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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 799 KB, 1108x726, 2020-01-09 12_53_40-'Pre-school Picasso' shakes up German art world.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16797112 No.16797112 [Reply] [Original]

"At just seven years old, he is established in the art world. There is interest from Germany, France and the USA," his father and manager, Kerem Akar, told AFP.

Akar senior discovered Mikail's precocious talent by chance several years ago, when he gifted his son a canvas and some handprint paints for his fourth birthday.

"We had already bought him enough cars and action figures, so we had the idea of getting him a canvas," Kerem Akar said.

"The first picture looked fantastic, and I thought at first that my wife had painted it."

>> No.16797131

Find trash, stick it up on wall and sell it as 'art'

People have done this with everything nowadays.

Art has no meaning in present day, just collective stupidity asserting value to valueless material.

>> No.16797147

I mean the pictures in OP's picture do look fantastic. I'm actually impressed. It's too bad the context of them, being made by a child, inherently makes them worthless to me.

>> No.16797152

At least we aren't speaking German?

>> No.16797235
File: 3.96 MB, 2368x2801, Mikail_Akar_ryra_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to art school and actually these look good. The composition and colour use is good and his figurative work actually has it's own style that you can see in multiple works. I was sceptic but this is good enough to be in a gallery.

If pic related would hang in an art gallery it wouldn't look out of place with the 'grown up' works.

>> No.16797243


>> No.16797263
File: 39 KB, 767x274, imrs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16797298
File: 31 KB, 696x441, jewd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you just don't get it

>> No.16797370



>> No.16798158
File: 893 KB, 2048x1487, 1571180947568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mikail Akar
Sounds pretty German to me

>> No.16798352

Only because the 'grown up' works are pathetic too, as is your education

>> No.16798394

What the fuck is this? Looks like a typical pre school drawing. Like a spaghetti man or something. Clown meme gets better and better.

>> No.16798525

whatever, i probably make more than you with my 'education'.

>> No.16798533

>art world
Family connections. Top level art is money laundering, only consumers think otherwise.

>> No.16798539


>> No.16798819
File: 102 KB, 735x735, german.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Anything made my refugees is going to be promoted as amazing in cuckland Germany

>> No.16798968

I do see the art in that childish chaos

>> No.16799025

it beats banana stuck to wall with duck tape.

>> No.16799047

this painting is based. if retarded boomers get to do it why can't a 7 year old?

>> No.16799121

it just proves both how awful modern art is and that much of the art world must be a massive money laundering scheme

>> No.16799156

beauty is mathematics. the kid's got it.

>> No.16799166
File: 185 KB, 320x180, pxa2u1zn0six.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

end of thread

>> No.16799180

Ever wonder if this is how people felt about Mozart in his day? Not to suggest a one-for-one equivalency here.

>> No.16799196
File: 63 KB, 630x630, facepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the modern art jokes related to "looks like a child painted that" have come true.

>> No.16799236

kids don't even use the whole canvas and give up halfway so compared to most 7 year olds he's got that going on.
there's that too, connections is what it's mainly about. not bothered to look through the dad's profile though.

>> No.16799277


I didn't know /biz/ had this many jews! Who knew???

>> No.16799365

No. Full stop.

There's genius and then there's this, which is a hate crime against common sense.

>> No.16799367

kid has a talent

>> No.16799406

What would have happened to Mozart if his father werent a composer and a teacher himself, and didnt start teaching him music from the age of 2?

>> No.16799489

It has pleasant qualities but those qualities are not chosen from a place of 'understanding' in the same way as eg. picasso's. His personal artistic decisions were a result of fucking with what he knew and could consistently execute regarding 'classical' art logic. What this kid does is the equivalent of throwing a turd on the wall and poking at it until it has an artistic appearance. Anyone can do that.

>> No.16799497

Looks like complete shit what the fuck are you talking about
>I went to art school
Great qualification

>> No.16799539

>I went to art school
Large fries, please. This shit will be forgotten in a a couple weeks like every other ‘prodigy’ wonderchild that I can’t even remember over the years.

>> No.16799541
File: 60 KB, 780x444, Modern+art+pls+no+ban_ea8593_5732827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's doing pretty good considering picrelated is what he's competing with

>> No.16799544
File: 89 KB, 1100x825, 5b9235bb5c5e5254548b59f5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just checked it out. Kid has talent but his work is repetitive as fuck. His use of color is very good.

