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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16803498 No.16803498 [Reply] [Original]

>The broken windows theory is a criminological theory that states that visible signs of crime, anti-social behavior, and civil disorder create an urban environment that encourages further crime and disorder, including serious crimes.
/biz/ is misspelled. This place is designed to attract absolute brainlets, subhumans, deviants, faggots.

>> No.16803510

The mental gymnastics people do to not call a nigger for what it is

>> No.16803511

I've found that to be true anecdotally but criminal behavior goes right to the top of society anyway. When people complain about "dehhh bankers" it's the same thing

>> No.16803539

You just enumerated the finest humans, faggot.

>> No.16803562



>> No.16803616

Criminality at the top also has a self-reinforcing environmental manifestation which is frankly more pleasant.

>> No.16803636

>theory is a theory
And it makes a nice story but... eh who knows how powerful it really is?

>> No.16803895
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Seems pretty obvious. However, Anon, consider the following:
>there are sexually liberated roasties (first window)
>nobody wants a slut as wife
>males start lobbying for the legalization of 14 year old 2d waifu robots who just entered their prime (second window)
>roasties become obsolete
>roasties desperately try to become good wives again in order to attract mates
We have now gone full circle. Because various levels of crime balance each other out, proving the police unnecessary. This is the natural order of things.

>> No.16803924

> Kleros reaches 500 mil market cap
> Roughly 500x from here
Cannot wait until this place has some order.

>> No.16803935
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Whereas interfering with the breaking of any further windows after the first one (which is sexually liberated roasties coming into existence) by "law" would completely destroy this balance. So either you are fully authoritarian and prevent the breaking of any windows, including the first roastie one, or you are lenient what the breaking of further windows is concerned.

>> No.16803946

Will literally never happen. There are too many men that will accept anything in the face of genetic annihilation so women now can do whatever they want because they can't be beaten physically, etc. They're no longer called out for their behaviour so it's a free for all to the bottom

>> No.16804026

>>nobody wants a slut as wife
That’s an unfortunate exaggeration

>> No.16804689

This anon gets it

>> No.16805489

Rich people always commit more crime than poor people, it's how they got rich.

>> No.16805516

well yeah, but we can't pretend like the type of crime is anywhere in the same league. broken window environments def. have more broken window crimes... violence and petty theft.
it's not the same at all, and I know who I'd rather be in with.