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File: 692 KB, 1661x1368, frens.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16783417 No.16783417 [Reply] [Original]

frens edition

List of popular brokers:

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Pre-Market Data and Live data:

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>> No.16783428

Fuck Boeing

>> No.16783444

Hey kid
Buy the dip
Then when trump speaks
Just fucking keep buying lmao

>> No.16783460

I've been trading different instruments for a few years. Stocks since 2006 or so, crypto since 2017, and futures since 2015. The taxes are different for futures and much simpler. You just figure out how much you netted for the year and pay 60/40 long term short term capital gains on it. I have a fat stack in stocks and futures but strangely since the 2017 run up was so huge my main stack is still in bitcoin and you can only pull out 50k a month with coinbase so it's gonna take a couple of years for me to get it all out. It's nuts.

>> No.16783462

no war?
insiders info?

>> No.16783464

>I’d rather use smaller trades many times over, and lose something like 10% rather than shoveling more and more in.
Yeah, nothing wrong with that. I think a lot of success in trading boils down to finding what works for you and your psychology. FWIW though I always try to be at the helm right for the first hour or 2 after the opening since the volume and market noise is so high I can usually get some great scalping in. A lot of times I'll make 0.25 to 0.5 percent gains just doing that and be way up for the day.
>What % of your portfolio were you in for at the bottom of that August drop?
I was all in for the most part. What I was doing then in the stock market was buying SPXL as it was dropping then when it was skidding at the bottom just going up and down I was buying and selling 10% of my shares making a mint. When I'd get bored but feeling particularly confident I'd sell some shares and buy SPY calls, the theory being that the further down we were the more likely an imminent reversal would become so I was confident taking some higher risk option positions. Another thing I do in those times is I might start with SPXL then at some point I'll be all in. If it keeps dipping, I might sell some SPXL and replace it with TQQQ or even SOXL if I'm feeling really cheeky. Then buy calls when I'm convinced the time is right.
>How long have you been at it? Have you figured out how much of that you’ll be giving back in taxes?
I've been trading different instruments for a few years. Stocks since 2006 or so, crypto since 2017, and futures since 2015. The taxes are different for futures and much simpler. You just figure out how much you netted for the year and pay 60/40 long term short term capital gains on it. I have a fat stack in stocks and futures but strangely since the 2017 run up was so huge my main stack is still in bitcoin and you can only pull out 50k a month with coinbase so it's gonna take a couple of years for me to get it all out. It's nuts.

>> No.16783471

How much money do you have total?
I own all of my money in multi family real estate right now.

>> No.16783486
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Reccomend me some obscure investing books. Love reading them.

>> No.16783487

You lost me at crypto.....

>> No.16783488

I'll say it's more than a million but less than 10. Since it's gonna take so long to transfer everything out of crypto I'm hoping against hope that bitcoin will moon in the meantime and I'll be sitting really fat. I thought about real estate but I seem to have a knack for this trading thing and I'm a believer in not fucking with the formula so I'll probably just keep doing this until I get sick of it

>> No.16783500

Yeah crypto is shit. I got lucky as hell trading it at just the right time but I've seen the light. If I could snap my fingers and have every dime out of bitcoin and in futures/stocks I wouldn't hesitate. Sadly coinbase has a 50k a month hard limit so it takes time

>> No.16783516

Rich Dad Poor Dad - don't care if people don't like kiyosaki the info is good
What Every Real Estate Investor Needs to Know About Cashflow - Frank Gallineli
The Intelligent Investor - Graham
Principles - Ray Dalio (really good if you have a successful business and want to continue building it)
Kaizen Way - One Small Step Can Change Your Life

Want me to keep going?

>> No.16783522

Any books on trading you would recommend?
What is the shortest time you will hold?
What is the longest?
I want to learn how to trade.
I buy stocks but I just buy DRIP like Bank of Montreal ect for long term with a small % of my $

>> No.16783531

yes but alot of those are not obscure

>> No.16783534

I enjoyed the rest of your posts though and you have me interested in futures now. I’ll have to figure out a strategy, then try small amounts and go from there.

