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1678493 No.1678493 [Reply] [Original]

What's people's views on being an Airline Pilot?

The profession is constantly rated as one of the highest paid jobs, you get to see the world, you get respect and admiration and get to rock a badass uniform.

Seriously though, has no one on here ever given it any thought as a path to go down?

>> No.1678498

Why would I want to crash into the ocean or building and end my (not including every other stupid being on the plane) but MY life.

Humans werent evolved to be in the air so we dont belong in the air.

>> No.1678523

I know a few commercial pilots, stay well away from this dogshit career, it's horrible.

>> No.1678524

>The profession is constantly rated as one of the highest paid jobs, you get to see the world, you get respect and admiration and get to rock a badass uniform.
welcome to every profession twenty years ago before every schmuck online thinks they can do your job better for less.

>> No.1678532


explain why it is dogshit

>> No.1678547

What I am assuming he has heard from the pilots may be a few of the following...
- Tough rosters, meaning long hours
- Demanding on the body as you're continuously flying through time zones
- Away from family and friends for long(ish) periods of time
- Initially expensive to train

>> No.1678574

Grandpa was a pilot. He was in the Air Force for 8 years. Then he was an airline pilot for 23 years. Then was a commercial pilot for 9 years. Then he retired but flips anything with an engine now as a hobby business.

You may get to travel the world. You don't get to see the world. You likely won't be international until you have decades of experience. You're in a cock pit looking at gauges.

>> No.1678598

All these are correct, but there's more. It's a meme career, so there's way more pilots than jobs. And you'll be at poverty level wages until you've got a lot of flight hours, which are incredibly expensive.

Plus, the industry is always undermining the safety standards, so the hours are always going up. And more and more pilots are coming from poor countries, further undercutting wages.


>> No.1678603

I am guessing you're in the US? In which case maybe your comment about international flights is true, but across the pond that's certainly not the case.

>You may get to travel the world. You don't get to see the world
Depends what sort of flight you're on. For long haul, it's not uncommon for you to be staying in the country you flew to for 5+ days before you get on your flight back home.

Anyway, the fact that you said your grandfather was an airline pilot and then a commercial pilot for 9 years makes me think you have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.1678618

>And you'll be at poverty level wages until you've got a lot of flight hours
Again, maybe for the US, but entry level first officers with only 200 hours can get hired by Airlines based in and around Europe with a starting salary far above poverty wages.

Yes, hours are going up and it must be tough no doubt.

Good video, I have read quite abit about the so called pilot shortage and this article explains it pretty well https://www.pilotcareernews.com/truth-global-pilot-shortage/

>> No.1678876

Up until the 90's it was a glorious career.

Now the cheapness of the airlines and globalism have ruined the prospects.

There are many better ways to make a living.

>> No.1678884

Dead end. Fuel prices. People are gonna drive or take a bus. Less demand but still huge numbers of former military pilots in the market.

Shoe cobbler will be in more demand by 2040.

>> No.1678977

No no no no no

You will spend years and years working your way up to a commercial airline pilot. Flight school cots a fortune, and your first jobs will barely beat minimum wage. I work at an airport now, every single pilot is over 50, it takes that long to fly for a major carrier

>> No.1678990

Are you an Air Force or Naval aviator, flying heavies? No? Then don't fucking bother.

First, as a civilian, you have to get your commercial license. Runs about $10k or so. What does that mean? It means you can take your single prop Cessna 172 with a paying passenger up. That's it.

Multi-engine, multi-prop, pressurized cabins, jet and turbine engine (all 'complex' ratings,) tag another $10k, each, to your bill.

Then, there's the in-type training. Maybe after you get your ratings you'll get hired and trained in type. Probably not. This means you have to go to yet another school.

After all of that, you get hired as an entry level pilot, making $25k a year. Give it twenty years, and you're now eligible to be a captain for someone more like Delta, making $150k...

Wait, no you won't, because those guys are damn near 100% former military who have a shitload of time in the plane. Why the hell would Delta hire a 50 year old schlub like you, with 1000 or 1500 hours in Dash-8's or Embraer 145's, when they can pick up a 40 year old retired lieutenant colonel with 3000 hours time flying actual heavies?

TL;DR, you'd never get it anyway, so why bother?

>> No.1679004


> 50

Holy shit that sucks.

You can become an electrician at 18 and be making $100k a year by 28.

What a joke flying has become.