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16800721 No.16800721 [Reply] [Original]

> Be me
> Be 21 year old Venezuelan computer engineer
> Live in literally the worst country of the world
> It's a socialist shithole
> Any currency I earn from jobs loses 20% to 30% value daily
> America sanctions Venezuela so most online services dont want me as a customer
> Have to use VPN because I cant even post on 4chan

What can I do to ease my suffering in terms of savings, or ways to make money online.

>> No.16800740

Leave the country. Go to Colombia or Peru young zoomernigger

>> No.16800771

literally no way to legally migrate and work in colombia, ive done my research

>> No.16800780

>America sanctions Venezuela so most online services dont want me as a customer
Sad shit. Create website listing local hookers capitalising on what I can only assume will be an increasing sex tourism scene.

>> No.16800813

The United States lets any turd that floats in stay permanently. Free housing, free driver's license, you can vote in any/all elections, sanctuary cities, free medical insurance, food stamps and on and on and on.

What the fuck do I care if you come over? In the time it took to type this, a hundred thousand brown people just crossed the border and signed up for welfare.

>> No.16800876

>Live in literally the worst country of the world
North Korea, Iran, Liberia, Zimbabwe and Eritrea are worse.

>> No.16800895

Fuck their laws. Leave anyway. Do you seriously think they have enough resources to hunt you specifically down?

>> No.16800920

not economically, I'm pretty sure their economies are way more stable than ours except maybe zimbabwe and thats fucking africa, we're 2 steps from good economies, western education and we were once america's saudi arabia. We hit 1 million inflation last year

>> No.16800921

It's been an insane boom of Venezuelan woman going into the sex industry at different venues. You could probably pick up a harem cheap. Reminds me of Greece crisis a while back when the women were selling themselves left and right for next to nothing.

>> No.16800929

just hop on a boat retard

>> No.16800933

Sorry bro
Maybe it is La Revolucion time ?
Spread shit online to your peers.
Organize protests.
Allways wear a mask.

>> No.16800949

why dont you take care of your country for once instead of running away.

>> No.16800963


spoken like a true first worlder, please kill yourself and make a spot for me to inmigrate

>> No.16800981

>It's been an insane boom of Venezuelan woman going into the sex industry at different venues.
Not surprised. They are hot as fuck. I guess the danger (not sure how dangerous Venezuela actually is for foreigners atm) is stifling the sex economy a bit.

>> No.16800994

Living conditions are actually pretty good in Iran

>> No.16801010

bro just manage 30 million people its easy bro hahaha!

>> No.16801047
File: 246 KB, 1200x675, AE12AB9A-1B0E-4E46-BE7C-270390A6CE08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use the Reserve app, you can easily convert your bolivars to RSV and back to protect your savings from inflation.

>> No.16801056

it doesnt suprise me anymore that all of the non white world is a fucking shithole.

all you do is leeching and begging

>> No.16801064

Argentina anon here , we are fucked , if we go full memezuela i am mining monero till the grid stops working.

>> No.16801066

Forgot the link

>> No.16801068

>Malaysia my 2nd home program
>Check 'em

>> No.16801075

Why is Latin America even shittier and more dangerous than most of Africa even though spics are smarter than niggers?

>> No.16801080


>> No.16801081

what kind of full blown computer engineer is only 21?

>> No.16801086


You should be happy Anon. I have been to your country... nothing but skinny and extremely sexy women.. everywhere, every age. I was there with my woman, but blown away... you should be happy

>> No.16801110
File: 104 KB, 2000x1250, argeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good question, i would say it's not , it's just that we have data here and not in africa , places with data in africa like south africa look terrible too.

Latam also is dangerous because it uses first world laws and policing in shithole conditions.
There are times to be harsh and times to be good latin countries are trying to be euro welfare states while not developening a private sector first(not that being a euro welfare state is a good idea in the first place).

>> No.16801116

one that isnt retarded and actually attends to classes, I did 24 credits every semester

>> No.16801123


>> No.16801229
File: 38 KB, 480x432, DABD9E96-58C3-4525-B212-B129983A8434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will tell you a secret for free dummy. Arepa was not fucking invented in Venezuela. You get that right? Now go fucking a pair of kneepads and suck dick all the way to Cucutá. Once you are in colombia, buy a fucking bike and do Rappi. Capisce?