>> No.16799565

This is good, but the squiggly parts on the left bottom are not. They should be smeared

>> No.16799598

>I went to art school
Stopped reading there

>> No.16799599
File: 26 KB, 499x499, 0e9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty good bait

>> No.16799634

if his parents just took that saying and made it reality, it's pretty based.

>> No.16799714

holy fuck, that pic is hilarious. modern day artists really are retarded.

>> No.16799717

are you talentless fucks seriously criticizing a 12 year old fine autist in a click bait article

you guys a fucking pathetic

>> No.16799722
File: 318 KB, 1335x1024, blog_548_1_miro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1900s: artists begin to paint like children

>2020: German boy paints like children


>> No.16799741

And the kid is still whiter than most Americans.

>> No.16799819

these actually are kinda cool but yeah money laundering lol

>> No.16801023
File: 67 KB, 426x568, Hitler_portrait_crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"It is not the mission of art," the Führer proclaimed to the assembled crowd in September 1935, "to wallow in filth for filth's sake, to paint the human being only in a state of putrefaction, to draw cretins as symbols of motherhood, or to present deformed idiots as representatives of manly strength."

>> No.16801168

>Find trash, stick it up on wall and sell it as 'art'
That's not how the art world works. If it was that easy, then art colleges would have the highest income per graduate in the world.
More Ponzi scheme, but yes.
big difference is that Mozart was a piano prodigy before he became known as a composer, it's more akin to say a child making replicas of famous paintings showing incredible technique and only later on turning his hand to originals. (which incidentally is how all the old masters did it in the old apprentice system. Rembrandt had a Warhol-like studio of apprentices).
The kid in OP doesn't seem to show any startling technique

>> No.16801210

Incels here will shit on anyone who they are jealous of. Now its a 7 year old. No wonder you cant get laid.

>> No.16801615

I honestly appreciate you providing a unique perspective to biz.

>> No.16801653

You are such a faggot.>>16797235

>> No.16801745


>> No.16801762

I don't agree with all the Nazi stuff, but Hitler was right about art.

>> No.16801779

his art is actually really striking though

>> No.16801805

Give it time

>> No.16802033

I don't mean to be rude, but nothing amazing about his art. Seems like a lot of hype....for some reason.

>> No.16802104

modern art is money laundering, they picked a random arabic kid for the lottery winner because muh diversity. i could fill up my blader with paint and then pissing out a painting like that, fucking disgusting (((art)))

>> No.16802115

an the painting he does on the ground i could do them by filling up my anus with paint and then shitting it all out into the canvas

>> No.16802194

his dad made this or told the kid what to do, i guarantee it.

>> No.16802319
File: 1.41 MB, 2694x3367, 4284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Andy Warhol - $ (9)

>> No.16802345


>> No.16802649
File: 86 KB, 939x470, currywurst-70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any Germans in here?
Are there even any DAX stocks that aren't total garbage? There's a few I'd like to get but the timing never seems right...
ADIDAS - inflated value
Bayer - Monsanto lawsuit liability
Wirecard - a bit shady
Covestro - bottom isn't in
SAP - out of steam?
Also been pondering Deutsche Bank, if they go belly up they will have to be bailed out and I have this weird feeling they might pull a Goldman Sachs with bullish long-term development even though the conditions are dissimilar in many ways.
What's your two cents?

>> No.16802670

I don't know man. Basically what you've got to look out for is this little thing. It seems complicated but when you get down to the meat of the topic, when you analyze the situation of the financial situation of Adidas but it's quite clearly sneed. You see, I've typed the rest of this to make this post seem large and intelligent however you have already read the word sneed and you know it is not a reasonable response.

>> No.16802673

Take your (you) (you) earned it

>> No.16802699

Then do it chief, you'll make a lot of money

>> No.16802831
File: 1.71 MB, 2803x2005, 87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i remember when art used to be impressive. stuff that makes you go "wow i could never do that". most likely this kid will grow up and still just draw basic shapes.

>> No.16802882
File: 1.56 MB, 2560x1600, 98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no he won't because that's the thing about these basic art pieces that everybody can do, others need to overhype your crap. deviantart is overflowing with people that can paint equal to picasso but nobody gives a shit about them. lucky for this kid is he have his young age going for him.