>> No.16783535

No info, no nothing.
But why does everyone think war means the economy is doomed? Because we won’t be able to handle the oil shock? Because China will rush to Iran’s aid and then it’ll be no phase 1 and oh shit multilateral conflict?

I can understand those fears, but I think the govt is basically structured to put every tool at the disposal of the president in times of war to make sure we win. So whatever strategic oil reserves, whatever financial stimulus, whatever we have to do, it’ll be done. I’m tired of trying to predict what agent orange will do. He has people in there to present him with options I would never even dream up, and then they’ll convince him the best idea was really his idea to begin with!

I guess yeah, oil shock, and domino effect (as in, taking out Iran cuts off Japan’s oil, and Japan’s financial system is tied to the rest of Asia and Europe and the us because all of our banks are woven together and shit...)

War has generally been profitable for the US, from what I understand. We make most of the munitions. We’re also pretty good at it (please Boeing, don’t fuck this up too)

>> No.16783546
File: 267 KB, 1000x1414, amazon4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy Amazon!

>> No.16783550

You don't need obscure unless you are worth a couple million and then you are better off reading philosophy.

>> No.16783552

>60/40 long term short term capital gains on it
Wait what that sounds way better than trading stocks why would futures work like that?

>> No.16783563
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I can't think of too many books I've learned much trading from. The mechanics of the different instruments is mostly what I read books for and pic related are my favorites. Get this though, I'm a price action trader and the best of the best series of videos I've seen is this guy called quickfingersluc on youtube. He's just some guy that trades penny stocks and crypto but the man is a god of price action trading and spotting support/resistance. A lot of my trading style coincides with what he does and I suggest anybody wanting to learn trading watch all of his stuff. He isn't selling anything, just some guy who trades and likes talking about it.
>What is the shortest time you will hold?
When I buy, I always have a thesis for why I think the time is right (usually we have dipped below some horizontal support line) and I have a thesis for when I think I should sell (usually when it returns to that support line). As long as the thesis holds I'm in the trade. The length of time could be seconds or it could be weeks. It all depends if the conditions for the trade hold.
Cool, check that quickfingersluc guy out. He's not a futures trader but his price action strategy is very astute for practically any market.
>Wait what that sounds way better than trading stocks why would futures work like that?
It has to do with some political shenanigans a few decades ago. Literally corruption is what got futures traders the sweet tax treatment. Look into it as the story is very interesting and it's just how it is. No other good reason at all. At the end of the year you subtract what you started with from what you end up with and pay 60/40 on the difference. As simple as that and it is indeed beautiful

>> No.16783568

Awesome thank you
Going to sub to his account and watch his stuff.

>> No.16783641

unless AMZN is going to double in the next few months, I'm not tying up 1,800+ per share in a company when I can make regular 15-30% gains on p&d's in biomemes.

>> No.16783645

Is boeing stock crashing purely because of the airplane crash? Seems like an irrational dip then

>> No.16783665

Would Antero resources be a good buy? Stock is very low, i work in the oil field they are about to liquidate everything in west virginia and ohio and head back west. Will liquidation like that bump the stock? Also this hubub in the middle east might give it a bump. Its not at its lowest but its close. Just looking for some quick growth and a sell.

>> No.16783736
File: 184 KB, 981x1024, C900E301-9B71-4ACE-A724-63C4F799E523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck?!

Even the jap stocks I want aren’t being bought right the fuck back up, Nintendo was down almost 3% and now it’s down less than 1!

What the fuck guys! It looked like we were gonna get a firesale! Merck, BMY, CVS; NVDA, MRVL, and especially QRVO or maybe it was QCOM, I mean... they looked like they were getting crushed!!

