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16810744 No.16810744 [Reply] [Original]

Next time some boomer tries to shame you for not putting your health or life on the line to get minimum wage from Mr Shekleberg, remember Loren Schauers.

>> No.16810753

Why even live at that point?

>> No.16810767
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He still has his QT

>> No.16810773

What happened to this lad?

>> No.16810777

Based, I learned that early on when working at a supermarket filling shelves. One of my co-workers saw someone stealing some food and ran after him only to get stabbed twice in the abdomen and once in a leg. He still walks with a limp. Imagine that, getting your future rekt at 15 y/o because you were too much of a good goy for 2,50 an hout

>> No.16810778

>i have no ass and i must shitte

>> No.16810786


You could be a top paid Haunted House employee.

>> No.16810792

can he even survive more than couple of years like that?

>> No.16810796

Where's his boi pucci? I wanna fuck him good

>> No.16810800

It's fucking hellish, it's like a nightmare.

>> No.16810806

Jews aren't in the construction field you dumbass NEET

>> No.16810816

She wont't stay lmao.

>> No.16810819
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>German surname

>> No.16810828

because this life is short and the hereafter is everything you desire if you spent your time worshiping god before you died

>> No.16810858

No one has survived that procedure more than 3 months.

>> No.16810889

forklift accident

>> No.16810892

Are you sure? Or are you just talking out your ass. If he still has all vital organs, there’s no reason why he can’t live for decades

>> No.16810907

the dude has no holes for pee and shit, thats very important anon

>> No.16810916

OP, you better be one of those depressionfag posters on here then, moaning about how you're so depressed because life is so meaningless. That's normie behavior. I understand you coming life is a scam for the majority, but don't shit up the board with that realization.

Lower wage/slave labour and manual labour has always come with more risks and physical damage, that's how it's always been. Behaviour towards others is a choice though. It's unnecessary to point out or mock the unfortune of others, and avoid being elitist, that's tends to be normie behavior as well.

>> No.16810928

*you're coming to the realization

>> No.16810944

*better not be

>> No.16810947

Must be awful feeling for his parents. They will get a pay out and this poor guy will probably commit suicide within a few years.

>> No.16810948

That’s what the piss and shit bags are for in the pic. As long as he still has at least 1 kidney intact and didn’t lose his entire intestinal tract he will live quite a long time

>> No.16810958

Remember /biz/ these are the idiots telling you to buy LINK and ETH

>> No.16810961

Not him and 3 months is BS but there are some serious long term consequences. People who have massive bowel resection often need parenteral nutrition (via an IV) which has plenty of complications. Liver disease occurs in 50% within 7 years. Smol blood volume means any future surgery or even a regular wound is much more serious to deal with. etc etc etc

>> No.16810968

Only so she can virtue signal during his stay in the hospital. She'll be gone after that.

>> No.16810976

>and avoid being elitist, that's tends to be normie behavior as well.
what are you talking about. try being successful without being "elitist" and good luck with that. choosing to cut out bullshit from your life is elitist, choosing to read a book over another for reason that one is superior to the other is elitist, choosing to learn x instead of y is elitist. "normies" don't exist outside of the incel mentality comfort zone you've worked yourself in to

>> No.16810985

Okay I stand corrected, thanks for your input

>he was too much of a retard to go all in link when it was below 30 cents
Oh well anon, better luck next time. Kek

>> No.16810995

Alright, I now believe you're normalfag. Please, post more depression, it'll help.

>> No.16811008

LMAO did i fucking call it or what you stupid schizophrenic stinker

>> No.16811009

are you comparing a poobag to an actual ass? dude is probably on antibiotics to avoid that shit to eat him back, can't take those for too long

>> No.16811037

She seems like a nice girl desu. Well spoken in the videos. She has a tough decision to make that’s for sure.

>> No.16811043

OP is a normie who's basically moaning about the dangers of manual labour, seasoned with terms like "boomer". You're probably a zoomer who's trying to get rich by buying crypto. Fair enough. Go get your office job, then treat others shit.

>> No.16811046

i wasn't that poster
i dont even believe depression is real i agreed with first half of your post

>> No.16811048

This shit scares me.

>> No.16811060

Her face says that not for long, and his face says that he doesn't suspect a thing.

>> No.16811061

Oh right, sorry blue colour confused me, apologies OP, I didn't mean to accuse you of being a normie

>> No.16811070

Seeing this guy's story has made me so grateful for just having a complete, normal functioning body. It makes me want to maintain and protect and care for it to always be in perfect condition. Respect it and treat it well.

It also makes all my "life" problems seem like nothing in comparison. As long as I'm healthy and alive, that's #1 important thing. Most forget or ignore this simple blessing, being whole and everything working as it should

>> No.16811079

How deep in morfine he must be to still smile?

>> No.16811091

Underrated kek

>> No.16811096

yup, everything seems so insignificant compare to him.

>> No.16811123

What happened to him?

>> No.16811125

this is so goddamned sad and depressing

>> No.16811141

One time my old manager told me I had to stay late and I laughed and left anyways. No fear faggots. Homelessness looks ez as fuck and that's not sarcasm.

>> No.16811142

forklift driver rolled it and he jumped for it

>> No.16811143

>Loren Schauers
>dumbass tries to drive a forklift across a road
>literally says "it will stop before it hits me"
Entitled zoomer thinks everyone else will do what he wants. He deserves this and it has nothing to do with minimum wage.

