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File: 1.05 MB, 2626x1382, LRClink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16792043 No.16792043 [Reply] [Original]

Hi, Biz. Loopring is very undervalued and underestimated. See recent ETH TX news via LRC + Link.

January 9, 2PM EST. Johann + Brecht Fireside Chat. re:

The collaboration is set to be comprehensive with:

1.) Loopring v3 drawing on Chainlink oracles to inform protocol-level security parameters (the use case currently implemented);

2.) Loopring-based DEXes referencing Chainlink price feeds to support advanced order types such as Stop Limit orders;

3.) Loopring-based DEXes to provide inputs into Chainlink’s oracle network, with the benefit of all trading activity being perfectly verifiable on Ethereum, even through our layer 2 zkRollup.


You can stake via a little contract fiddling by following the instructions here. It's easy, even for brainlets, but a barrier enough where most won't pay attention :


There's a "golden staking" period, which has been running a few weeks, where :

"All protocol fees will be converted to LRC, then,

- 10% burned

- 20% allocated for a future Loopring DAO

- 70%, the staking rewards, is to reward users who staked LRC for more than 90 days."

I've locked several chunks over the last week, and I'll come by to update how it all goes. I have a hard time believing this will be under 20 cents in 90 days time. Get to it. Or don't. It doesn't really matter, as take-off will be inevitable either way. Just know that nobody else is talking about this, and normies are definitely not doing this. Pay attention to the minor details.

This Chainlink + ETH tx amount will make the rounds heavier than normally, soon : https://crypto-markets.news/news/vitalik-confirms-160k-tps-possible-with-zktech-loopring-&-chainlink/383

I'll be selling some at $1, whenever it hits, FWIW.

Heed this advice. 2020 is going to be one hell of a ride.



>> No.16792083
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I can't believe chainlink killed the fireside meme

>> No.16792089

I saw this too. Unironically bought 100K and putting it into staking before normies. zkRollup DEX protocols will be huge. The real money will be made on the things people forgot about, but just quietly built for years.

>> No.16792120

funny enough, i apparently scooped some LRC a while back. no gains of course but looking to get back in the crypto game after a sleepy 2019. how would you suggest a link, eth, lrc split? my pre boom linkies have already gone ballistic so that's not necessarily a top buy option for me right now, feeling out a momentary bottom.

>> No.16792139

50% Link
25% LRC
25% ETH

Brecht, is unreal. A mini Vitalik. Looking forward to this.

>> No.16792171
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Surely it couldn't go any lower, right anons?

>> No.16792182

fuck off Manderson
coming for another round of pump and dump after SNX?

this shit was shilled to hell in the 2017 bullrun

>> No.16792187

Yes the floor is zero

>> No.16792193

bless up brother. after being in an industry that is starting to wise up to the usefulness of blockchain, i realized that i need to hop back on the wave while the normies think it's dead and decrepit. a little smarter now though, i'm taking some of the shitcoins and staking them out for a bit of a gamble but need to polish the portfolio for a real long term strategy. can't complain though, that surprise ~891% return on my fattest link cop put me in a good spot, but it's nuts to think that it's just getting started

see you on the other side

>> No.16792248

>the toilet is street.

>> No.16792257
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As was everything else. Cycles are unfolding, and they hit coin by coin with real usage instances just like the one OP posted. See Vitalik's tweet :

is doing a SNARK zk rollup DEX; they have a theoretical cap of ~2500 TPS (300 gas per trade, 300k SNARK verification cost, (10m - 300k) / 300 = 32333 tx/block -> 2487 per sec)


I'd hoped this news stayed under the radar, but I guess not. Loopring will thrive in the next year, and these are the times to buy, stake and hold.

>> No.16792276

>>>>>fireside chat
Cringe. Two shitcoins sucking each other off, fascinating.

>> No.16792282

Why did this thread initially get deleted?

