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1682141 No.1682141 [Reply] [Original]

>hipsters millennial barista cucks are mad they can't afford real estate in downtown international cities

>this is an economic problem, it's not their fault its income inequality

>they will never accept the fact that if they can't compete economically its time to pack their bags and get out of the kitchen so to speak, to the middle of no where

>> No.1682144

I agree. All these poor liberals (and minorities) want to live in the city for the nightlife and fun but can't afford it. Get out, commute like everyone else.

>> No.1682151

I don't live in the city, and it's nearly impossible to find an apartment without mold/bugs or something wrong for less than 1100

>> No.1682153

It doesn't help when you have 60 of them packed into a fucking studio.

I would love to be able across the street from the clubz and shit because that's the easiest way to get pussy, but I can't afford it I'm not whining about it though, I'm working on increasing my income

>> No.1682157

Sounds like a load of bullshit.

>> No.1682159

real estate prices are astronomical

look at how many years you had to work for a average house 50 years ago

I'm not saying millennials should get free housing in downtown

>> No.1682162

just look up the prices from my country Luxembourg (http://www.globalpropertyguide.com/Europe/Luxembourg))
Where I live the average apartment costs around 450k € / 1600€ per month and it's not even city center

>> No.1682167

isn't luxembourg like one of the richest countries in the world

>I don't want to live in a "flyover state" the post

>> No.1682181
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>I deny economic reality

>> No.1682186
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hipster millennials are still cucks tho,
the game is rigged against them and they complain instead of buying rope

>> No.1682188

>live in BFE
>get a manual labor job in light industry making 40-50k /yr in stable environment (automotive supplier)
>apt or condo for 80k-130k
>houses for 100-200k

wew its a tough lyfe mayne

>> No.1682199

If I had a job that could work anywhere, I would move to some rural shit hole and build a mansion. Unfortunately my field is so niche that there's only a handful of cities where I can live unless I want to completely change career paths. With the economy switching towards specialized knowledge and advanced degrees, most people are to have to live in large urban areas. Maybe the telecommute meme will go mainstream one day so I can live in Kentucky while working in Manhattan

>> No.1682371

And yet you're probably the same guy who complains about the nepotism of Jews.

Face it "get a better job" isn't an option for everyone - not that you shouldn't TRY to do so, geography affects your ability to network and get jobs.

>> No.1682483
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>be me
>lower class, poor, shitty job, barely getting by
>living in public housing in drug-fucked crime ridden neighbourhood
>see entitled, middle-class hipster faggots unironically complaining about the 'bourgoisie' and the 1%

>> No.1682504

Ever heard of this thing called an airplane?

>> No.1682537

Yes I have, how many hours does a barista wagecuck have to work make moving to a new city, sometimes country, in the search of better employment conditions viable?

Grass is always greener...
You could be in Aleppo right now.
Then again, you could be a 1%

>> No.1682540

About a week at minimum wage work will you get a one way plane ticket to anywhere in the contiguous US. But you are too busy spending your entire paycheck on the newest Apple product to realize that.

>> No.1682545
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>tfw work at a NYC starbucks
>have to have 10 roommates in order to survive

>> No.1682546

>About a week at minimum wage work will you get a one way plane ticket to anywhere in the contiguous US. But you are too busy spending your entire paycheck on the newest Apple product to realize that.

Firstly I'm not from the U.S.
Secondly Apple sucks (but fair stereotype of hipsters)
Thirdly: what about accommodation? Living expenses until I can commence salaried work? Transport in a new city?

Actually, I can do it, but that's only because I have well off parents who I could borrow the money from.

>> No.1682547

kek even better if you're white and they lecture you on white privilege, and even further better if you're a white immigrant.

>> No.1682550

>implying the cost of moving is just a plane ticket

The bubble will pop eventually, and I'll be in prime position to buy up lots of land.

Also fuck you OP you pretentious nig.

