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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16808183 No.16808183 [Reply] [Original]

When AMD

>> No.16808200
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Right after Texas Instruments.
>Stake-1000, suicide fag.

>> No.16808202

Never. Just another bullshit, larp breadcrumb

>> No.16808440

When is Texas Instruments?

>> No.16808551

Damn, TI would be amazing. Every school in the country.

>> No.16808591

Supposedly the end of the conference but I’m starting to doubt. I’m sure there will be a partnership eventually

>> No.16808642

I doubt it too anon, I hope we're wrong but yeah

>> No.16808775


When does it end?

>> No.16808813

it already ended like an hour ago.

>> No.16808814

I believe the last conference event ends in 4 hours. May have time zones screwed up. To be honest. Most companies trying to be professional aren’t going to hint on 4chan anymore. The 2020s are going to be a big push in legit projects getting respect and trust. I think it was some random anon that started the amd/chainlink rumor on Monday. We will see.

>> No.16808826


thanks based anons, i doubt we will see anything today

>> No.16808827

Ha, well there ya go.

>> No.16809095

Why would AMD announce chainlink making implementations for AMD TEEs at CES? It makes no sense for them to do this even if they're production ready (which they probably are not). Think a little bit anon

>> No.16809229

Because the news would likely cause their shitty stock to skyrocket.

>> No.16809255

anyone who believes the larp is pants on head. this place is full of nulinkers

>> No.16809269

sure buddy, whatever floats your boat

>> No.16809296

Thats not supposed to be a compliment to LINK so much as a diss to AMD. They are like the pajeet shitcoin of the computer hardware world.

>> No.16809304


Look at this. "Link" is Chainlink. Look at their twitter feed.
>holy fuck

>> No.16809344

I’m not convinced.

>> No.16809354

Link has literally nothing to with with AMD holy shit

Stop making shit up

>> No.16809360

Are you by any chance retarded?

>> No.16809368

you're right it's not

>> No.16809418

141 IQ, six figure income. So, yes I am.

>> No.16809471

If it is real, it’s fucking huge. Plaid does have some crypto connections.

>> No.16809479

When will this shit finally hit 100 bucks?

>> No.16809513


>> No.16809731

>Consumer Electronics Show
>Trusted Execution Environments

AMD's TEE will be announced at an enterprise focused event, not an event aimed at consumers

>> No.16809742

Ya you're retarded. You should be making seven figures with an IQ of 141

>> No.16809918

I don't know man
What I do know is that there have been some intriguing changes on the Chainlink Pivotal Tracker

>> No.16809990

there actually have...that's interesting

>> No.16810020

Wait wtf, i always knew the amd shit was fake but this looks like actual hopium

>> No.16810065
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