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File: 267 KB, 800x600, 154590874719.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16806777 No.16806777 [Reply] [Original]

The sewer from the BitCoin citadel will be diverted to the Blockstream Tranny Club (BTC) shack. You will beg us to shower you with it because it will be the only source of nutrition you can afford after going bankrupt falling for the btc scam.

Pic related is an artistic interpretation on how the citadel sewer system will work. Bitcoin chads on the top, BTC trannies beneath feeding on our waste

>> No.16806867

i think bsv shills are retarded but this is a great picture, have my upvote and karma

>> No.16806886

Yes sir behind Almost every bsv shit post there is a patrician and we fud as sanjeet so manwinder and gurpreet don’t buy (you)

>> No.16806892

Checked. Hail Satoshi.

>> No.16806895
File: 138 KB, 943x943, glittermountain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Craig forgives those who pay their respect.

>> No.16806901
File: 1.39 MB, 240x360, 80FAB9B2-698B-4BF4-B860-514C24F05F88-1212274.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This-ish. I unironically thought that most of the BSV fanatics were just LARPers, but someone directed me to Reddit yesterday and I can't believe the sheer retardedness of those nutjobs.

I saved the image a while ago and removed the logos. Can't find it to repost, but it's easy to do.

>> No.16806927
File: 1.81 MB, 2400x3000, 1576248760628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checking those beauties! turns out kek wills bsv

>> No.16806968
File: 57 KB, 800x600, 1542608522093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the original you seething dilating btc tranny

>> No.16807003

What subreddit? I want to enjoy the seethe as BSV moons to four figures.

>> No.16807064

BitcoinCashSV want a centralized private company-style approach to Crypto with blocks so large that not even AWS would be able to sustain their pipe dream network. On this path, the coming years, the will be akin to a multinational datacenter, rather than a brand of cryptocurrency.
Furthermore they plan to reverse out protocols which were implemented on the bitcoin chain over the years to improve functionality and security (P2SH) which will result in users of BSV being able to claim and spend BSV which existed on the bitcoin chain from before August 2017 without ever knowing private keys. The results with be seemingly limitless inflation and dumping of their currency, to the detriment of the oblivious and mislead who lack the knowledge of how to claim 'unclaimed' Bitcoin / BSV from the fork.
If there were ever an opportunity to invest in the future of bitcoincashSV, it has long since past. After the Genesis Hard fork I fully expect BSV to be the headline of unfortunate articles and imagine the price per coin to plummet, in 2020.

>> No.16807100

what the fuck are you talking about lmao

>> No.16807117

Imagine not selling this golden pump. I pity those missing out so much.

>> No.16807127

It's just a recycled meme from the 2016 election. Just like all the other recycled BSV forced memes.