>> No.1682551


how the fuck would someone with min wage afford to live when he landed?

and if they have a min wage job, how would they gain employment in a small town, where there is less employment, with a shitty resume of a menial labor worker, vs getting a job at McDonalds in a big city...?

the answer is, you are fucking retarded.

>> No.1682565

You're supposed to find a better job BEFORE you move you idiot.

>> No.1682595

You really haven't thought this through have you?
Min wagecuck in a small town has to save their pennies from making coffees or whatever their job is, constantly apply for jobs at the same time in a larger city. They need to have enough money to fly over and stay a day or two in the city for an interview, and then if they GET the job enough to tie them over until they get their first paycheck?

Compare to person living within 20 minute commute of great job, maybe instead of saving money they do things to improve their employment prospects: buy nice suite, do short courses in upskilling, which our barista wagecuck hasn't the opportunity to do because they're pinching pennies to save up for a potential move.


>> No.1682604

Nobody brought up jews dumbass

>> No.1682613

That's what I wanna do but its not really an option for me.

My entire family and my girlfriends family all live on long island so I can't really leave, but you can't stay on long island unless you and your spouse are both clearing six figs so its kind of a shitty situation.

>> No.1682729

>be me
>CS degree
>move back to childhood home after college
>poor neighborhood, constant shootings over scraps
>nearest CS opportunities are 45-60 miles away
>apply to 50 companies
>13 get back to me
>10 rejections, 1 based recruiter giving me actual advice, 1 shit code screen, 1 shit code screen that made me use my webcam

>> No.1682733

i mean sure, but you need to find people that can afford it too.
you can't base a value on location alone, you need to take into consideration geo-economics (part of the reason for bubbles)

>> No.1682816

>work in a factory
>lmaoing at everyone crying when I have a 5 minute commute
>live in a small town of 10k
>Wahha there's nothing to do no night life :^( I deserve to live in Manhattan!!

>I'm pretentious

>> No.1682900
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>want to live in a city thats more than a truckstop
>rent is $1000 for a studio with no kitchen

>> No.1682905

If the fed normalizes interest rates housing will stop going up. All the liquidity they pumped in all wound up in real estate. There is no "inflation" in that bread is still cheap but you pay 50% your income for a roof.

>> No.1682906

>be good wage slave
>get angry when rich wage slaves bitchs about being a slave

Truly you are an uncle Tom anon.

>> No.1682925

Yea you unironically think you're better than other people for silly ass reasons. Why do you get so buttblasted over this?

Yea you're a pretenious little bitch.

>> No.1682954

Man, living in a medium-large size city in the Midwest rules.

>> No.1682955

>Pay $1,250 a month for 600 sqft 1 bedroom apartment
>Split with girlfriend
>Want to buy a house
>Mortgage will be cheaper than rent, but everything under $250K is absolute shit
>Don't want to bury myself in that kind of debt
>Continue to pay rent and hoard as much cash as I can
>Patiently awaits market crash so I can get a good deal

>> No.1683176

I don't think I'm better than anyone you fucking retard. I'm a fucking pleb at a factory in a "flyover state"

Fact is if you can't compete economically, then stop crying and move, if you're in the U.S., you have an entire country to live in

>> No.1683945


>> No.1683984

Aaannnnddd why don't you move to a Starbucks in Missouri where you can live a decent life?

>> No.1685241

b-but muh night lyfe

>> No.1685280


>libfag hipsters chased me out of Philly
>in country 45 mins outside Richmond 3 bdr 2 bath house surrounded by woods
>700 month

>> No.1685301

>t. Autismo 400 lbs. faggot

>> No.1685310

>ignoring that food prices also rise

Lmao this board just gets more and more delusional

>> No.1685315

>living in flyover shithole
>being worth the air you breath
Pick one

>> No.1685322

Man, fuck night life. If I could move to some rural shitehole in Scotland or Wales, I'd go for it in a heartbeat. Alas, the jobs in the electronic sector are where I'm at, the deep and sandnigger-infested south, where it costs at least 400£ a month to rent out a shoebox under the stairs some arsehole had the gall to call a room. Don't even get me started on renting a flat on your own.

