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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 7 KB, 225x225, vidt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16796831 No.16796831 [Reply] [Original]

Public service announcement: There has been a schizophrenic pajeet posting stale, FUD about VIDT for months now. He will spew delusional nonsense about a strawman called "sats gang," random made-up shit about a no-name company called Acronis, "token not needed," and random slander about the developers. It is a single piece of shit pajeet behind this, either paid or under the delusional belief that he is suppressing the price for his own accumulation. It's pathetic. Don't listen to that shit. Accumulate before it's $30 in 2021.

>> No.16796850

this is going to moon so hard we might just end up on Mars.

all the fud has already been proven wrong. Just a few people trying to fud because they bought the top and suck at crypto trading.

VIDT is really cheap at these prices.

>> No.16796868

>Just a few people trying to fud because they bought the top and suck at crypto trading.
Yeah, I think this may be the underlying motive of the pajeet. He probably sold at a loss like a weak-handed faggot and is now too salty to buy back in and has become utterly OBSESSED with FUDDing it because he is just a spiteful faggot loser.

T. 30K first lieutenant

>> No.16796999

The pajeet FUDder thinks he is slick because he has a VPN to change his ID.

>> No.16797121

Thats a nice stack fren.

>> No.16797133

that's you, faggot

>> No.16797268

Nope. My ID remains the same. Also I got trips (>>16796999), so SUCK IT

>> No.16797280

I switched from laptop to phone so now aim purp ID. FUCK PAJEETS. VIDT TO $30

>> No.16797413

Hands down the best hold right now. Low cap, major developments revealed and more to be out soon. When this starts moving it'll be too late.

>> No.16797742

> same pajeets peddling their scamcoin day in day out with the same canned replies
> down -80% from last June
This is getting sad, at what point do you give up ?

>> No.16797745
File: 299 KB, 800x1032, trash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No more bump for you, retards. You're only getting one. Better change IPs again.

>> No.16797752
File: 118 KB, 863x545, shills-manipulating-you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just kidding. You all know I cannot resist.

>> No.16797754

sanjeet everyone still remembers this scam

>> No.16797765
File: 362 KB, 1920x1440, 1568487666265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine the profits

>> No.16798198

Only new fags fall for VIDT fud. Im still accumulating though so idc.

>> No.16798491

How much to make it in your opinion?

>> No.16798538

at least 20k VIDT

>> No.16798561

It's crazy to think that a mere $1600 investment today will almost certainly be worth half a million dollar or more in 1-2 years. I love these mad Dutchmen

>> No.16798646

Feel blessed to know a cryptocurrency with such global adoption at 2MC.... DYOR!

>> No.16798684

I'm really tempted to send 0.5 BTC to KuCoin and pick up another 50K of these financial freedom makers.