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16819682 No.16819682 [Reply] [Original]

What are the top things that work for you to avoid alcohol? I have a very strong genetic predisposition to abusing it. I've done well lately but still fall into temptation once every few months. The biggest problem is it's fucking everywhere. Grocery store, ads, bars everywhere, coworkers or friends inviting me for "a beer" (there's no such thing as "a beer" for me, it's either zero or six+ beers).

So far I've found doing pushups as soon as I get a craving helps. It seems to rewire the reward pathways with that immediate endorphin rush. Popping some benadryl instead to fall asleep when the desire hits on friday night. What have you found that helps /biz/?

>> No.16819694

>I've done well lately but still fall into temptation once every few months.

>> No.16819728

try not being a pussy. just. don't. drink.

>> No.16819751

Chug water.

>> No.16819779

Eat a baby carrot

>> No.16819801

Start drinking seltzer waters. Replaces the fizzy tasty beverage part with 0 calories.
Smoke weed.
Stop being a faggot.

>> No.16819804

also non-alcoholic beers?

>> No.16819820

I haven't drunk in 2 years by now, and I don't even think about walking past beer in the grocery store every week.

>> No.16819862


>> No.16819871

I've never heard the term, it actually is 100% accurate for me.

Yeah I drink seltzers already. I won't smoke weed until I'm older to avoid the negative long term effects, and I stopped being a faggot years ago.

>> No.16819905

does anyone have that huge list of research on the horrible effects of using weed?

>> No.16819947
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mitigate a lot of the risks with edibles, tinctures, etc. and limit the smoking.
really? Because you sound like one asking a Medieval Dutch Shoe Fanboard about how you can stop drinking. You either want to stop or you don't. sounds like you're still being a faggot there buddy boy

>> No.16819986

>sounds like you're still being a faggot there buddy boy

just trying to pick /biz/'s brain for what worked for them

>> No.16819989

Think of the $$ you'll save. I used to binge drink, went tea-total three years ago. Have more $$ for investing.

>> No.16820035

Do other drugs instead

>> No.16820049

me too, i never thought more of my drinking habits. i can stay sober just fine for days, weeks if not months. but when i start drinking, i will more often than not stop drinking. i don't think i've never drank alcohol for more than 8 days. weirdest thing is, i pretty much only drink alone and i don't even like alcohol all that much.

>> No.16820050

Huge list of research that on the positive effects you mean? There are no horrible effects.. Of course inhaling carcinogenic smoke is always bad lol.

>> No.16820067

completely serious: lifting and getting /fit/, also it can destroy your brain, liver, and peripheral nervous system over time.

>> No.16820269

pretend you just totaled your car and got a dui after years of drinking with no repercussions. i just did the not pretend version of that, and havnt had the urge since

>> No.16820306

i don't have a car so i created a better variation of this for fellow /biz/raelis. instead of a car, think of your chainlink. ok. now, imagine you transferred your link to binance and market sold it all while drunk.

really makes you think twice about drinking if nothing else. :D

>> No.16820359
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Pretty similar for me. I have absolutely no issue not drinking for months at a time, I don't even think about it. But if I start drinking I drink until I'm unconscious.

>> No.16820369

Why didn't you just not total you car?

>> No.16820379

If you get to a point where you're abusing badly, for several months I've been taking Naltrexone before drinking. It blocks the endorphins from firing so over time your brain stops associating alcohol with pleasure. I literally don't want to drink anymore and can drink one beer and stop if I go out.

Look up Sinclair Method. Only do it if you've been actively abusing for a long period of time and other methods haven't worked for you and you're not doing life-threateningly retarded shit while under the influence on the reg. Keep in mind there's no going back and if you try to drink again unmedicated you will fuck everything up.

>> No.16820385

Take up a hobby, get in the gym and get those gains. Smoke weed if you're craving booze and drink plenty of water.

>> No.16820408

Every january i don't drink for one month, helps to distance yourself from the temptation. To friends i can say "i have my alc-free month" so mostly juice or tea when i'm out with them

>> No.16820516

>To friends i can say
This is an anonymous board. No need to lie.

>> No.16820594

Thanks this seems the way to go. I found sinclairmethod.org and they can write you a script for it from online consultation.

>> No.16820629

I have this but for opiates.

>> No.16820653

Start lifting. Cured my alcohol addiction when I started lifting and taking my diet seriously. Helps with girls too. Anything else is a band aid.

>> No.16820695
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yeah, i think this is a pretty common issue. i had no idea before i happened to read through ICD-10's alcohol use related codes (for some autistic reason :D). there it was that i found F10.26, which lead me to read about dipsomania. reading the wikipedia page for dipsomania, something just clicked in my head. "holy shit, that's it."