>> No.16792285
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>> No.16792306

Simple formatting issues. My brain needs cleanliness.


Good points.

>> No.16792310

Not sure what your issue is, but these are solid info gathering meetings that are good for the industry.

>> No.16792320

>these are solid info gathering meetings that are good for the industry
>no Q&A in the history of any Chainlink event
>>info gathering

Its a pantomime. No questions from audience = no information. You must not have seen any tech event from any actual tech company.

>> No.16792326

> Industry
Topkek what even more shitcoin teams that sprout up like fucking weeds?

>> No.16792339

No....no...no...I honestly thought there would be more time. It's not supposed to be on biz yet!!!

>> No.16792347

Don't feed the trolls. This is great intel. Noobs --- Watch the BTC pairing on LRC and see for yourself. Nothing significant will be sold at these levels. Ask yourself why one would hold Loopring and sell now with this news.

>> No.16792378
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>> No.16792398

Loopring will quietly go bull until normal people say "What the hell is Loopring and why is it mooning so much?!" Interest will begin to truly shine around then.

>> No.16792575

That's when it all starts going right. Remember SNX and LINK? Same story.

>> No.16792817


Been a while since I got the urge to buy some microcap bullshit. Anyone got links to articles critical of loopring? Good FUD?

>> No.16793027

Zero tokenomics LMAO

>> No.16793036
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Yeah that's why they are changing it like 0x and SNX did LMAO

Go back to waging *sips*

>> No.16793070

See the OP. Two very good ones.

Did some digging. Seems like 2% variable / month? DEX + wallet incoming. Lots of catalysts.

SNX is "fake" on a protocol rule level . i.e. whole supply will inflate by 75% over the next year.
then 1 full year after that at 25% - again, fake protocol inflation.

Loopring's is on trading fees... so its real.... but SNX having to fake it to get 25-75% ... 2% monthly, compounded its more like... 30% a year? more?

I'm a tad skeptical, but of course a real winning dex with insane volume from china... anythings possible, and that's what we bet for ...

I'm in.

>> No.16793487
File: 78 KB, 910x500, loopring-protocol-cryptoninjas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah im thinking this is undervalued



>> No.16793515

namefags shitting up this board with their "intel"

>> No.16793534

based. selling 2k link to buy some.

>> No.16793542


Watch this shit if you even think about selling

>> No.16793555

I SAW THIS. it sealed the deal. fuck yeah.

>> No.16793572
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Thanks OP. I've literally been holding a bag of this since mid 2018. Feels good to see it on biz. Is there still hope?

>> No.16793589

> zkRollup DEX protocols
Let me get some of that buzzword anon

>> No.16793721

yes. don't sell until $2-3.

>> No.16793766

When ETH succeeds its these beginning protocols that will reap the benefits the most. Who's to say they were over-valued at ATH? Might all 1,000x in 10 years.

>> No.16793770

God damn this dude is autistic, i'm all in

>> No.16793809

Really? Ballsy.

>> No.16793886

I'm loving this ETH shovel meme. Feeling the FOMO.

>> No.16793892

If you believe crypto will not die, this is an obvious bottom accumulation pick.

>> No.16794310

Bought some more. Sending it in for staking tonight. Hope I don't get Bitconneeeeeeec'd.

>> No.16795075

Lots of good info here. LRC is a secret moon mission. Nobody here will believe until it's back above 20 cents (20x from here)

ATH is $2. let's go.

>> No.16795094

10x* , sorry.


also, the chart looks like LINK. only makes sense they partner up.

zkRollup DEX protocols. GONNA COOOOM

>> No.16795162

Based advice

>> No.16795211

Also great overall thread, a reminder of what can happen when the pajeets aren’t around

>> No.16795223

If you look at the contract, there's not a lot in there. That's NOT to say it's not successful, but that the market is just not yet paying attention.

Even a whale I talked to who holds a shitload didn't know.