>> No.1685336

>grow up in city
>do good deeds, get university degree
>all entry level jobs have shit pay and it's 400k for a shoebox condo, $2k a month for rent, or you have to commute for 3+ hours daily
>even with decent pay 50%+ of your income goes towards housing

>Sorry anon, you'll have to move out to somewhere you've never been with questionable future opportunity. Say goodbye to your parents and all your friends who would support you if you fuck up and move, leech. Over the age of 18 and still live with your parents? What a loser. You only want to live in the city to fuck people don't you? Just man up and do it pussy. You don't want to be poor do you?

Good bait thread. If I was a rational human being I would have been globetrotting for shekels a long time ago. Fact is not everyone is autistic as you are.

>> No.1685357

I mean, even if you live in NYC the boonies still have great property while only being a couple hours away from everything

>> No.1685364
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>t. you

>> No.1685368
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>t. Flyover state posters

>> No.1685374

Supply and Demand, faggot.

You know, you NEVER hear about people in Hawaii complaining. It's harder to make it in Hawaii than fucking NYC.

They live with their parents till they're like 30 and no one gives a fuck. Not my problem you actually give a shit if people call you a "loser" for living with your parents.

You aren't entitled to downtown, commute like everyone else if you can't "make it big"
As OP, I should make it clear that I'm only referring to Americans. I have no idea about real estate markets in other countries.

>warren buffet lives in Omaha


>> No.1685375

I guess I'm just a whiny millennial for not wanting to commute for 4/5 hours of my day.

>> No.1685379

One of the biggest tragedies of millennials is that they couldn't act on the super cheap real estate prices of 2008-09 because they were already in college or had massive debt.

Anyone who bought up Brooklyn real estate in 2008 is likely making a house made entirely of hookers who made a human house and can just go fuck a wall whenever they want right now.

>> No.1685382

>warren buffet
>anything but jewish trash

Try again

>> No.1685386

>I don't have to eat or commute or pay rent during that week so it's 100% profit for le plane ticket!

>> No.1685391

>havinng a wagecuck job while living on your own
Get a roommate you millenial faggot

>> No.1685396

>richest country in the world
>get a roommate to afford housing!
Jesus Christ...

>> No.1685400

>richest COUNTRY in the world
>pigeonholed into the most expensive cities in the country


>> No.1685404

You never hear about it because you don't read the Hawaiian news.

Just accept that living conditions for people who are starting out have declined over the years and maybe we as a society should do something about it.

Tough guy "deal with it" bullshit just makes you an apologist for society becoming shittier. You shouldn't reject people making note of this as whining because you can't handle the truth.

Sorry if this triggers you.

>> No.1685410

You don't have to live in Manhattan lol..

>> No.1685411

I think the issue they have is that, for the longest time, it was perfectly affordable for the average American to live in a place like San Francisco.

And then it wasn't.

They don't really understand exactly why it's no longer affordable, but they do know they don't make enough money to live where their families have lived for generations.

>> No.1685413
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>He's triggered

I'm not the one living with my parents still. I have my own place, and can actual purchase a home because I DON'T LIVE IN AN INTERNATIONAL CITY

I'm not the one crying over supply and demand.

And no, you don't read Hawaiian news either. It's accepted that you will live with your parents to buy a house out there. Not my problem it's not "accepted" in NYC.

You should fucking deal with it you pleb, pack your bags because

You're not a winner, you don't get a house in a prime real estate market just because you were born there.

Tough titties.

>> No.1685414

Not everyone lives in the BFE, and if they all moved there the jobs would fill up.

Please stop pretending like you understand macro-economics.

>> No.1685417

Never claimed to understand macro-economics, I'm obviously talking about micro.

