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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16811494 No.16811494[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.16811498


>> No.16811502


>> No.16811511
File: 240 KB, 750x663, pepe-tux-beat-up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably /pol/. But 4chan is a place of peace and diversity and we definitely don't get beatings from our jannies for disobeying orders.

>> No.16811512


>> No.16811515

You don't want to become one. Just believe me. If I could trade in my full-blown insane racism I would because I'm the one that makes the entire workplace awkward when a nigger enters my vicinity. It only holds me back.

>> No.16811516


>> No.16811532

You either need severe autism
Or poor education, poor upbringing, poor diet

>> No.16811557
File: 52 KB, 340x227, 5C1D7BEC-C9B3-4941-BB8E-8052F3AB46B8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mein kampf
Origin of species
This time the world
Culture of critique

>> No.16811563

Live and be employed in an area that's majority black

>> No.16811564


Tour around historical sites in Europe where tens of millions of European fought and died for their heritage

>> No.16811601

just take your own side and recognize that your White identity is totally valid and White culture, like National Socialism, has a right to exist.

>> No.16811608

Live in a cheap area.

>> No.16811617

reality will make you racist, give it enough time

>> No.16811665

>Believe in pseudosciences like psychology and I.Q
>Have a poor understanding of evolution and believe everything is blind adaptation
>Blame a higher elite like the jews for your inability to become a productive member of society
>Get all your knowledge from cherrypicked infographics with bad sources
>Have a poor understanding of history and/or get most of your knowledge of WWll based on Nazi propaganda
>"I'm not a racist I'm a race realist"
>Claim to be a rationalist but call someone a jew/kike/nigger/shill if they disagree with you

>> No.16811718
File: 28 KB, 480x323, 582CC037-5492-4AB0-85DC-C74C4C048353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But why lose you job and way of life for simply asking questions?

>> No.16811724

you should move to the black part of Chicago and send your kids to a black school to prove them wrong.
oh right, you don't care about the future of white spaces because you won't have kids.

>> No.16811741

>be American African
>have same rate of AIDS as African Africans
just a coincidence.

>> No.16811744

BBC/cuck threads on /gif/

>> No.16811747



>> No.16811755

>you should move to the black part of Chicago and send your kids to a black school to prove them wrong.
>You should move to the worst part of Eastern Europe and send your kids to a slav school to prove them wrong.
See how retarded you sound?>>16811718
>Listening to Nazi propaganda
No thanks.

>> No.16811756

Only Jews are racist and they are the most racist by the way
Most white people when they are "racist" are literally living out in the flesh what the Jew came up with all alone for his tv show/movie. They are simply playing a character, a character created from the Jewish mind. See: Neo-nazis, Skinheads and so on

>> No.16811758

post more big tit chinese drawings

>> No.16811780

>just run the discrediting scheme, Moishe! call them retarded or something!
remember that Israel keeps out black Jews and has not taken in a single refugee and is a Jewish racial state.

>> No.16811791

theres a cult you can join that venerates an egyptian frog (ironically from a black culture), no qualifications needed, like a predatory loan shark, but be aware, your soul will be indebted for eternity.

>> No.16811811
File: 7 KB, 304x166, 89F7FA2A-001F-4514-BE54-354E097D0C68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not propaganda, he just talks about whats written in jewish sources. You didnt even watch the vid. Talk about plugging your ears. Question everything brother. Im 3/8 jewish.

>> No.16811824

Quit your ssris cold turkey while browsing pol.

>> No.16811840

The aboriginals in my country have a 20x higher rate of domestic abuse than non indigenous. Also put in to context abo's completely distrust the police so report rates would be a fraction of the true number. Has nothing to do with race though.

>> No.16811858

I don't care if Israel accepts blacks or not, also you're proving my post right
>3/8 jewish
>parroting /pol/ talking points
I can't tell if you're joking or have Stockholm Syndrome

>> No.16811860
File: 806 KB, 320x180, 4263161A-42F0-43BE-B8F7-B14738698210.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking based and checked.

>> No.16811865

Find a job in the Baltimore public school system

>> No.16811890


>> No.16811894

Truth sadly, ignorance is bliss. There is no stopping the coming tide, being aware just causes more pain.

>> No.16811899

lul nigga stole my bike

>> No.16811910
File: 331 KB, 1275x959, 54D5E1E0-58D5-4D15-B517-294756B1572C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ didnt red pill me. My father was raised irreligious, and later became a charismatic christian. I was raised evangelical and to cherrish the chosen. Never been apart Of a jewish community. Never knew any jews. Grew up the only white kid. First me jews in. College. They accepted me in their circles (i have a jewish last name.) once they found out my mother wasnt jewish everything changed. They are the most ethnocentric people. Not all jews are bad. Every race has assholes. I just have a different life experience anon. And of course its difficult not to call someone a nigger in traffic, or a kike on the news. But thats just zoomer edge. I dont wanna kill anyone. If there was a white nationalist revolution (HIGHLY doubt it) and it purity spiraled , I would get gassed along with my family. Just for a name. I just try not to lie to myself.

>> No.16811941

>not all jews are bad
point me in the direction of the jewish anti-immigration organization.
...can you show me the jews who recognize the legitimacy of white nations? I'll wait...


>> No.16811944

Because like everything else involving humans it's not so simple.

