World Order taught
you physics and other material disciplines solely as means for Them to reach another planet and absolutely nothing else.
Mission accomplished.
You slave nerds and brutes may perish now.
Good job.

>> No.16831782

maybe Ted had a point huh

>> No.16831813

You're just feeling the squeeze of stagflation. The tension will be released soon, don't worry if you've prepared.
These goys seem to know what's up.

>> No.16831816

oh yeah socialism will solve it

the robots will work and all the humans will receive free everything from the government. Not a lot mind you just enough to survive of course.

You're not allowed to strive for anything greater or aspire to have a better life some day because there are no more jobs for humans. You're born and from day 1 you exist purely to consume and nothing more.

Sounds like utopia to me, an even better utopia than the original communists could imagine since you don't even have to work at all and having to work is bad. Eternal leisure.

>> No.16831836

What's your alternative, then? Wage labor will be entirely obsolete.

>> No.16831888
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but with UBI we would get automation and not have to work as much, versus your scenario where we have to use shittier technology and work more just because

>> No.16831892

Buy stocks. Own the means of automation.

>> No.16831924

yeah so let's have a society where people are literally going to starve and die on the street because there is literally no work for them.

libertarian spergs on 4chan have told me that this is a good thing, that these low skill people deserve to die. are you gonna do that too

>> No.16831980

what else do you want?
in the future only super smart scientists will be useful, should they work to sustain 7 billion retards who play video games all day?

>> No.16831992

the reality is all these jobless people are going to survive on welfare in one form or another. we might as well make it official and efficient with a UBI system, rather than with foodstamps, government housing, heating fuel subsidy...etc.

>> No.16831994

>yeah so let's have a society of purposeless drug-addicted sacks of flesh

The point is that giving everyone free money isn't going to solve all of our problems, sorry if you are too dumb to understand that people actually need jobs to survive and not just for the money they earn from them.

A potential soft solution is some sort of strong regulations on automation and AI. Funny the other faggot implies I'm some sort of libertarian retard just because I'm suggesting FREE SHIT FOR ALL isn't a viable solution to the more complex problem of increasing automation

A more hard "solution" is a total collapse of the system and some sort of violent revolution. That's where I think it will lead eventually anyway if some sort of soft solution isn't implemented. A life of unending leisure and free stuff will only entertain the masses for a short time.

>> No.16832238


There will be robots sucking your cock

>> No.16832423

the key difference is that in the current system, consumption is gated by value produced. after UBI became the norm and was adjusted to, consumption would ultimately become gated moreso by political permission than it is now, and less by value produced. I trust the market to allocate resources more than committees of politicians and technocrats for most parts of the economy

>> No.16832477

automation will only eliminate so many jobs. i work with robots currently as a mechanic. they can only really do the “course” work for you, all the “fine” stuff needs to be done by humans (think mechanical rejects). a human to keep the machine fed or operating/ free of jams and errors is usually needed also. we have to do preventative maintenance checklists for all the machines every night, troubleshoot/ fix them when they break down. recently we even have self driving forklifts. these still need programmed and maintained by humans. also most things will always need cleaned every day. the redpill is longing engineers/software coders/IT/mechanics/technicians/janitors

>> No.16832522
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Based & redpilled.

>> No.16832580

People who cannot get a job in automated economy can form their own closed economy and work for each other.
Why are there so many socialists on biz?

>> No.16832642

Theres at least a hundred million adults in the US not employed. The automation is already here. Technology has also made existing jobs easier aka less skillful aka low wage

>> No.16833631

Automation will trivialize the cost of free shit. No, not everyone will be getting a lambo, but it will cost pennies for a human being to be comfortably sustained in a small home with food, water, and electronics, with automated vehicles available for transportation on demand

>> No.16834370

Water would only become more expensive in the future. The process of potable water production is already automated.

>> No.16834385
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>buy the absolute top

>> No.16834411
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If robots take the jobs, people have no money to spend. If they aren’t spending money, how will the markets record demand? How will the robots know what to produce?