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16795224 No.16795224 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone here taken the expat pill and move to the third world? Im sick of paying for subsidies for niggers and outrageous taxes for a society that doesnt give a fuck. Where is the promised lands, lads?

>> No.16795245

I did years ago. the 3rd world is just a shitty version of where you live now.
the idea you are going to not pay "outrageous taxes" is naive. Every two-bit hussler and local corrupt politician / person of power will rape you.....oh you want internet service....yea...its a 4 month wait OR you can pay my cousin to "consult" for you directly.

>> No.16795258

I dont know man.
I came to thailand but as soon as i came all the expats started leaving.
Some moved to Vietnam.
But sea is shit dude.
They all see you as an atm.
Japan and South Korea is also not welcoming.
Theres China and Costa Rica I guess.

>> No.16795259

Georgia is my choice for 'Europe', its India cheap + 1 year visa upon entry. Or for Asia Malaysia.

>> No.16795276

SEA is amazing unless your an ugly goober who can’t make it in their own country see>>16795245

>> No.16795278

You fucking nigger literally everyone in here, the third world, dreams, works, sweats, in hope that one day they will step on the us
Just fucking move to a farm on alabama to avoid chemtrails

>> No.16795285

Malaysia is literal pajeet and Muslim tier man why do it to yourself?? Also has the ugliest people ive ever seen

>> No.16795304

Third world is a shithole, take a vacation? sure yes. Move there? Fucking No

Take the best of both worlds

>> No.16795362

being an expat ain't for everybody. besides, not all 3rd world are equal. inside the same country or even inside the same city there can be huge differences in culture/service quality/safety/girls attitude, food, etc.

that being said you should try at least traveling before making a decision. some 3rd worlders live better than the average amerimutts.

>> No.16795393

Why the fuck would you move to the third world? It's complete shit, violence and corruption all around.
-t. third world dweller

>> No.16795431

I just came back from the third world, women are hot, but I had to live in a walled neighborhood with security guards to sleep safe

>> No.16795611

Millennial hero.

>> No.16795837
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less fries for women is a good thing, gotta keep their weight in check

>> No.16795891

>move to SEA
>always seen as an outsider
>can only associate with other expats (overwhelmingly degenerate ladyboy fuckers)
>locals will never stop trying to scam you
>oppressive heat and humidity
>poverty and garbage everywhere

>> No.16795959

Come to india. Live in south, it never snows.

>> No.16796062

redpill me on georgia

>> No.16796307
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Frenchbro here
I live in Bulgaria and I live like an oligarch (fucking russian reality tv show on a daily basis too)

you can have 140 sqm fully furnished flat in luxurious district for 700 per month too

Imagine living in the (((West))) with the niggers, muslims and kikes.

Also, swastika all over the public walls here

>> No.16796328


South India, especially the hill stations in the mountains in central south India, is pretty based desu.

>> No.16796357

One day I hope I will be like Frenchbro but white.

>> No.16796369

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>> No.16796371

I lived in Seoul for 3 years. I would not do it unless I was getting paid. If you're a burger you still owe taxes on the money you make there (over 90k but you're still obligated to file).

It gets old really fast. You basically have no legal rights as a foreigner. Visas are a headache. You will never be able to replicate the foods you like. The grass is not always greener.

>> No.16796372

its so sad that you continually, relentlessly feel the need to imply you're white.

>> No.16796419

Because you have more fun

>> No.16796461

Thats indonesia, malaysia is developed

>> No.16796567

Why go there? Everyone knows it sucks

>> No.16796606

So New York, but warmer?

>> No.16796610

Go where the elite are, that is where the most chemtrails are. That is why they are the elite.

>> No.16796650

Born and raised in New York, actually pretty spot on. Difference is that I'm a local and all my friends and family are here. I would not move to chinkland

>> No.16796672

cms 1763, full that out and stay in usa

>> No.16796687

>Has anyone here taken the expat pill and move to the third world?
yes I have. lived in SEA for almost three years. Im back in the west now because it gets pretty tiring to live among savages after a while. theres a reason you pay a premium to live in civilization

>> No.16796764

for work