Great point though

>> No.1685419

A major part of the problem is poor financial education and values. A lot of boomer parents imparted their kids with a "follow your dreams" attitude, which often includes taking on a bunch of debt for a useless degree. Then the kids get out of college and get the "its not fair that other people have more money. The government should take money from them and give it to me" attitude. Someone really needed to teach these kids to prioritize making money to some degree as a kid. I'm a lucky millennial with parents who educated me on how expensive life can be and also taught me good savings habits. Now I own a decent house in a big city while my facebook feed is full of "my rent is going up by $500/month, i need a fifth roommate, fuck this city" posts.

>> No.1685420

Stop whining. When I was 19 I saved up $1000 and bought a one way ticket to hawaii. I found job on my first day, and an even better one a month later.

Millennials are just too pussy to leave the safety net of home and put themselves into survival mode.

>> No.1685444

Just because your forefathers made the country rich doesn't mean you're entitled to a perfect house and property for yourself by 25 you lazy shithead

God this generation is fucked

>> No.1685445

>real estate markets
>macro economics


>> No.1685447

>housing prices are much more expensive than they were in the past

somehow turns into

>wow millennials want FREE HOUSES in the DOWNTOWN CORE of HUGE CITIES

Don't think this is a very convincing argument senpai. When will property bagholders learn?

>> No.1685483

There are plenty of cities and towns where housing prices are fair. Millennials just think that because they grew up in a city, that they could afford to live their on their own too.

>> No.1685490

They are, though. There's numerous cities undergoing gentrification as those "hipster millenia barista cucks". Detroit is one example. East LA, including Compton, is another.

>> No.1685494

3mile commute , security consultant at major management consulting firm at oil major...we all wagecucks

>> No.1685504

The rich never learn because when the going gets tough, the "tough" get crying to mommy government.

>> No.1685509

Such as Flint, Michigan. You get some real good deals there. Hope you're not looking for a job though.

>> No.1685513

As those "hipster millennial barista cucks" move in*

>> No.1685515

Come too scandinavia and enjoy the $480 pr square feet real estate heaven. Pretty easy to live in a $0.5M apartment with these prices.

Downtown real estate is pretty fucking expensive I'm just happy that i got in just as the prices started to sky rocket. Pretty good ROI.

>> No.1685651

I just want to be a cop in a rural town in the desert, I'm about to turn 21 please god let them hire me

>> No.1685987

Yeah, and places like Austin, or Cincinnati are just COMPLETELY unaffordable.

In before they're "shitholes" lmao

>> No.1685990

they could just get a home in a rural area, cousin bought himself a cozy home that's over 100 years old for 20 grand

>> No.1685993

Forgot to mention the home required a lot of work

I hear they have low standards

>> No.1685996

>$2k a month for rent or you have to commute for 3+ hours daily

Why are non fly over fags such pussies, family commutes an hour and it's not bad. I also live in one of the largest cities in America and it's only over about a grand for rent.

You are a whiny millennial, you're a bitch. Simple as that. you suck cock. You might not have the kneepads or the pay, but you figuratively suck cock and your posts prove it.

>> No.1687352

So much this.

I showed my parents some conservative prediction for return on investments in my local area. They refused to buy in on my ideas. Not that I blamed them too much for that. It's not like it was something they had any experience with.

I did everything with what little money I had between 2008-2012, and now I'm netting ~3k a month in mostly passive income from my rentals that I bought during that time, + about 1k a month in tax shielding due to depreciation. This is factoring in money set aside for major future costs like roofing, and some predicted random damage that I've fortunately mostly avoided so far. If I'd had access to even ~500k in 2009, I'd be easily making 20-25 grand a month right now, and be fully self employed.

>> No.1687371

Where did this city meme come from? For no real reason, I've just wanted to live in a city for most of my life, but I didn't have the means to move out of my little poor state. I'm over living in a city now (well, I still intend on moving to the biggest city in the region (~120k), but near my hometown). I don't even like clubs and bars. I like shrubs and yards.