Is it... did everyone win as long as they didn’t try to FOMO into vix after hours or crash out of their positions?

Just what the hell is going on in this clown market!? Everything I see that’s down is basically right where it was at yesterday’s lows, except Boeing which is at Monday’s lows!

>> No.16783738

I mostly read for fun.

>> No.16783786

is trumps pussy priced in?

>> No.16783838
File: 563 KB, 1116x1252, 7508BAB2-3722-4703-9ED0-5C6DFD775315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhhhh... so this earthquake just suddenly happened? Near Iran’s nuclear power plant last night?

The agencies say it’s totally natural...
But like...
What if they’re doing underground nuclear projects like the North Koreans...

What’re the odds someone took the opportunity to wreck one of those underground labs...?

>> No.16783870
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>> No.16783876

Quantitative Easing. The fed is buying the dip. Literally golden bullrun, market is solved. Enjoy your free money sir

>> No.16783895

>depth: 10km
good question. it could also be nuclear tests i guess, but 10km is pretty deep in comparison to the worlds deepest boreholes (just over 12km)
certainly for a country like iran who wants nuclear weapons its probably worth the hassle of drilling such, but the diameter required to fit a nuclear device in there makes the 10km nuclear test borehole improbable

>> No.16783912

>Enjoy your free money sir
Heh nice try, but I bought /smg/ memestocks!

Good point...

>> No.16783933

do you guys think raytheon will go up to 234 with this war news

>> No.16783985

>not related to the event
>natural event
just like the strategic collapse in NK
he doesn't know

>> No.16783996

*Do the DEW

>> No.16784067


>> No.16784102
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can someone explain to a noob why the orderbook is displaying a 20k 0 dollar bid? I dont understand

>> No.16784122

Maybe it's actually some fraction of a penny so it shows up as zero

>> No.16784166
File: 8 KB, 219x230, EBF2FC4F-CEF3-4BCE-9F08-3DCE60E81823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are you buying when the market opens

>> No.16784172

Lads I'm looking at Tullow Oil (TLW) and though they've been running their company like retards and tanked their stock value, rising tension with Iran could give them a hearty boost if they play it right; should I buy in or will they just squander this opportunity like every fucking business in this country?

>> No.16784173
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Oil calls for Trump's retaliation speech.

>> No.16784180

DEEZ: a nuts company

>> No.16784245

JOE: a mother company

>> No.16784268
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the same things that I buy literally every day
biopharma memes
food stock non-memes
oversold coal companies

>> No.16784274
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>So it's another red day.

>> No.16784275

>Futures are green again

>> No.16784338

>NQ down 200 points overnight
>Opens up a few points green
This market man, got to love it

>> No.16784377

>Futures green again

End of the world canceled, again. Fuck the Bears.

>> No.16784393

>market still going up without a break
what the fuck is happening?

>> No.16784396

We were just shaking out the weak hands overnight. Nothing will stop the golden bull run.

>> No.16784415

Indexes recovered because people as usual realize that this is only bullish. There's no reason for indexes to go down because of Iran. Also:

>Northrop Grumman $NOC up 1.61%
>Raytheon $RTN up 1.75%
>Lockheed Martin $LMT up 1.33%
>General Dynamics $GD up 1.16%

>> No.16784458

What the fuck are you saying? Do you think you can just detonate a nuke underground without any effect but a small earthquake?

>> No.16784459

Anybody here know anything about daytrading E-mini's?

>> No.16784483

Yes? Happens in North korea from time to time. But I strongly doubt that this was a nuclear test, that's just something shills want to call it in order to spice things up


>> No.16784513

the fuck?? i went to sleep and now the futures are now green?

>> No.16784531
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The future is always GREEN

>> No.16784536
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Is he right?