We are early. Period.

>> No.16795250

This is true. Reminds me of Link breadcrumbs threads. I'll bite on this.

4 hours : https://www.youtube.com/chainlinkofficial

>> No.16795256

I haven’t bought yet, I put my latest bit of spare cash into CSC, LRC is definately next on my list seen as though I can’t really buy a meaningful amount of link

>> No.16795337

Even 1,000 Link is good, senpai. LRC will probably out-perform now, tho.

>> No.16795375

10,000 Link to make it. It's always been the sui stack.

1M LRC and you're golden for the bull. Staking is just nerdy enough to pay off when normal people won't even fathom a wallet, let alone contract staking with a BUG.

>> No.16795425

So you can stake lrc no matter how much you have? I’m looking for cheap staking coins, was aiming to stake csc, vet and maybe now lrc after a bit more digging.

>> No.16795629

I might buy some. It's so cheap that it'd be stupid not to. I see an easy 2x happening soon.

>> No.16795678

Staking and masternode coins are 99% scams

>> No.16795888

where can you buy loopring?

>> No.16795960

Binance. Dont be too late.

>> No.16795968

how many $$$ will staking 50k LRC get me in a few months?

>> No.16796030

Where to buy?

>> No.16796047

binance retard. LRC is the ticker

>> No.16796222

another questionable asian niche proof of concept project with another questionable ERC20 funding token that of course couldnt be omitted.

its all so tiresome, sergey

>> No.16796448

Americans can't use binance what other options? coinmex?

>> No.16796460

No it isn't. This shit coin will be dead and forgotten in a years time. I seen this thread a thousand times since 2017

>> No.16796496

might just buy link instead lol

>> No.16796524
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Where to buy, fren?

>> No.16796556


>> No.16796660
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Intrigued but am trying to determine weather or not this is a paneer shill attempt or a genuine discussion
Chart looks like ass but tech sounds interesting
I have over $5000 I could throw in right now

>> No.16796698

1.3b supply?

>> No.16796727
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I'm on the fence too. I don't see why I wouldn't just buy more link. Chart looks like it's topped out and will be going back down

>> No.16796837

>topped out
hence the shilling

>> No.16796914

Dont buy any then. Stick to BTC and LINK. I'm getting some for mid-term holding. Zoom out of the 1H chart.

>> No.16797019

>remember SNX?
>farts in curry

>> No.16797190
File: 42 KB, 653x566, buy sell high low.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you guys should check



''LINK bull-run has started – going towards the 'decade'-VWAP level to consolidate – followed by breaking out of a bullish closing wedge (yet to happen). Breaking out of this formation would mirror 'X' distance onto breakout-point above 'Y', this would translate to a price level of approx. $5.

This post will be updated continuously when mentionable changes can be observed.''

hodl friens, just hodl

>> No.16797236

Lol. I was going to post this whole thing about how you guys were getting chinked but it looks like the thread has died down as the paid discord trannies have already abandoned it. Kek.


Remember, these are the only good projects in crypto.

>> No.16797386

No you haven't because I'm here all day as a true neet and I've never

>> No.16797609

time to start accumulating lower caps

>> No.16797645
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Did someone say fireside chat?

>> No.16797817

Nah, I don't gamble with chinks on their own territory.

>> No.16797873

Thanks anon, I learned a new word today

>> No.16797893

kys scammer

>> No.16797918

Tune in tomorrow to learn a new color, then how to maximize nap time.

>> No.16798115

Where to buy loop? I hare using shady exchanges bit grail really almost fucked me up for 20k USD and I ain’t making that mistake again

>> No.16798176

What am I scamming people with? Knowledge?

>> No.16798664

Use Binance. I just bought $100 worth. Hope you guys are right.

>> No.16799414
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>down -55% from ICO
Yeah, no thanks you filthy 'jeets.

>> No.16799476

Woa. Enjoy your 15$ gains