>> No.1687378
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Holy shit do i feel you on this one. My parents encouraged to move in and save money while I start my career. Little did I know that my city is ranked in the top 5 worst cities for recent graduates.

Now I need a job to get money to move to get a better job to get more money to do the things I want.

>> No.1687533

>live in australia
>only jobs in my field are around CBD
>pay 230 a week just so i can rent 1 and a half hours drive away from work
>have to catch a bus, and train to get to work to avoid paying out the ass in fuel, making the commute closer to 2 hours each way
you fuckers think its bad?

>> No.1687920

>I am rich!
>but feel sorry for me, because imma slave too xD



pick one faggot

>> No.1687924


This is an odd idea of the economy.

In the 50s and 60s a middle class family with a college degree could afford to buy themselves a home, a car, healthcare, college for their children etc. The real prices of all those items have greatly increased while real incomes remain stagnant for most of the pop. If the country is getting more wealthy why is the standard of living decreasing for the majority of the population?

You have to answer the question of distribution.

>> No.1688270

Jesus Christ. Just live in Queens or Brooklyn. I'm going to do that even though that I'll be making $100k.

>> No.1688410

>my life is shitty so everyone else has to suffer
Basically conservatism in a nutshell. Hopefully one day you will realize the truth.

>> No.1688414

>roleplaying on 4chan

Is this a mental illness?

Are you being treated anon?

>> No.1688417

it's not conservatism, it's called you're too much of a poorfag to deserve to live in downtown NYC

No one is entitled to shit. You want it? Earn it.

b-but that commute how will you ever survive

>> No.1688429

So live in an apartment with mold/bugs or something wrong with it then if you can't afford the nicer ones. What, is a penthouse suite and personal wait staff now a basic human right?

>> No.1688440

I'll live somewhat close to Manhattan. It's not like I'll be living all the way out in Jamaica, Queens or Canarsie, Brooklyn. I'll not live uptown pass 96th street because it's so boring up there (and ghetto).

>> No.1688446
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But if nobody wanted to live their the prices wouldn't be so high

>> No.1688449

Why do they feel they deserve to be able to afford prime real estate for their first property purchase with their shitty jobs?

I can understand that mindset

>> No.1688468

Sounds spooky

>> No.1688477

"blah blah can't punish the successful blah blah they earned it blah blah" mentality will keep this exploitation strong.

>> No.1688481

but there are no jobs in the middle of nowhere.

>> No.1688484

define middle of no where, because I live in a town of 10k people and there are tons of warehouses and factories around me.

>> No.1688497

>live in Appalachia white trash shithole small town
>Got the best job in town
>Cant afford car to get better job because lol rent
>Cant move back in with parent's because theyve turned into pill snorting thieves and pawned by laptop behind my back and lied to me about bills to buy drugs with my money
Man im never gonna be able to afford to move... I wouldn't even know what State to go to. I dont even know how to find out what Skills are in demand where..

>> No.1688501

>Get a roommate
Easier said then done when you live in a low population, aging population area.

>> No.1688505

>This le generation amirite guise? I listen to the Beatles xD
Can we go back in time and stop fappening and gamergate from happening?

>> No.1688507

>There are plenty of cities and towns where housing prices are fair.
Nigger its 800$ for a small apartment in towns with 2K population right now

>> No.1688537

appalachia is known for being poor

you've just got to find a way to depart

>> No.1688642

Well we're talking about cities so get your head out of your ass man

>> No.1688658
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People seriously move to NYC to be a fucking barista at Starbucks? The only reason for moving to a huge city is getting a 0.1% top job unavailable anywhere else.

>> No.1688688

What? Why the fuck would you want to live in front of a club? Does anyone seriously think this?

>> No.1688852

the median house today is a lot more of everything than the median house 50 years ago. also the prices aren't stagnant and you don't have to live in a place that people are pouring into for high tech jobs.

>> No.1688856

Spot on cobber. You look at the average house from 50 years ago and it will be 2-3 bedrooms, weatherboard cladding, 1 powerpoint in each room if youre lucky etc.