>> No.16820738

Good luck anon. They'll probably tell you in the consultation but I would recommend scheduling calls with a specialized doctor if you go this route. I had to double my dosage and start forcing alcohol-free days once a week but as soon as I did my drinking dropped about 80%. It takes time to work and will probably suck for a little while when after the honeymoon period it feels like it's not doing shit.

>> No.16820758

only with opiates? do you use any other drugs? if you do, maybe it could be this?

>> No.16820810
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When you notice yourself entertaining the thought of making an exception tell yourself strongly NO. If you make one exception you will make 100 exceptions.
Be okay with living in suffering. Accept your suffering and try to find meaning in it.
Generally try to increase your willpower by sleeping good, exercising and eating healthy food.
Find something else to do.

We can beat this weakness. When you are sober for 3 months it is easier to stay sober. Just don't start thinking you can handle alcohol in moderation - YOU CANNOT.

Good luck, fren!

>> No.16820819

whatever your current situation is you should change it or move or something. then you won't get triggered by old stuff.

>> No.16820836

The need to abuse drugs comes from emotional weakness.

>> No.16820963

underlying mental issues (mental weakness, or i assume you meant this), such as depression or anxiety are definitely reasons some people turn to drugs and alcohol abuse. i don't think it's the only reason though. some people simply start off using for recreational purposes, not understanding the risks and get addicted. others might be overprescribed opioids and end up injecting fentanyl just to keep the withdrawal away.

>> No.16820998

Nope just opiates. I've done meth, crack, etc. Nothing ever really caught my attention except opiates. They fucked me up real good. I still take kratom because I at least need an opiate coffee daily or I would kill myself.

>> No.16821025

Using drugs for recreational purposes is emotional weakness. Why do people do this? Because they don't tolerate the world sober - so they use drugs. They "need" fun. Low tolerance for low dopamine life is emotional weakness. The need to get more dopamine even if it is bad for you.

>> No.16821061
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So in my opinion addiction to harmful fun is bad and can be described as emotional weakness. People chase fun because it feels good. It is emotional. And chasing harmful fun is harmful and therefore weakness.

>> No.16821200

some people might not know it is a "harmful fun" and do it for that reason. have you ever tried a recreational drug, if i may ask?

i guess you are just a "downer" person and prefer opiates. opiates are just the kind of drug that really tend to get you physically addicted. so please stay careful with them. i've never tried kratom, but i hear it's great for just what you are using it for and that it has way milder withdrawal. :)

>> No.16821250

>have you ever tried a recreational drug, if i may ask?
Cannabis. Alcohol. Coffee.

>> No.16821258

Some people might not consider coffee a drug, but it changes the way your mind/emotions work so it is a drug. Coffee is not harmful so there is no reason to avoid it though.

>> No.16821582

>genetic predisposition
So, Hitler was right?

>> No.16821671

Just dont but any. Easy. Working for me with weed, alcohol and cigarettes so far.

>> No.16821755

Stop being a pussy and drink

>> No.16821827
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Why do you need to validate your own shit choices by making other people do harmful stuff too?

>> No.16822118

>Coffee is not harmful so there is no reason to avoid it though.
saying caffeine is not harmful is not exactly true. safe, sure, but not harmless. so many people are dependent on caffeine. it's the most socially accepted addiction to have. :D
is cannabis legal where you live? do you think of legal drugs as safe (e.g. "Coffee is not harmful") and illegal drugs not so much? do you normally feel good and even "euphoric" at times when you are sober? are you addicted to anything at all?
>Why do you need to validate your own shit choices by making other people do harmful stuff too?
no one is making anyone else "do harmful stuff too". in the end it's up to the op to decide whether to do or not do something.

>> No.16822250

Cannabis not legal. Legal drugs not safe. I feel sometimes euphoric sober, more often after exercise. Good feelings are still more rare than negative. I have struggled with alcohol addiction, but at this time the sober me is winning. Coffee has bad and good sides - which nullify each other. As a whole coffee is not bad.

When people think of drugs as a source of good feelings they forget that there is such a thing as a bad high. Drugs can actually make you feel much, much worse, if your luck is bad.

>no one is making anyone else "do harmful stuff too". in the end it's up to the op to decide whether to do or not do something.
OP wanted help avoiding alcohol, so it is malevolent to push him to drink. OP was foolish in coming to 4chan for help though.

>> No.16822449

Just imagine all the suffering, the nausea, the puking you will experience the day after before you take the first sip. Furthermore, I personally experienced the day after drinking Post Alcoholic Priapism that made me uberhorny all day. Disgusting. Just interiorize all that shit.