>> No.16811148

This. This. This.
Godspeed Anon.

>> No.16811167

I went and lifted today, and had complete control over the entirety of my body.

You should use yours too

>> No.16811174

Hmm. I was the one awhile back who posted a comment akin to "why the fuck are they smiling so much" in a past thread about this.

Aside from still agreeing with "he's on a lot of morphine" anon, I imagine at present part of the explanation is he's grateful he's even alive. In the basic sense you'd have of surviving.

In a way I'm glad to have been reminded of this guy. Although while the current optimism he shows is somewhat inspiring, the part without smiling will likely come later, when he's increasingly reminded of certain things he can no longer do. Hopefully he manages to survive that depression, and maybe even surpass it. Good luck to you Bob Oblong!

>> No.16811183
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>He and Sabia say there is a legal process underway with his employers for long-term compensation, though that may take months.

Based M. Shekelstein slowing down the compensation process, hoping the zoomer wagie will die before he could see a single cent.

>> No.16811194

I mean elitist more in sense of behaviour towards others. So say for example you judge a book written by one author to be better than another for a set number of reasons, that's understandable. Being elitist, in the sense I'm talking about, would be if you then mocked (not criticized constructively) the other book and sent hate mail to the author. That's unnecessary behavior, it's a choice.

>> No.16811195

Who knows, if he survives they might be able to build him an exoskeleton in a five to ten years. Prosthesis has come a very long way.

>> No.16811199

But he doesn't have his PP

>> No.16811212

because S C I E N C E

>> No.16811229


>> No.16811231

You sound like the schitzo faggot. Im getting a strong odor of reddit as well. Maybe it's time to head back over there, whaddya say kiddo?

>> No.16811254

kek, this

>> No.16811258

what you should take from this, well said.
I get so greedy and ungrateful all the time, its definitely my biggest downfall, nothing is never enough for me

>> No.16811318

Homelessness is not easy you retard.

>> No.16812112

Was operating a fork lift, was struck by a car, rolled down an embankment and the forklift pinned him down.

>> No.16812121

well you havent seen an anon here who took on the lifestyle, nigga was living in tents and seems quite happy.

>> No.16812124

Based and gonna be shitposting with me in heaven pilled

>> No.16812149

Homelessness is easy as fuck, dummie. You literally do whatever the fuck you want and sleep wherever you want.

>> No.16812156

>You literally do whatever the fuck you want and sleep wherever you want.
what if you want to sleep in a warm bed?

>> No.16812163

thanks for your proof on that insane claim, anon. This isn't /ShareYourFaithWithEveryone/.

>> No.16812165

How does he poop?

>> No.16812188

Yeah getting cut in fuxking half losing your dick legs and losing one of your arms is pretty scary

>> No.16812200

just wanted to add that he wasn't certified to drive a forklift, and right before the crash he decided to drive across the road into oncoming traffic, assuming that the oncoming car would stop for him... not saying he deserved it, especially since he was only 18, but he did cause it

>> No.16812212

Look at hey eyes, they are literally saying "how much longer do i need to stay here, im bored". Women dont understand the concept of loyalty and altruism. Its either you perform or youre gone.

>> No.16812219

this is what the average verge holder looks like

>> No.16812234

i know

she is in a bind, short term.

she had picked a nice boy. symmetrical face ,youthful, and chad enough to survive a forklift accident.

However rather than keeping him home or near by and blowing him all day long or as soon as he woke up and when he got home to keep him close she sacrificed him to,

Juz get a job, work harder, entry level, min wage in your death cage,

Be manz

Save 4 our future,

or similar.

Now she has virtue signalled, and he still has the upper half looks as he was, its really tough.

She will have to go as he ages, if he makes it.

he will understand.

he is still in shock and wakes to a nightmare every day.

I admire the utter strength of the man.

If it was me I would ask to be cyrogenically frozen until I can be fixed up. everyone wins, even if I die.

However, it is a testament to the human spirit and fortitude,

but a sacrifice at the altar of moloch by sheckleberg, feminists, socialist, lgbtzeqr, greens, mass immigration.

Fuck, metropolis, the black and white movie had parts about this.

>> No.16812242

easier than what that kid is going through I would take homelessness any time and until I die overthat

>> No.16812255

it not womens fault though the have to latch on to alpha to survive, and breed up the genetics. or you end up with mongs.

womens hypergamy acts as a massive + to spreading better genes, and weeding out mongs

>> No.16812259

just wagecuck until you can't even take a shit bro

>> No.16812264

Well he probably has disability welfare so he doesn't have to be a wagecuck anymore.

>> No.16812273

>when that 1 wagie decides to stop being a wagie

>> No.16812284

Imagine what he must had felt when he woke up. He probably thought it was a dream. Then the realization slowly came. You have one arm. You lost most of your body including your dick. I wonder if he is on constant morphine trip since then.

>> No.16812304


there's no decision to make. He's literally not even half a man at this point.

>> No.16812313

People get over such things surprisingly well, usually. There is often an initial period of depression and despair and then they just sort of level out and accept life.

>> No.16812329

I would just give him LSD and see how he reacts

>> No.16812345

Manlets, when will they ever learn.

>> No.16812571

Nigga looks like darth vader

>> No.16812601

But still has a mouth.

>> No.16812616
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>Fearing something that only has a 0.0000069% chance of happening during your lifetime. Pathetic.

>> No.16812715


>> No.16812744