>> No.16802915

/biz/ - shilling your 7 year old son's art in hopes that you can set the selling price for his artwork really high

>> No.16802986

German jokes read like contracts or instruction manuals, I love it.

>> No.16803054

psst my 7 years old could paint this

>> No.16803062
File: 131 KB, 391x457, 1578551165164.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone want to buy this painting\?

>> No.16803167

This is not true you autistic retard.

>> No.16803211

You sound like a loser.

>> No.16803253

that's sculpture

>> No.16803273

this is what eventually happens to art that is considered degenerate when it is contemporary:

>> No.16803311
File: 285 KB, 1017x796, early.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

picasso was an accomplished realist before anything else, see pic related painted in 1897. His later work is an outgrowth of this knowledge and technique.

>> No.16803324

Jews are in your head rent free, faggot.

>> No.16803346

retard /biz/ are the new jews

>> No.16803427
File: 46 KB, 716x947, Reading_henri_matisse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same as Matisse

>> No.16803753

You remember the 18th century?

>> No.16803840

Looks like a ripoff of john frusciante’s paintings. His dad might be a genius profiting here.

>> No.16803898


>> No.16803905

It's not first time a "child genius" is scamming idiots. In an other similar story it was revealed the father was actually doing the painting for his kid.

Here that must be more or less the same, his parents taught him to copy similar retarded art by grown ups (which isn't hard as it's the technical level you can expect from a toddler).

The fact that he is a non-white in Germany means the Jews are going to push this shit pretty hard. Good business move.

>> No.16803928

Yeah, it wouldn't be hard to train a kid to paint like that. I highly doubt that the boy began to paint like that without any sort of instruction.

>> No.16804597

>do look fantastic
It doesn't. >>16797235
Art school faggot.
He was famous tho. Plus his family had a big role.
This. Basically all the faggots who go to art school produce literal trash. "oh, I made art. I do the opposite of what's trending just because... Because yes. Because I am counterculture. The others. They are stupid and don't understand me." This is the stereotypical self-deluded indebt faggot.

This kind of art is a self citing mental fart passed around by pretentious shitheads.

t. my parents have "alternative investments" in the art world

>> No.16804633
File: 291 KB, 675x1200, D41FbpqWkAA5J6x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not art expert but I know when I see something that was produced by talented person, I think most people do, there is certain uniqueness and aesthetic to the piece especially when it abstract painting (usually these are either good or bad) and this kids painting at least what google has shown look pretty good.

>> No.16804688

>aqua regia based kindergarten artwork
>gene davis
>morris louis

>> No.16804704

the parents are clearly choosing the color palette and method of application, this is bullshit

>> No.16804736

Ty for the art anons. Makes nice Desktop backgrounds

>> No.16804791

Fine art is just money laundering.

>> No.16804796

>I am not art expert
An art expert is just someone who know the provenance or the history. All opinions are equal, but I disagree with your assessment that the child has 'talent' - you make like that kid's work, it may make you feel something - and no one has the authority to tell you not to. But I don't think he has any particularly notable talent.
Talent in the traditional sense means excellence or unusual aptitude in form and content. I see neither in that kid's paintings. Even that cokehead Kinkade>>16802882 has technique even if his content is unoriginal, unimaginative, saccharine, bland crap (that actually remind me of the paintings of young HItler).

>> No.16804828

>Prof. Shekelbergstein at the uni told me its good so it good.
So you have no actual tase, just parrot your jew professor

>> No.16804833

>An art expert is just someone who know the provenance or the history. All opinions are equal,
Just to clarify what I meant here. I consider an art expert just someone who can explain in vivid detail the 'how' of an art work, or at least explain what stylistic devices it is using. In the same way a rhetorician or a writer may speak about Paraleipsis or asyndeton in writing. They are only critiquing, describing the mechanism by which the thing comes together. The 'thing' being the image or impression the general audience has.

>> No.16804845

Sensible argument. I guess, only the future will tell if the kid is worth anything or not.

>> No.16804859
File: 70 KB, 865x577, Elmyr-de-Hory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on how you define 'worth'. It will be interesting to see if he manages to maintain enough of a reputation for his art works to have any sort of financial value - which of course could be totally independent of any aesthetic value.

>> No.16804893

Just talking the quality of the works, not perceived monetary value