>> No.16822479

how about you just stop being a faggot who needs support and advice from a fucking cryptocurrency board? put your big boy pants on and stop being a dumb drunk. learn how to enjoy a nice beer and then stop and not want to drink yourself stupid until you black out.
fuckin overgrown children these days

>> No.16822511

>muh strong genetic predisposition to be a drunk
shut the fuck up you idiot
if you're smart enough to realize you're a dumb drunk, you're smart enough to realize you either shouldn't drink at all or know how to control your self
take responsibility for yourself

>> No.16822554

I get really horny too after drinking. Really weird.

>> No.16823203

why would you touch that junk?

stick to psychedelics. far less likely to fry your liver , non-addictive and are just much more enjoyable.

>> No.16823210

non-alcohol and alcohol free is a meme anon. It's actually like 0.01% - but that's arguably worse for you as you think it's fine but its not. It effectively worsens the addiction.

>> No.16823263
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Honestly, only 2 things really helped me go from drinking 6-12 beers a night for 6 years to 2 years sober.

1: Lifting.
2: Taking out enough cash for food and gas only then reporting my card as stolen.
3: Taking 75mg Benadryl or leftover Ambien every fucking night after I came home from work for 3 weeks and just passing out.

I didn't have a crippling alcohol addiction,I held down a high paying job in healthcare but after seeing dozens of patients with fulminatant liver failure dying waiting for transplants, I finally woke up. Good luck.

>> No.16823270

3 things top kek

>> No.16823288


Reminding myself that a few hours of escape isn't worth losing all my progress in the gym and 72 hours of being hungover

>> No.16823333

This may surprise you but not everyone feels urges the same way

>> No.16823354

Good job.

>> No.16823383

>Good feelings are still more rare than negative.
so would you say you generally have a somewhat depressed mood?
>I have struggled with alcohol addiction, but at this time the sober me is winning.
thinking of addiction as mental weakness, having struggled with it in the past. i understand now. how badly were you addicted?
>When people think of drugs as a source of good feelings they forget that there is such a thing as a bad high.
i research any substance i am about to take pretty thoroughly, most drug users likely won't bother. i don't understand people taking drugs and doing literally no research on said drugs. it takes literally like a minute to look up things like doses, duration, amounts, combinations and harm-reduction tips. that's really it. a bad high in my opinion comes from taking too much and/or taking too often, these can cause e.g. hunger, dehydration, seizures, etc.
>Drugs can actually make you feel much, much worse, if your luck is bad.
well kind of, but not really. if you research what you are taking and preferrably lab test/check with a test kit, you most likely won't have a bad time (if family history with schitzophrenia, most drugs should be not taken/taken with extreme care). when for example trying cannabis for the first time, you should test the waters with a small dose. this is for two reasons. reason no. 1: as an allergy test, you never know. reason no. 2: to see if you can handle a higher dose.
>OP wanted help avoiding alcohol, so it is malevolent to push him to drink. OP was foolish in coming to 4chan for help though.
agreed. i recommend op to just skip all the posts encouraging him to drink, maybe even hide them.

>> No.16823427


>> No.16823662

Get absolutely ripped and you wont want to drink cause it will hurt your physique.

Replace it with something else.

>> No.16823993
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>after seeing dozens of patients with fulminatant liver failure dying waiting for transplants, I finally woke up

>> No.16824007

I’m not even memeing, I am a CRNA so I knew the outcome of alcoholism in extreme detail but I still drank a shitton for no reason other than boredom and compulsion. Also fulminant*

>> No.16824017

>impulsive behavior
>compulsive behavior
story of my life :D

>> No.16824047

>It seems to rewire the reward pathways with that immediate endorphin rush.
good idea

>Start drinking seltzer waters. Replaces the fizzy tasty beverage part with 0 calories
another good idea

here is a redpill op. you must ladder down all addictions....each bad addiction must be replaced with an addiction slightly less bad....continue laddering down over time until you get free.
so replace drinking urges with "ice cream" (or similar) then once you firmly have an ice cream addiction, look to ladder that down in due time.

>> No.16824067

>haha, just quit bro! just don’t be an addict!

>> No.16824072

>6-12 beers a night
I never understood how people could drink this much. I drink maybe, 4-5 drinks whenever I drink. Any more and it's really just wasted.

>> No.16824075

Just listen to 'easy way to control alcohol' by alan carr. Its not even hard to quit after that, its enjoyable.

>> No.16824080

>strong genetic predisposition to abusing it
does this mean I have a strong genetic predisposition to COOM
serious question

>> No.16824093

you didn't read did you?

