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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1680416 No.1680416 [Reply] [Original]

Anytime I put my head on a degree I end up with someone telling me its a meme degree.

Currently thinking of doing Computer Science, should I do it?

Give me examples of non-meme stem degrees

>> No.1680421

cs is not a meme degree.
but you will mostly do C++ on paper for the first year which is hell.
i would just learn the most in demand api's and frameworks and apply from there.
you have tons of ways to prove you are good, degree is just one of them

>> No.1680427

Here's a tip, this is the only exception to what I'm about to say.

DO NOT EVER TAKE ADVICE FROM ANYONE ON THIS SITE. Especially life advice. Most people on this site are fucking morons who just love to say meme at any chance they get because it's so funny (it's not). There are much better resources available elsewhere to help answer your question. You can correct this, just get the fuck off this site and only come when you want to waste time with stupid shit.

>> No.1680433

>Is the degree required for a certification or license to perform the related job?

No? It's a meme degree.

CS is a meme. Only go to Uni if it's actually required for the job you want to do, such as Accounting to become a licensed CPA, Finance to become a licensed CFA, Education to become a licensed teacher, Nursing to become a Registered Nurse, etc.

Getting a CS degree with no real passion for it (haven't been programming since you were 12) will just lead you to becoming a lower level monkey for the rest of your life.

>> No.1680434
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>> No.1680436

well i wouldn't ask on quora or some other site.
if you really want to ask a pro all he will tell you is "work hard and succeed" in a nutshell.
obviously none of them will tell you to fuck off and don't follow your dreams, you will get the same blunt meme answer every time

>> No.1680512

Take a couple MIS and business classes while working towards a CS degree and put "business intelligence" as a skill on your resume.

If you can get a gig in BI, it's literally MS Excel tier programming and the pay is comparable to legit programming. Most memeworthy job in corporate America ever.

>> No.1680513

I'm assuming BI work is the same as BA (Business Analyst) work, and in that case the two aren't comparable for salary. You can make a shit load of money with CS if you A. aren't autistic and B. aren't retarded

>> No.1680540

BI is more than just excel. You need to know databases, SQL, and other shit like using visual studio, Hadoop, Tableau or other software.

>> No.1680544

We are full sorry

>> No.1680780


Just don't do any of the liberal arts shit degrees.

The rest are all fine if you act right, compete, and fight for a good job.

Life's a competition mate. The smart and brave win the money. Show people you have these qualities.

>> No.1680781


I've been on 4chan for 5 years and this is the single most ironic post I have ever seen.

>> No.1680795


Your first mistake: listening to what members of a Bible-Belt pest extermination image board have to say about the matter.

>> No.1681560

I got a friend making six figures with a Cs bachelor. He didn't start that high and he's really good but if you're smart and smart with your money you can set yourself up for a good life.

>> No.1681578

I went to a mediocre state school and they had us writing code in Java from the first week. We only wrote code on paper for exams and it was usually a single function.

>> No.1682311

Can relate but we had to use java for entire course.
Teaching myself C, C++, and some parallel programing. If a person does want to go for a CS degree make sure that university has a good program. Mine does not but hey I go to the school for free anyway.

>> No.1682347

>CS - Good Degree
If you aren't wanting to do 80-hour work weeks of bitch work in return for an okay salary - don't do CS, but as I said, okay salary for a lot of work.

>Engineering - Good Degree
Always a good pick, but has less job security compared to CS while also having a far higher end-game salary. Probably going to end up slaving away from an engineering firm with zero advancement because the start-up costs as an engineer are fucking crazy.

>Finance/Accounting - Good Degree
Again, ton of bitch work for a decent salary, and far more mind numbing than CS. In the end though starting your own business after a few years of experience isn't nearly as difficult as engineering, but you'll never make the big bucks unless you strike it lucky with a promotion at a top-4 accounting firm. Have to suck a lot of metaphorical dicks to advance in finance, be prepared for button-up shirts and ties every day of your life while dealing with the most stressed out fuckers you've ever met (People in financial trouble or going through divorces) Good money, boring fucking work.

>Economics (BS not BA) Hard-to-say tier
Get a good internship and you'll be rolling in money once hired, requires immense dick-sucking to advance, but if you do you'll be open to very god-tier government paychecks.

>> No.1682363

I work in software dev and everyone i know works 30 to 35 hour weeks regardless of company.

Some places like amazon will have you work 50 hour weeks but 80 is just not done

You're just going to make mistakes at that point

>> No.1682366

Also it's not bitch work if you know what the hell you are doing

>> No.1682370


What jobs will have Econ majors rolling in money once hired?

>> No.1682374


>> No.1682376

Is Business Administration a good degree? I got kicked out of chemistry :(

>> No.1682381

No. U must study political science for real cash

>> No.1682389

I use Java and get paid 130k a year + benefits.

>> No.1682390



>Economics (BS not BA) Hard-to-say tier
>Get a good internship and you'll be rolling in money once hired

>> No.1682393
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>> No.1682408

Graduating with a Sociology BA this summer.. any advice on how I can pull myself out of this grave i have dug?

>> No.1682427 [DELETED] 

Glad to here someone that made it using it.

>> No.1682429 [DELETED] 

Fuck me. redo. Glad to hear someone that made it using it.

>> No.1682432 [DELETED] 

Glad to here someone make it using it.

>> No.1682438

Glad to hear someone make it using it

>> No.1682585

>You're just going to make mistakes at that point

Anyway CS isn't a meme degree, it's just autists forget they still need to network to find good job opportunities. You need to do stuff beyond coursework, like participate in hackathons or join some clubs where you can put your skills to use.

This is true

>> No.1682592


>> No.1682616
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>taking computer scimeme

>> No.1682619

CS is a meme degree. Mediocre comp sci grads are a diamond dozen.

Mathematics, Physics or nothing.

>> No.1682664

>Give me examples of non-meme stem degrees

>> No.1682979

Look nigger, you're not going to make it (in anything) until you decide that you will work towards something for yourself and not let others convince you that what you're doing is wrong. There will always be people telling you what you're doing is shit. If you follow their "advice", it is going to be shit. If you hold out and actually accomplish something you might make something out of yourself.

>> No.1683160


This is probably the best post in this thread

>> No.1683208

>Getting under dusty tables to replace the VGA cord in the meeting room because these mongs don't know how to use it without breaking the pins
>Not bitch work

>> No.1683244
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Why don't you pursue a degree in memes?

>> No.1683245

>Currently thinking of doing Computer Science, should I do it?

Pajeet will have your job by the time you graduate