>> No.16784557

Been getting big gains on Tesla every week. Is it time to jump into another option trade near the money and let daddy musk take me to bed? I think so

>> No.16784564

Still 3 or 4 days b4 I can buy in do you think Boeing will keep falling a ways? Or would now be a good time to buy

>> No.16784582

Boeing is done for

>> No.16784694
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>metals poo poo pee pee themselves

>> No.16784701
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That pump and dump yesterday. Opening evening lower right now.

mfw seeing the bag holders from the chasers that thought they were getting a BPTH run.

>> No.16784712

>ADP Employment Data Surges To Best Since April


>> No.16784717

>wake up
>my 4AM order for AMD didnt fill
Feels fucking bad man

>> No.16784742
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Kek! I invoke thee bring forth chaos!!!

>> No.16784746

42.... Pepe in Gematria....
Green I'd...

>> No.16784751

Weekly reminder to keep accumulating Deutsche Bank

>> No.16784760
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BA puts

>> No.16784770

Any AMRN guys still out there? How are you holding up?

>> No.16784808

Any other MSFT Chads here?
How about DELL Chads? I’m holding both, MSFT makes me happy but DELL seems a bit stagnant, waiting for a good earnings report to send them on a moon mission

>> No.16784821

Will himx continue going up?

>> No.16784885

pre-market? nothing
If you're into making quick gains buy oil and sell before le ww3 meme dies, which it will and pretty quickly.


it's the logical next step for the fed to take. QE this massive is not that easy to slow down and I don't think they even want that.

>> No.16784955

Carlos Ghosn is based, I completely agree with his side of the story now. Is he /ourguy/?

>> No.16784962

still hodling, bought in about 21.5. the pain is real, I bought into the lci meme as well so I'm JUST

>> No.16784963

Bailed yesterday. The CEO is retarded.

>> No.16784972

I might bail today hoping for a small rally before I sell but I might not get the chance

>> No.16784980

Welp, SNSS got bought out. Regret selling earlier.

>> No.16784993
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>he fell for the WW3 meme

>> No.16785012


>> No.16785020

W - I'm a pedophile
W -
3 -

>> No.16785032
File: 522 KB, 3000x1688, 16dc-trump-vid2-videoSixteenByNine3000-v3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when is the orange guy gonna speak

>> No.16785035
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BIOC blasting again, nice

>> No.16785061

it'd be a fine occasion to have some cash on hand to short something intra-day. I'm all in on stonks, though.

>> No.16785064

Bought calls yesterday

Feeling retarded, might take massive losses later

>> No.16785123

DDD on a moon mission!

>> No.16785132



>> No.16785146


>> No.16785147

3D printing is the future agajn ddd on fire

>> No.16785149


>> No.16785162


>> No.16785198

What a silly market.

>> No.16785205

Trump assassinates Iranian general and Iran responds by launching a missile volley into a sheep pasture. Looks like WW3 is cancelled.

>> No.16785206
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>> No.16785234

DDD to the moon

>> No.16785251

what is AMD DOING

>> No.16785268

Being overbought

Nvda is 2020 play

>> No.16785281
File: 219 KB, 488x376, 1523056284853.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be night shift warehouse worker
>always asleep for market open, but fell for the WW3 meme so hard that last night I put in a 10 share order for Raytheon completely
> miraculously woke up 15 minutes before market open and canceled because that's literally half my portfolio
>realized that the only outcomes are making a small profit and getting drafted or losing a decent chunk of money.

>> No.16785283

despite everything i'm still bearish. this little pump can't keep me down.

>> No.16785291

>*put in a 10 share order for Raytheon completely on leverage

>> No.16785295
File: 199 KB, 1346x1238, AMD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's going back sub $30, enjoy the ride

>> No.16785304

>he actually thinks stock prices are based on current p/e and not future expectations
cringe bro

>> No.16785305

SAVA is back over 8, nice.

>> No.16785317

>he actually thinks the chart is bullish
it's a bubble ffs wake up, there's nothing special about AMD

>> No.16785320

Zen architect is working at intc right now btw

>> No.16785323

Why don’t you go all in on AMD if you think it’s going to smash through the price ceiling?