If you feel that you deserve to own prime real estate in a major city for your first property, that attitude will stop you from ever being successful

>> No.1688858
File: 27 KB, 470x280, MLK Ave Detroit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey young kids!

Please come to Michigan! Our Economy is almost entirely recovered and you can buy a house for $2000 in certain cities!

We're right on the cusp of our next manufacturing Boom!

>> No.1688869

Gotta be around your enlightened brothers/sisters in coastal cities and the live the life of a poor (lol)

>> No.1688877

its the oppsosite here.
apartments are getting smaller and cost more than they used to.
a 4 bed apartment wasn't a big deal back then, nowadays you would be lucky to even pay that in your lifetime

>> No.1688897

it will go higher because of two income households. it only really bites if your wife doesn't work and you're in a lower income bracket. anyway technically 4 bedroom apartments were a big deal back then and people definitely still take 15 and 30 year mortgages.

>> No.1688916

>average house sizes and quality never increased or improved

>> No.1688934

Chicago is another example

>> No.1689562

And this was 30 years ago, right? lol

>> No.1689618

>Firstly I'm not from the U.S
Eyorop? Do like the Spainish, move to England, ge t a job and live off their fat social programs. Oh wait, that's why they voted to leave.

>> No.1689632


Real estate follow a supply and demand structure like anything else in the free market. The reason real estate prices are so high in some sections of the country is because this new generation is too mindless to consider living anywhere that doesn't have muh liberal city life

>> No.1689655
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>tfw living in a "flyover state" is my dream
>stuck in Europe

r e e e e e e

>> No.1689755

Unless you do drugs and like ugly women you probably wouldnt be happy in one.

>> No.1689762

>work 12 hours a day at $8/hr doing backbreaking wagecuck work
>still need roomates to make the rent
Lol goyim

>> No.1689764

Jesus christ you're retarded. These places are paying 20/hr, and the auto plant is paying 28/hr

these are for unskilled jobs. Please just fuck off.

>> No.1689773

WRONG. my brother makes $11/hr in a rural factory in south carolina and needs roomates to survive at 30

>> No.1689780

The south = / = the entire U.S.

Also, what product is the factory making? From my experience, the more expensive the product (automobiles, boats, jets/planes, furnaces, air conditioners, etc) the better pay.

Another odd thing I've learned is some food/beverage companies pay extremely well. For example, Budweiser pays great at their breweries. My buddy works at a Kraft-Heinz plant and makes decent money as well.

However, a place like Tyson or something probably pays trash. It's all about location and the product.

>> No.1689784

>the south=/=the whole US
It costs money to move
He actually works there. They dont pay shit its funny you mentioned Tyson aincw my cousin worked there for a few years and made breddy gud money

>> No.1689789

Each location is different, I saw a job ad for 32.50 for Budweiser brewery, which is more than the auto plant is paying, so I figure they're making 25/hr minimum.

Location does matter though, my auto plant pays a lot, but in indiana they only pay like 21.50/hr

meanwhile alabama pays like 16/hr for the most profitable vehicles because lolwat

Are you sure your brother isn't a temp? Sounds like he's a temp at a DISTRIBUTION CENTER and not an actual manufacturing job.

The payscale goes like this


in terms of pay scale.

>> No.1689798

>Each location is different, I saw a job ad for 32.50 for Budweiser brewery

Account managers and other people also work at the breweries.

>> No.1689806

This was for a maintenance position.

Maintenance isn't paid THAT much more than assembly schmucks

>> No.1689808

and the autoplant starts their maintenance people at 27/hr

assembly probably starts at 24-25

>> No.1689817
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I like chubby women

>> No.1689822

Put the boob fat into the arms and face and you have the average flyover woman

>> No.1690036

KC is death

>> No.1690043

arm fat is pretty hot desu senpai

>> No.1691269

gross desu

>> No.1691918
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