>> No.16801360

Yeah you're probably right. There's estimates that show murder and violent crime rates are higher in Latin America than africa, but that's probably due to inaccurate data, under reporting of crime, and incompetent policing etc, in africa

>> No.16801464

I have been reading your posts and you genuinely do not seem to realise you are brown. Now I really don't care about that but I don't want you living near me or anything but stay where you belong with other brown people. Generally brown people seem to be well, poor but also criminal and quite frequently somnewhat insane. Colonialism by Europe was your one chance for a civilised life and you blew it. You seem to think you may have a bright and prosperous future if you immigrate you a western nation. You won't because you are brown and whether you like it or not you will be an immigrant, readily racially distinguished, with no inheritance or cultural heritage, family or ties and you will be poor and your children will be poor (and probably be criminals) and then some hitler will come along (they do) and kill you or throw you out. Do you have any idea what percentage of western first world nations populations died through famine, disease, war etc over the last 200 years? But you are brown thing with no place in them will magically thrive? How deluded are you.

>> No.16801737

nice blogpost

>> No.16801782


>> No.16801811

Do gig work online and take payment in crypto.

>> No.16801831

You must be a very slow typist.

>> No.16801876
File: 90 KB, 645x729, 46a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't understand hyperbole

>> No.16801884


>> No.16801923

it's 2020, that's not the way world works anymore brah

>> No.16801933

get 1 USD, rent a truck where you can haul gas.
Fill up 1 million gallons of oil and drive to the United states, Sell the oil, sell lower than the gas station. gas is like 2.5 some places so sell for $1.9 make $1.9 million

>> No.16802006

Spics suddenly stopped being incompetent, lazy, criminals because it's the current year?

>> No.16802019


>> No.16802020

>21 year old Venezuelan computer engineer
Huh? At 21? Larp or what?
> Any currency I earn from jobs loses 20% to 30% value daily
unironically buy btc.

>> No.16802061

Bachelors degree

>> No.16802076

Where would i exchange my btc for bsf? I'm a newfag when it comes to crypto

>> No.16802825


start earning passive crypto income immediately so you can have relative wealth compared to your countrymen and maybe not end up face down in a river.

here is a small list of ways to get some free coins:


>> No.16803678

move to usa sanctuary city. spend ur entire paycheck. good luck anon

>> No.16803861

Apply to Reserve Protocol, they are interested on hiring Venezuelans to promote their app on ground afaik

>> No.16804772

If you can get a crypto buy PAXG. It’s a gold stable coin and isn’t exit scamming anytime soon.

>> No.16804976

mate it doesn't work that way these countries are typically controlled either by mafia or puppet governments who answer to private interests

>> No.16805010

this, your country is a perfect use case for crypto. build as much wealth as you can and research how to get out of that shithole

>> No.16805032
File: 760 KB, 1366x768, senku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Join the French Foreign Legion or take advantage of the Svalbard Treaty.

>> No.16805362

you're still a newfag.

>> No.16805425

Jesus lmao

>> No.16806003

Don't worry OP.

Venezuela isn't real socialism so you're not actually poor.

>> No.16806009

Lack of economic freedom.

>> No.16806105

Spotted the monger

>> No.16806699


>> No.16806854

If you seriously have a bachelor's degree in CE, emigrate to Spain and get a job there. They have special rules for letting in people from their former colonies.

You could probably find something elsewhere in South America, too.

I would suggest Taiwan, where I am, but you would have to have a master's degree in order to get a legal work permit with zero experience, and no one will hire you illegally.

>> No.16807341

Op here, i'm seriously considering it, but i have heard that you can get stuck in a legal limbo in spain where you havent gotten your permits and youre stuck waiting in a queue that can take years

>> No.16807400

Immediately put your money in BTC or LINK when you get paid. Don’t feel too bad though America is on the verge of turning socialist as well it won’t be long before poverty and hyperinflation crush is as well.

>> No.16807682
File: 191 KB, 720x1114, photo_2020-01-10_14-10-15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another Venezuelan anon here.
Buy crypto you fucking retard.

>> No.16807693

Still better than getting stuck in a commie limbo. Do it, retard.

>> No.16807766

>Socialism is shit

anon ill pay for you to move to america if you can tell all these retarded white girls and brainwashed lgbtq retards what socialism is actually like since they dont understand the realities of it and the humanitarian violations that almost always occur, thanks

>> No.16808012

Haha I usually find 18 or 19 year old Venezuelan chicks on Facebook and wire them like $20 through western union and promise them citizenship.
$20 to them is like a million to us lmao.
But seriously there are travel bans on direct flights from Venezuela to the US. My harem would have to go to Panama City and get in that way. There are a fuck ton of them in Houston right now.
Is an import wife profitable?

>> No.16808020

How do I bring young Venezuelan women in so they can have my babies?

>> No.16808045
File: 209 KB, 700x738, gods money.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just get silver, bro. 1 ounce of silver gets you enough food to eat for a few months, 1 ounce of gold gets you a house.

>> No.16808054
File: 24 KB, 313x470, images (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am mining Bolivarcoin and staking Arepacoin .
Viva Venezuela mi patria querida, que la liberto fue mi hermano Simon Bolivar

>> No.16808078

following the advice ive gotten, do you do crypto? lmao