Blacks are more likely to commit domestic violence and gang warfare but Whites have committed more international wars. Meanwhile Asians are extremely passive aggressive, Indians commit higher amounts of rape within their country and the middle east cause religous terriosim via bombings and crude punishment towards women

All of these acts classify as violence and/ or is considered dangerous.

>> No.16811954

wow massive exaggerations there. white nationalists have no interest in killing you let alone for having a German name. those name were taken from the gentiles.

>> No.16811967

>have committed more international wars
the fuck...
Islamic caliphates invaded Europe for 800 years and took 1 million white slaves and 1 million black slaves.
where is the social justice for that?

>> No.16811977

This, there’s no bigger redpill

>> No.16811979

So based on a bad experience you had with jews, you made a generalization that all jews are like that.

>> No.16811990

The social justice is that slavery is now abolished. Go figure.

>> No.16812004

My grandpa was a great jewish american from all ive heard. He made some mistakes, but in the end he worked hard and supported his family. Most of all my very Christian father swears by his father’s honesty, despite his father being a salesman. But he wasnt really that much into jewish culture, he married a goy after all.

>> No.16812014
File: 9 KB, 167x302, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need a gf before you can have kids

>> No.16812020

Nigga, see>>16812004 jesus cmon its just a cultural thing with them. Also its somewhat justified in my mind. When many folks hate you, you gotta stick together. I just dont want it corrupting my society.

>> No.16812023

by Whites*

>> No.16812031

funny, American Africans don't accept only that.

>> No.16812039


>> No.16812064


if you aren't racist by this point then i'm sorry to tell you that you probably lack the basic pattern recognition skills required. sorry.


nice bait (you)

>> No.16812116

If you're not racist, it's because you have a conscience. You can't force yourself into it.

>> No.16812294

Take a stroll down MLK blvd sometime. That should help.

>> No.16812318

Michael savage/ steven miller are the pretty much only based jews in public

>> No.16812322

> alright anon so the easiest way to do this is just say NI...
>see's biz Jannie walking around corner
> CE things about black people and invite them to join your business regardless of skin

>> No.16812341
File: 116 KB, 1024x768, DF023A4C-AFF7-4FC3-905D-D58525C24B13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brother and his friend got robbed at gun point in bmore. He said it was like 14 yo with a sawed off. They were in a car. I have no idea why my bros friend stopped the car wtf.

>> No.16812385

don't forget
>high propensity towards schizophrenia or at least a mental complex concerning it

>> No.16812396

Imagine believing there's no difference between races.
Don't forget to call me when you see an asian dude beating the 100m sprinting world record

>> No.16812403

go back to /pol/, racist nazi kkk white supremist

we are all exactly the same and equal and actually race doesn't even exist except whites are evil and must be replaced

>> No.16812434

Read the news

>> No.16812443
File: 85 KB, 730x490, faceofdisgust.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16812448

You came to the right place son

>> No.16812481



>> No.16812552
File: 407 KB, 478x456, 1546166089022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You want to observe the world without bias. Anything that distorts this is just a weakness - like racism.

>> No.16812755
File: 87 KB, 1024x958, 64BB77C7-1470-4F22-99DB-8008F7874F2C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why yes, I did hear that my services are needed

>> No.16812767

jews did wtc

>> No.16812772



>> No.16812839

Hang around filthy fucking jewish kikes

>> No.16813196
File: 158 KB, 1000x1453, 1574821683717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

suck nigger cock

>> No.16813225

All the free shit they’re given is totally holding them back. Given the perversity of human psychology, the preceding statement it at least partially unironically correct

>> No.16813470


>proving you are more woke by believing what the vast vast majority of the population already believe

really its fine that reddit people use this website im just not going to post in a thread that has nothing to do with bus&fin

>> No.16813499


>> No.16813608

live around blacks for a week or so

>> No.16813717


you should move to both of those places and compare them to one another.
Also, it doesn't have to be the black part of Chicago. It can be the primary black part of any city with a population over 10k.

>> No.16813748
File: 106 KB, 1136x640, 471BE06B-4A1B-4E39-996A-0A2FFF0C083E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually and truly open your eyes. It’s not something you can manufacture retard. I hate most everyone and nigger behavior is not exclusive to blacks, unfortunately.
People suck more and more every day. There’s some cool people of every race and 95% of the world is utter shit. It’s what your cultural preference/appetite for degeneracy.

TLDR: let hate flow through you and stop being a fucking robot

>> No.16813759

This, racism is something that's learned. When you have to deal with blacks on a daily basis

>> No.16813775

>im not a racist
>i don't want to live with slavs or niggers
Which is it fren?

>> No.16813776

>midtown atlanta
Shit, I'm not far from you.

>> No.16813859

There ain't much jews in the world and not much open white nationalists in the world, so it'd be much harder to find a white nationalist jew just by taking into account the statistics. On top of that, many white nationalists hate jews which prevents them to join you guys.

Personally, I'm not a white nationalist but an ethno nationalist jew. I don't believe in the idea that all whites are a single people in the same way I don't believe it to be the case for Asians and blacks. I believe in the right of all ethnic groups to remain in their countries autonomous and with at least a 90% majority, unless the minority groups are secluded from the power structure with their basic human rights in check.

If you post plenty of stuff about how terrible jews are, at best you'll get self hating jews joining you.