>> No.16785329

it hit my sl today. It was obviously overbought but I had to try. didn't lose too much anyway.

>> No.16785336

Still down big from yesterday and yet no stocks are on sale...

>> No.16785337

> if you think it’s going to smash through the price ceiling?
i didn't say that, learn to read

>> No.16785361

Got puts on amd

>> No.16785365

Anyone else got calls on SPY for when Trump announces WW3 averted?

>> No.16785366


>Iranian missile technology

Looks like S&P 5000 kino is back on the menu bois

>> No.16785375

I got call for November lol. I got burned too much on fds in the past.

>> No.16785392

I hope everyone bought sava at the dip. Let's get over 10!

>> No.16785397

Gold is forming a double bottom,turtle man on TV sounding ominous, AMD falling now

>> No.16785403

didn't buy, nor did I sell

>> No.16785406

PLUG and SAVA pulling up strong.

>> No.16785408

>Intcels still seething

>> No.16785420

Christ SOXL Chad was right...
Shoulda bought the dip on 3x leverage when people were panic selling. It would’ve been a big gamble but damn... who’d have thought with all the chaos coming out that all the us personnel went into bunkers and shit right before the missile strike?

>> No.16785429

i have only 1 SOXL....want to accumulate more. And just hold forever. Wish they weren't so FUCKING EXPENSIVE.

>> No.16785434

Own 0 intc, its just a fact

Jim keller is at intc, wont matter for years tho

>> No.16785453
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Gold curling up,Very ominous posturing this morning....

>> No.16785467

when he runs for pres, he better give his fans ppirate hats and eye patches for meme power

>> No.16785481


>> No.16785483
File: 3.75 MB, 3456x4608, 15784971316803217982284138077468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scalise shouldn't be alive in this timeline
Doesn't sound like these people are fucking around anymore

>> No.16785491

Why haven't you taken the feet off that TV if you have it mounted?

>> No.16785495

This is a Reddit moment!

>> No.16785499

I'm autistic and always lose them,finally was able to afford a nice one and didn't wanna fuck it up,the mount/stand thingy was free and new so I can't complain

>> No.16785502

It's an invisible table

>> No.16785507

soooo... can you redpill me on trading the /ES or what? im just starting to learn about it but it seems to combine the best of all worlds: trade 24/6 similar to forex (unlike stocks which are 6.5/5), have supply/demand of stocks, can be played super cheap (just hearing about the micro e-mini now), and are based on the S&P 500 and so are backed by the top 500 companies of the market with lots of liquidity. i've heard algos can fuck with it though with HFT which worries me a bit, but other than that it sounds great if I could just trade this and not have to worry about picking stocks anymore.

>> No.16785514

look harder

>> No.16785551

CRWD is a must buy today this is your only warning they are gonna go to 90 screen cap this.

>> No.16785554
File: 402 KB, 1000x563, explorerchan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MSFT chad incoming

>> No.16785577

are high percentage dividend stocks worth it? on one hand, they seem like it but i'm sitting here crunching the numbers and it really seems like average share price + dividend payouts = breakeven at best over the course of a year

>> No.16785595

I still won't buy your shares

>> No.16785600

Most stocks with a high div % are more likely to change divs based on how they do that year so check their div history

>> No.16785608

I don't know about you, anon, but I'm planning on holding for a bit longer.

>> No.16785628
File: 440 KB, 633x758, 1458397979832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ford refuses to go under $9

>> No.16785640

NRZ seems quite consistent at 0.5c/share and i believe they have government backing

>> No.16785654

Oof fug voluptuous blonde walking right past the podium looking damn good... who the hell was that?

Damn... I DO want in this cybersecurity play but it’s already run up something like 10% in 2 days... and it’s one of those software companies with negative P/E... meanwhile CSCO and FEYE getting downgraded I think? And csco is hardware, profitable, a dog of the DOW, and has a cybersecurity segment...