>> No.16824101

After the first week its really easy. I quit liquor when i was 17 (by then id been drinking heavily for 3 years anyway) but kept drinking beer, 6ish a day. haven't had a drink in a few months. was easier than expected. I drink a lot more coffee now though. am 25 now, 9 years of alcoholism and really after 7 or 8 days i felt no craving.

>> No.16824152

Don't understand it.
I can get drunk a total of two nights in a row.
After that I shit my brains out for many days and feel horrible.
If I get shit faced even one night I feel horrible for days after.

Graduated to a finer things gentlemen a long time ago. Now if I drink it's something nice or high end to enjoy it and I have only a few drinks or many times only one and that's it.
Can't drink multiple nights in a row period anymore.

It's basically like once a week three times a week at the most and it's 1-3 drinks per sitting of something good generally scotch as im a scotch guy sometimes a high end Russian vodka. That or high end rums.
I basically don't drink anymore. Often go months without anything because of long term overseas travel for work. I'm out of the country for up to 9 months of the year.

I used to get shit faced on the weekends alot in my college days and immediately after college but that's long done. Don't think the issue is my liver I never really drank enough for that I think mainly my body just rejects foreign substances.
Experimented with various drugs in college also none of them really did anything for me and extascy was awful for me, didn't give me a high made me sick as fuck for a week afterwards.
Weed was nice but can't smoke it because work.

Also I can smoke cigarettes whenever I want then put them down without any craving or second thought. I guess I'm a statistical anomaly or some weirdo. Nothing really addicts me thank God.

>> No.16824222

I forgot to share this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6WLfkEEDOzI&t=295

Apparently alcohol is used a genetic warfare. It makes sense, I doubt it's a conspiracy especially considering Russia has banned the export of bio samples, citing many U.S. research institutions are actively developing biological weapons that target Russian genetics.

>> No.16824244

>good idea

>you must ladder down all addictions
i believe the correct word is taper, not ladder. "to taper down/off something" also, addictions are different.
with alcohol and benzos in many cases you NEED to taper down if you are physically dependent on them. this is because with these, you can die if you abruptly cease use while physically dependent.
with opi(ates/oids) in most cases you NEED to taper down if you are physically dependent on them. you could die from vomiting and diarrhea, if you are experiencing bad withdrawal. this is why tapering is often times a good idea. or you could start buprenorphine or methadone treatment.

>continue laddering down over time until you get free.
when you finally get free, it feels really good. at least until you relapse and this whole cycle restarts.
>so replace drinking urges with "ice cream" (or similar) then once you firmly have an ice cream addiction, look to ladder that down in due time.
here you really need to look out for replacing 1 addiction with that 1 addiction and 2 new ones, and to fight the urge to "drink in celebration". :D

>> No.16824245

thanks for the tip this seems great

>> No.16824353

Its not a bs thing. It worked for me. Helps you understand why you drink, and that you can feel better without it. It honestly does work, and you dont have to spend your whole life feeling like you are missing out or constantly trying to not drink. You can download it on audible or pirate it somewhere. I am a former 8+/night beer drinker. Godspeed anon.

>> No.16824717

Enjoying the pain of melancolia at night. I think Cannabis indica would replace alcohol for me. Tryed a few times. But it's illegal in my country. Will have to wait 10 year until the free masonic dinosaurs which (((rule))) my country legalize Cannabis indica.

>> No.16824744

Apparently there is a pretty serious alcohol addiction on /biz. Those thread come frequently.

>> No.16824762

>do drugs instead of doing drugs
kys dope

>> No.16824793

fermentation of sugary liquids is a form of extracellular digestion. if u make alcohol urself its actually good for you in moderation. basically every culture has had a staple fermented drink that everyone drinks daily. often times made by women, most families have their own yeast cultures passed down for generations. some people theorize that the only reason humans stopped hunting and gathering was to start granaries and farms to make herbal beer. industrialized processing basically renders most alc beverages anti nutritional. alcoholic fermentation is an ancient and sacred process. alcohol itself is called “spirits” for a reason. in alchemical texts its regarded as an almost heavenly substance. most people have bad experiences with it because they dont know how to respect the substance. most of you guys could probably benefit from supplementing a few adaptogenic plants into your diet, and maybe a little self control.

>> No.16825163

>some people theorize that the only reason humans stopped hunting and gathering was to start granaries and farms to make herbal beer.
I've always wonder what is the kickstart for the neolitic revolution. External influence from demons, or Atlantis survivors, or whatever. Making alcohol with farming seems a possibility, since the substance is highly addictive and easy to produce. So it would mean civilization is the product of humans wanting to get drunk. Would really makes you question civilization even more.

>> No.16825196

I feel the same about gluten(I'm slightly intolerant)