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16794593 No.16794593 [Reply] [Original]

In this thread we rate each others life and give advice on how to improve it.

I’ll start:
White M
Age 29
Live in a major city in a first world country.

Healthy / fit but I vape

Don’t have a lot of hobbies atm. Trying to work out more and do productive things. Last couple of years I speng a lot of time learning about politics/ economy/ crypto instead of just watching tv shows and gaming.

Bought a flat two years ago by myself.

Have a 7/10 gf (8 year steady relationship). She’s dependable/ loyal and overall pretty good wifey material

Sex life is shit tho (4/10)

Job: homicide detective (interesting but long hours and low pay/ wagecuck)

Salary: around 35k

Savings: basically nothing. Spent it all on the the appartment. Hopefully I can rent/sell the place in the future and make some profit.

Have around 15k in crypto (ltc, btc, link, cov) and down like 70%. Yes, I bought the top in 2017 like an idiot. Still buying every month for around 300 eur...

Pic unrelated

>> No.16794600

>major city
Are you on welfare too, anon?

>> No.16794606

Can you solve crimes in the first 48 hours?

>> No.16794622

How Big is your dick?

>> No.16794624

Its euro and we pay a huge amount of taxes in this country... it’s basically an average salary here for someone with a degree in college. I don’t have on though since I quit college after two years

>> No.16794628
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>10 yo
>have a 10yo identical chocolate evil spirit twin
>friends with many cute lolis
>currently police officer, mahou shoujo otherwise
>in-love with my big brother
>related to german nobility
pic related is me

>> No.16794629

>8 years
You still haven't asked her to marry you? Her friends probably tell her to leave you daily. A 4/10 sex life means you two need to communicate more. Relationships require work. Put in some effort and you can make that a 10/10.

>> No.16794632


>> No.16794635

Sometimes... but even if you solve it there is a lot of paperwork to be done and most cases take like a year before it goes to trial

>> No.16794637

6,5 inches and thick. Haven’t had any complaints

>> No.16794640

>homicide detective
One of the very few jobs I think would be interesting. How'd you get into it?

>> No.16794648

I have and we talk about it very openly. She just doesn’t have the same sex drive as me. She doesn’t get jealous when I talk about other girls either

>> No.16794649

>Job: homicide detective
>Have a 7/10 gf (8 year steady relationship)

Impressive factors, OP.

>Still buying crypto every month

Gonna make it.


White M

33yo (fuk)

Fit and good looking, regular drinker and drug user. Social smoker.

Net assets of around $250,000

Fucked well over 150 women but no GF and not very good at that side of things.

No real job. Doing some training/courses and mess around with hobbies.

My main piece of advice to fags would be to 1) live somewhere the action is and 2) get a fucking job, get trained and get inducted into work life right after uni (if you go), or else it becomes almost impossible. Jobs are good, they're vital for your mental health, self esteem, social life, etc. Don't take pride in being a pathetic NEET, go and do stuff and you'll be paid to do interesting things, basically.

Also, don't underestimate the social importance of having a GF as you get through your 20's, many doors will close to you if you're still "single" or "slaying" (like me), as you appear a weirdo and a threat. Pick whoever's half ok and have her for a while, you can always change later. This principle applies to many things - even if something's not perfect, like a job, take it and use it and then move on later. Don't sit around waiting for everything to be ideal 'cause then you end up doing absolutely nothing and being an underdeveloped manchild in your 30's.

t. underdeveloped manchild

>> No.16794653

I think if you got the sex life to an 8 then you’d be set. You can start by switching it up:
>eat her ass
>become more dominant

>> No.16794657

the gf part is good advice. It doesnt matter all that much who your GF is if you have your own shit in order and the ability to leave at any point

>> No.16794667

After police academy there were a lot of open positions as detective because of all the terrorist attacks that happened in Europe. Got lucky that my previous chief offered me to join a team dealing with arms trafficking. Did that for 5 years and just recently switched to homicide. Right time, right place basically. Most ppl only get in after 15 -20 years of experience

>> No.16794684

>Most ppl only get in after 15 -20 years of experience
That's fucked. Seen some horrific shit?

>> No.16794685

>She doesn’t get jealous when I talk about other girls either
Yes she does.

Also different sex drives just means she's not getting what she enjoys. My wife had a lower sex drive than me before I figured out what she likes.

>> No.16794688

>the gf part is good advice. It doesnt matter all that much who your GF is if you have your own shit in order and the ability to leave at any point

word, stay in control and it's all benefits. I have even taken to referring to "my gf" casually in conversations now sometimes, and it massively influences normies to accept me, like me more, etc. Works great when you're trying to pull as well, mentioned you gf and suddenly she's way more keen, lol.

>> No.16794700

I do feel like this frustrated me most atm..


