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16793262 No.16793262 [Reply] [Original]

to do not wagecuck?
to be rich and to have girls?
Which one of the two?

Let's say you get rich off crypto (it seems pretty impossible after 2017 unless you don't have x20 bitcoin / ethereum or ChainLink does a moonshot)...you get anywhere between 500k to one million.
Please focus on this tought. Does seems really possible to you? A virgin NEET from 1'000 $chekels to anywhere between 500k or 1 million?
I am asking just out of curiosity. I am not judging. I am just asking if does it seem possible to you.

I can say that thanks to quantum observer effect it could happen... we can discuss about self-fulfilling prhopecies.. Ok... but look yourself in da mirror. Do you really believe is possible?
Why you? What do you have that others don't? Just beacause they are normies and you are a pshichiatric case of shy autistic guy?
No judgment here. Just asking.
Sometimes I think that what still keeps alive this fire of ''making it'' is just what we have seen (guys getting rich from 0) since 2009 thanks to BTC and Ethereum

>> No.16793282

piss off faggot

>> No.16793283


>> No.16793286

Truth is a terrible feeling isn't it?

>> No.16793295

so that i am free to work as i want until i dies

>> No.16793313

1. A shotton of surgeries (chopping dick off, making my limbs and spine taller, and making my nose a little smaller).

2. Retire

3. Start training like a demi-god again

4. kill god

5. become the new god

>> No.16793340

I don't want to wagecuck. So I won't have to listen stupid people and pretend that I am interested about the job or their opinions or their lives.

I'm over 35, have a wife and only a little debt of the house.

I don't care about young girls, drugs, lambos etc., had enough of those in 90's and early 00's. I just want to live rest of my life without doing things someone else tells me to do. Or waking up to alarm clock.

I don't want or need to get rich, but I still need 20x to be able to live like I want. At the moment I think LINK is my best chance to do it.

>> No.16793343

based and prometheus pilled

>> No.16793404

>what do you have tha others don’t
A stack of link. Also I’m borderline normie in education and I’m currently happy with myself, even if I wouldn’t ”make it”

>> No.16793418

Si sir.

>> No.16793504

ok im gonna be real, been in chainlink since end of 2017, the wait is really hard, I new since then that chainlink ill become the next big thing, it wa the only project that didn't improve on BTC or ETH; all other projects were claiming to replace or improve btc or ETH,
>muhh TPS
>muhh security
>muhh fairness
>muhh cheaper fees
>muhh fast
>muhhhh better code
>muhhh better architecture
>muhh "cash"
>muhhh "store of value"
>muhh help the poor
>muhhh help voting
>muhhh AI
>muhhhh global warming
>muhhh i a the real satoshi so buy my coins

SRSLY? who buys into that bull crap? chainlink have always been the only real solution to a problem the blokchain faces,the only realy fucking solution to the blockchain accessing the internet!

i want to make it to prove a point. that i can become rich just by using my brain, can you imagine?just by using my brain and trusting its decisions with my life savings and balls i could become a kind! HOW fucking magnificent of an idea is this?

i really wanna make it just by using my brain, without wage slaving all my life, and prove to myself i'm not a deluded faggot that lives in his head

>> No.16793531


>> No.16793547

These posts have been sticking out like a sore thumb.. seriously? 20x and 500k? This is just bittertbh but I’m glad I know how u rlly feel man

>> No.16793757

>Do you really believe is possible?
>Why you? What do you have that others don't?

>> No.16794046

This is the correct answer.

>> No.16794174

I want to beat the game

>> No.16794498

>What do you have that others don't? Just beacause they are normies and you are a pshichiatric case of shy autistic guy?
>No judgment here. Just asking.

lol no judgement? bro either you are judging and you are trying to sound impartial or you need to improve your communication skills.

Anyway, I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt. I can't speak for everybody, but probably most here don't want to wagecuck because it's a horrible thing to do for us, we autistic kids weren't meant for this shit.

You need to have a minimum amount of money to not starve and afford some hobbies, whatever that is. Most of the people here that don't care too much about jobs are niggers who engage in lonely jobs where they don't have to interact much with normies because it's a pain in the ass.

- you are hired to do your work and you should be judged solely on that. However, if you don't engage on small talk and brainless talk you won't ''belong'' to the group so you end up getting ostracized. And then you see other brain dead normies with better salaries and etc just because they can engage in small talk and can market themselves better.

Some of us don't have the necessary skills, however some of us DO have the hability of blending in and engaging with normies, but even those who are capable mostly despite it.

Not wagecucking makes you free. as a consequence you can also have girls, I don't see those as opposing things

>> No.16795003

escape the wagecuck jail

>> No.16795044

pretty much just not to wage as much, and be able to travel more. I don't plan on ever taking out another loan after I pay off my student loans so I can invest, max my roth and chill while the divvys role in. I plan to keep working for a bit since I'm still young and have a pretty good/ low stress job and build my portfolio so I can use that to supplement income when I'm traveling.

>> No.16795559

>to do not wagecuck?
>to be rich and to have girls?
>Which one of the two?
Why are there only two possible reasons? What kind of shit question is this?

>I am just asking if does it seem possible to you
Not only is it a possibility, it is a certainty at this point

>> No.16795622

Wtf is chainlink? what is LINK?

>> No.16795798

It's a homosexual relation wherein two males begin copulating anally, then another comes behind the "top" and begins to copulate him as well. Another man will tag the end of the line, and insert himself into the third man. This is the where the "chainlink" name comes from. The man at the forefront who is only receiving is known as the "Sergey Nazarov" and wears a special plaid shirt to signify his importance of beginning the LINK.