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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 169 KB, 650x433, 1576700257050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16825482 No.16825482 [Reply] [Original]

You can post the same stale fud. Fudbingo.com blog you. XRP will be the only one LEFT STANDING

>> No.16825490

0.19 usd. Its already derisked to death.


>> No.16825491

going down the veins.. up the nostrils...

>> No.16825498

Lol boomer cope posting. How's it feel having lost your retirement fund on this scam? Has the cold reality that you will be working till you are 85 sunk in yet?

>> No.16825499

>postponed indefinitely
>700k dumps turn to 3,5m dumps
>we are expanding
>3,5m dumps turn to even larger dumps
>w-we really need the money f-for uh development
>circulating supply is at 650m
>brand new heartbeats!
>100 of them, 100 link paid every minute, looks broken
>flaw in the heartbeat contract, looking for a fix.
>contract sends heartbeat payments to sergey's wallet at a rate of 10k link/minute
>we have fixed the issue with new heartbeats
>team of pajeets doing it manually. atleast the aggregation works.
>community hackathon 1000 link to winner
>circulating supply is at 800m, host events as distraction to dump the rest
>chainlink staking release sibos 2020
>perfect, seems legit, prepare final dump
>sibos 2020, this time INSIDE the public toilets
>smart contract triggers 200m link market sell when staking tweet is out
>staking is out
>linkmarines ecstatic, they don't notice the supply
>we thank you for your service, linkmarines
>that's weird, why did they tweet that out
>the first linkies notice the now fully inflated supply
>didn't see; never selling
>sergey is enjoying his 2 billion dollars in the caribbean
>never thought pulling a scam could be this easy!
>something is wrong
>sergey feels empty inside
>that's weird, feels like something's missing
>he decides to check cmc for link's price
>oh no no no no, phfh... ppfaahahahahaaaahhhhahaaaaa!!
>aaaah, that's what i was missing, hahhahaah
>it's not even a single satoshi, how will the linkmarines cope
>i can't believe i actually made $2bln with an erc-10 scam token
>linkmarines bought the dip, all the way down to their last breath
>thank you for your service, link.. ppffthhpf .. marines! pfhhahahahahaha

>> No.16825521

.19 where?

>> No.16825524


>> No.16825575

Riddle me this you fucktards - if XRP is supposedly the new world currency in the making or something, why does it need to be shilled every day on /biz?

>> No.16825615
File: 59 KB, 377x480, 1578721538046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spoonfeed me
>I have $100

>> No.16825633
File: 91 KB, 1280x720, rippleScam2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


- 50% is owned by Ripple still

- 80% owned by top 100 wallets

- Billions still held by several founders and Jeb Mccaleb is going to get 2 billion released from escrow free for dumping this year.

Already derisked to death? The dumping hasn't even started. Worse thing is there are no buyers because people are not falling for this scam and its scam use case anymore. Nobody is retarded enough to believe banks will use this after years of hype an dlies

>> No.16825643

I hope you are just pretending not to understand the question, for your sake

>> No.16825650
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Wat kinda person recycles expired fud, stalks xrp threads and keeps a folder of xrp fud images

>> No.16825660

OK, a retard it is

>> No.16825689
File: 432 KB, 800x800, ripple4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't get paid rupees to spam ripple threads on a basketweaving forum faggot. FUD is a term used by scammers to deflect criticisms of their scam. now go suck this ogre's dick

>> No.16825768

>50% is owned by Ripple still
>not 100%
It doesn't matter who holds XRP, because it's 100% dependent on Ripple stuff making it 100% centralized and not your money. It's the same with banks. You don't actually own your $, bank is just lending it to you.

>> No.16825787

fuck off shill. XRP is a shitcoin and you know it. how heavy are your bags. you filthy filthy whore.

>> No.16825833

Here's proof
You can't even make wallet truly yours, like other cryptocurrencies. I wonder why? maybe because ripple isn't even a traditional cryptocurrency but database masquerading as one?
>Similar to the minimum balance requirements
of traditional banks, Ripple requires you to
deposit and maintain a balance greater than 20
XRP at all times to use the ledger.
You have to pay 20 XRP to use ledger that isn't even yours.

Only certified retards invest in this scam.

>> No.16825839

I don't know you fucktard why does Chainshit gets shilled every thread?

No one is fucking shilling xrp, we are informing people who want to make it what to hold.

>> No.16825853
File: 100 KB, 1600x1200, 1578837951-347241064983429121-CHART-TV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow your post is totally convincing and doesnt make you sound like a fucking faggot nigger retard at all.

>> No.16825867

Yeah no you stupid fucking idiot, nice cherry picking. Ripple can't freeze funds, ripple's (Gateways) can. The Exchanges can freeze funds if it was stolen, but ripple themselves can't.

>Similar to the minimum balance requirements
The 20 XRP is an arbitrary balance to stop retards like you from spamming the network. there are actual low iq retards that try to spam the ripple network and don't realize that no one gives a shit because you have to spend thousands of dollars to do it.

Sub-iq like you stay poor and clean my toilet

>> No.16825882

All these retards bought high, sold low and now FUD

Bought at 0.17 and enjoying the steady rise from 0.17 to 1$

>> No.16825918

Making an Xrp thread is just asking to argue with street shitters. Xrp could do a 78000% run and pajeets would still flock to these threads to cry scam.
Your average /biz/jeet only wants a 1000EOY get rich quick scheme and his research is limited to “oh a dev for this coin worked on eth so this is the same as getting in early on eth”

>> No.16826337

XRP has been following bitcoin for over a year now, that post is more a reason why bitcoin is shit and not xrp.

>> No.16826345

Premined shitcoin

>> No.16826385

>spamming the network
Not a problem with Bitcoin. Miners are incentivised to handle "spam".

Dont like it STIFF

>> No.16826483

>miners are incentivized to spam the network

yeah that is also a reason why bitcoin is trash, miners are incentivized by making transaction fee's high as possible while also centralizing the network by creating larger and larger mining pools.

>> No.16826514
File: 511 KB, 1080x2088, Screenshot_20200112-095335_Discord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>xrp is following btc
Yeah ok retard

>> No.16826673
File: 149 KB, 1134x1082, 4645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice selfie.

You can stop embarrassing yourself already, we know you are a dumbass who doesn't know how to read a chart.

>> No.16826768

The jeets hate XRP because they can’t run their fucking scams with it. It’s too big of a market cap for these curry stenched faggots. Others hate it because they bought at the top and got ass fucked.

>> No.16826778

He'll yah, brother. I'm 30,000 strong. Just waiting at this point.

>> No.16826965
File: 297 KB, 1789x881, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XRP is following what btc did in 2015, if it follows the trend for the next 6 months it will be a 45x ROI putting it at roughly $9

>> No.16827578

Look at all the glorious fudders! I havent seen this much fud since the old days.

XRP. The Chosen One. Get in or get out of the way. ENDGAME

XRP in reverse is PRX

PX = Phoenix

R = Rothschild