I bought a share of Cisco before this most recent plunge heh

NRZ is a reit which is a special case, but what are you talking about govt backing?

I own it, and just made some decent profits with some conservative options strategies.

>> No.16785659

I just want this shit to pump to $9.80 so I can take my gains and leave this to drop back to $9

>> No.16785662
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Trump Pump

>> No.16785673

Should I buy pants or more stocks, guys? I've enough pairs but they're over a year old.

>> No.16785677
File: 2.49 MB, 659x609, 1575423301989.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get ready for a big dump across the board,gold and oil about to soar

>> No.16785684

Yes, buy more pants you dumbfuck consoomer

>> No.16785693

War declarations are taped and not like this, who knows with trump

>> No.16785694

are they not? i was under the impression NRZ came into some government-backed loans, which i believe adds stability and longevity to NRZ but maybe I heard wrong. also, how does it being a reit give it any special case over other high-dividends?

>> No.16785695



>> No.16785699

>but they're over a year old.
i got pants that are like ten years old. git gud soiboi.

>> No.16785704

if they are not torn/damaged, fit you well and you look presentable in them you don't need new ones

>> No.16785718

Fuck I'll make a compromise, a 50/50.
My oldest ones are like 4 or 5 years old, but its embarrassing wearing them anywhere outside of my wage cage.

>> No.16785727

I lost enough weight to go back to clothes that are unironically almost 20 years old. Literally feels good man.

>> No.16785729

Not good man, I'm down 1k on AMRN and I'm a poorfag. Might just take the loss and put it all into boeing

>> No.16785743

>trump 2016
You gotta upgrade that shit
Update your gifs my man

How have the railroad stocks done under king boomer?

>> No.16785746

I thank myself everyday getting out of my AMRN options at 23 dollars even though I broke even.
But at 19 it looks like a decent buy........

>> No.16785752
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>> No.16785761
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was thinking about buying 100 shares of DRIP yesterday. didnt though.

>> No.16785777

because i'm sick and tired of it going sideways

>> No.16785783

So you're saying buy some AMC stock and lock in 11% dividend?

>> No.16785800

Boeing got a downgrade today, no one wants to let it drop to 300. Even Cramer starting to acknowledge that there is a possibility the plane won’t get in the air. It may be they have to tear out the internals or something.

Decided to hold the calls I bought yesterday and dump on anyone who gets excited about them leading into JPM. Probably.

I don’t know what you’re talking about, you got a source for that?
REITs must pay out a certain amount of their profits or revenue or something for some sort of tax benefits. If I weren’t phoneposting id link you to investopedia.

Companies that have yields similar to REITs but that high that aren’t REITs often have it because the stock price has taken a huge hit and there’s something investors don’t like. It’s also a red flag that there’s doubts that it be not be able to support the dividend and will cut it in the future.

Sell calls
You DO have at least 100 shares of this core holding, right?

>> No.16785818
File: 75 KB, 612x720, Attach34306_20200103_214915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No war! Iran is pussies. What do I buy??

>> No.16785823

>trump waiting again until after hours

>> No.16785825

dividend stocks

>> No.16785834

So F?

>> No.16785836

no. don't chase yield, those are the frens that leave you when you need them

>> No.16785840

Wait the new person China assigned to contact Hong Kong know neother Cantonese nor English?

>> No.16785842
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>> No.16785860
File: 9 KB, 194x259, download (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't mock agrarianism.

>> No.16785864

Gold's real intrinsic value is only a fraction of it's price. Gold standart is silly
don't @ me

>> No.16785869

would the average tenant farmer/serf ever even touch a piece of hard currency in his lifetime back in the day?

>> No.16785878

What should I invest in /biz/ bro's?

>> No.16785879

Trump is fashionably late on giving remarks, as usual.