I only fucked 3 different girls in my life and I feel like I missed out big time. Passed up on a lot of opportunities since I didn’t want to cheat.

Did have this online thing with a married girl and she found out about it. Had been going on for 2 years.

>> No.16794710

Yes. Its only been 2 months though.

But even before that I witnessed the aftermath of a terrorist attack

>> No.16794716
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one thing is that people need to stop calling me incel and saying have sex. ive touched lots of boobs and fucked many pussies. women say i know how to use my cock better than anyone that sexed them before because i made them squirt many times til they beg me to stop making them orgasm so much. i could have sex if i wanted to

>> No.16794725

4/10 Sex live sounds like a dealbreaker. Find out what she really enjoys, if not possible you might need to drop her. That can't go well long term.

>> No.16794729

She doesn’t get pissed though. I can watch porn and look at other women. She only gets threatened when I talk about girls at work for example.

One of her biggest fantasies is being cucked. She doesn’t want to actually do it though since she can be insecure about herself

>> No.16794734

There might be some confusion here. Is that before it after tax? In Burgerland we describe income pretax even though we take home a lot less than that. I make $50k USD and take home less than $35k, but I would still say I make $50k because that's how we describe it.

>> No.16794737

i love these larp threads. everyone can be who they want, only you have to watch out how much you overstate your living conditions, or we find out you larp and you lose.

>> No.16794742

I take home 2500 eur a month without overtime

>> No.16794744

>I only fucked 3 different girls in my life and I feel like I missed out big time.

Yea, this is what I didn't want to end up feeling but FWIW I still have massive regrets, like the vast, vast majority were literal who 4's from tinder, if I didn't write it down I would have no idea who they were.

When I was your age I'd banged 12 or so, mostly by accident, then I undertook to rack my numbers up. I know guys (on this forum, actually) with 500+ lays by your age, they live in a big city and have stayed single and actively date every week.

Last year I banged 38 girls but the ones I remember are my failures - a handful of actually hot/nice girls, met in exciting situations, that I failed to convert. That's what I remember, the regret and self loathing over ruining on-a-plate pussy.

Why not start cheating on your gf? Just sayin'
It's not a big deal, really. Kind of a normal part of life.

>> No.16794748

>Works great when you're trying to pull as well, mentioned you gf and suddenly she's way more keen, lol.
I gotta start doing this. I believe the memes but did't since it felt scummy

>> No.16794755

If I were larping I would not admit to having a shitty sex life, wagecucking, and being basically broke

>> No.16794762

How much fun is casual sex? I've only had three women and they were all LTRs. Granted my current is pretty amazing in the bedroom, but I have a lot of doubts about settling down too early.

>> No.16794778

>White M
>Live in a smaller city (150k) between two large ones in the midwest
>Work in QC/Engineering dislike it but pay is ok 50k a year no degree
>own a small ranch home, badly need a better car
>sex life so so, technically single, date a nice girl from tinder but only see on weekends,and fuck another slampig on the side like once a month
>somewhat fit, like fishing and outdoors but not many frens
>social sperg, autistic, have been in bad places mentally for many years, still am
>10k savings, 1k crypto

>> No.16794785

I’d cheat but honestly I’m pretty sure I’d get caught and this may sound lame but I really don’t want to hurt her like that again. I allready broke her trust with that online girl (got caught with nudes and messages) and it’s been a lot of work repairing that. She’s been through a lot with her family as well and it would make me feel real shitty.

I’d prefer getting her into threesomes which could work (since she fantasizes about it) but it’s only been talk so far and I don’t see it actually happening

>> No.16794793

>>Live in a smaller city (150k) between two large ones in the midwest
>Work in QC/Engineering dislike it but pay is ok 50k a year no degree
I make 50k working in QC in the NYC area. Cost if living here is absolutely retarded. What industry are you in if you don't mind me asking? I'm at a really niche metal fabrication company

>> No.16794798

I’d say work on making more friends... having bro’s that help you when you fuck up in life is very important.

>> No.16794803

>Paying taxes
Oh no! Stay poor.

>> No.16794806

21, male, 6'4" approx, white

120kg (recently dropped 15kg over a few months but plateaud atm)

No GF; had one before, she was older by a year or two so i call that a win, I think i fucked it up but I can't be sure

sex life: Not virgin; my enjoyment was probably 8/10, first gf so nothing to compare it to - she seemed to have fun but I couldn't assess how much she really enjoyed it. I was still trying to figure her out in that way. dick is approx 6-6.5" uncut if that's going to be asked.

worked as a mechanics assistant for a couple years out of school, but hated it - kept on because it's nepotism and I didn't want to hurt the enterprise of my patriarch

Just recently quit doing that and am currently living at home still and trying to figure out what next

I drink very occasionally and not in order to get drunk (spiced rum probably my favourite)

I've been eating better things lately but I struggle to motivate myself to exercise and am easily distracted; has been suggested I may have ADD or some shit or even autism but I'm too scared of stigma to actually admit it to myself and get it diagnosed.

I didn't certify college (yrs 11 and 12 here) due to a technicality on the teachers end and haven't pursued other learning

not licensed to drive yet

I don't think there is much else I have to add?
I studied a bit of mandarin but forgot most of it and feel like too much of a failure to commit to learning it again

Oh and I also have a lazy eye if that effects anything

rate my life anons

>> No.16794807

if they get married its completely ogre

>> No.16794819

electronics, i deal with a major player in nyc often but would rather not discuss in detail on this basket weaving forum. visited Queens/Manhattan once and was cool but wouldn't want to live there. this is a smaller niche company too leaning toward medical products. i have been here 10+ years and worked my way up from folding boxes; finished like half an associates degree long time ago.

>> No.16794835

thanks lad, i've fucked up a lot of relationships it's part of being a sperg; and that isn't always in the realm of gfs. have pissed guy frens off too. i have one or two close bros but don't see them often; indeed have needed bros in some low spots and life fuck-ups.

>> No.16794848

hope this helps m8

>> No.16794873

>get a fucking job, get trained and get inducted into work life right after uni
absolute retard. heres the brown pill
if you are poor right now you need to take big risks as often as possible. otherwise you will NEVER escape the wagie race
>you can retire at 45 maybe!

20 goddamn years. thats your whole life. Fuck anyone who propogates this hopium bullshit for the masses.Of course they retire immediately from selling the book about it.

if youre waging and thats youre strategy, dump 90% into crypto cuz its a chance at least. but that is just a gamble. business is better than a gamble because its something you control.

>> No.16794889

Yeah I started off in the warehouse of my last job too. I'm glad it worked out for you you have a pretty decent wage for the area you're in. I could probably work my way up to a 6 figure job here but it's scary watching my mental abilities atrophy. The shit we do is so specialized it's probably only applicable to a dozen companies in the entire country. If I stay here too long I will be stuck in this factory for the rest of my life with no windows or ventilation. It's maddening. Doesn't help that being a hardworking middle class guy is pretty much scorned in a town full of finance bros. Women here don't want to date someone with my kind of job

>> No.16794912

Better to have a couple of good bros than a lot of people you just hang out with.

Even if ur a sperg you can still have good friends...

In one of my friend groups there’s this sperg that never says anything. But he’s good friends with a couple of my friends. He always comes with when we do shit. They accept his sperg ways and the rest of the group doesn’t mind at all.

>> No.16794943

i am blessed/lucky it is pretty good money for this area. also am pretty stuck here tho, tried to get a similar job in food industry recently at a bigger company and was totally denied. this is all i know. can only imagine in NYC area with the finance bros yes that is tough m8. i push mgmt here fairly often for 1-5 day certification classes and tests related to qc or manufacturing; perhaps you could try the same for increased pay. as far as the women i do okay, but not a chad, and have had many years of dry spells in between. never been married no kids and it gets me down at times.

>> No.16794970

thanks fren. your buddy sounds a bit like me i am generally pretty quiet. my problem is poor communication; but fixing it easier said than done.

>> No.16794983

>How much fun is casual sex?

The thrill is entirely in the novelty and conquest of it. The actual sex is hit or miss.

>I’d prefer getting her into threesomes which could work (since she fantasizes about it) but it’s only been talk so far and I don’t see it actually happening

Why won't it happen? Make it happen, you're the man. My ex was bi and we would go and pull together, it was GREAT fun. That sounds like an ideal outlet for your interest in trying a bit of slaying, without upsetting her. Make sure she feels involved, make sure she knows you guys are the team and you're going to get the other girl together, and she should be fine with it.

Do you guys party/go out?


Read the rest of my post - having a job is about the social connections and mental stimulation. No one says you have to wage until you drop, or that you can't work on making $$$ elsewhere. But an interesting, stimulating job is extremely valuable. Men become seriously mentalfucked without one.

>> No.16794995
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>data mining dick size comparison - the thread
thought you could fool anyone, shlomo?

>> No.16795070

We do go out regularly and try meet new people. I just don’t know how to really go about and pick up some girl we would both like. When she was still a student she would kiss her hot friends in front of me but thats about it...

>> No.16795071

>. But an interesting, stimulating job is extremely valuable
sounds unlikely. maybe the restaurant manager anon can claim this. most of us are codecucks and work is very much antisocial braindrain no matter how you toss it.

>> No.16795598

becoming more dominant is the best advice. Just randomly start fucking aggressively her when she least expects it.
huge turnon for most girls

If she hates that shes not really into you anymore

>> No.16795630

bro it sounds like youre a massive coombrain.