>> No.16785883
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>> No.16785886

Bought a CVS and VIAC fren today...
But I’m partial to healthcare, own some drug stocks. Boomers are just gonna get older and sicker.

>> No.16785892

No, they'd walk around with a bag of last years harvest and barter for goods and services. Everyone knows that.

>> No.16785899


>> No.16785904

>ITA is down 0.02

well, wars off and Boeing is still retarded I guess.

>> No.16785913

China social skills

Their regional diplomacy is 0/10

>> No.16785927
File: 145 KB, 743x692, DEW 2020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

updated DEW calendar for 2020


>> No.16785941

Podium action assembled

>> No.16785946

>people aren't waiting until after annoucements to buy

>> No.16785951

I don't know what to say to your message, it's not really complex at all. Just view it as a mini version of an index. I have traded it for years now and I have never experienced anything out of the ordinary, it's basically just a cheaper and better way of trading the indexes (because of it being open almost 24h a day). For HFT, I have never done it so can't really say anything about it, but my guess is that it's awful because algos will dump or pump e-minis if there's any news or events happening that you can't possibly have time to track or read about in time. Indexes are the ones getting punished by job reports or whatever as you probably know, which means e-minis will react exactly how the indexes would react.
But yeah, I don't know what else there is to say. I can't really recommend HFT e-minis because it's basically only done by computers nowadays. Just make sure you look for a good broker that doesn't have retarded spreads, volume requirements, etc etc.

>> No.16785961

>AMRN down another 6%





>> No.16785968

I honestly think he’s gonna go for a power hour pump in the afternoon. Let all the insiders get their cheapies now then blast off to fucking Saturn by like 2pm

>> No.16785971

this looks like a good place to DCA my MRK call.


>> No.16785972

So is weed a dead meme?

>> No.16785988

it never lived.

>> No.16786015

>still holding that trash

>> No.16786022

>ONTX keeps spiraling down

What today's excuse for holding?

>> No.16786025

Its a plant

Need to have a brand like nike/tesla/apple for margin, not just a wed company

>> No.16786035

too expesive for my taste but that stock is basically an ETF. good pick

>> No.16786045

to many laws still in place that fuck weed over. please come back in 25 years.

>> No.16786050

>0 deaths
WW3 is definitely not happening. A lot of people who freaked the fuck out look pretty dumb right now.

>> No.16786055

so what did he say?

>> No.16786058

the pump is over........

>> No.16786060

SPY going straight up.

>> No.16786064

>p-please be peace
lmao this guy

>> No.16786065

nothing, and he still btfo'd my portfolio

>> No.16786068


>> No.16786071

God Bless President Donald J. Trump

>> No.16786072

not really just disable hyperthreading and all of my security problems are gone.

>> No.16786074
File: 159 KB, 362x383, xbee2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Curses, 3 campbell soup fud articles in the past few hours

>> No.16786076

be peaceful or we'll kill you.

>> No.16786086

Isreali bases in iran would be lol

>> No.16786090

We got a big fucking stick so fuck off you persian fucks.

>> No.16786108

>that huge green dildo

I'm starting to get concerned about bears. How much more can they take?

>> No.16786109
File: 13 KB, 225x225, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will my KOkies go up when Trump Pumps? Also have any of you anons read that korean step mom hentai or is it just me getting those ads?

>> No.16786112
File: 144 KB, 1024x762, 1577910356199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could LCI file a complaint against the tute shareholders regarding their obscenely low interest rate? The entire premise is insane. The people who own it are letting others keep it down.

>> No.16786129

all those poor fucks that fell for the Inpixon PnD.

>> No.16786157

>Trump's big dick energy is pumping the markets

Will there be a dump afterwards?

>> No.16786176

no survivors bro, this is a meme war bulls vs b*ars

>> No.16786179

barring a happening I don't think so....shit almost immediately reversed

>> No.16786186

The fundamentals aren't very promising on this stock anon

>> No.16786192
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So THIS is the power of the Trump economy. I'm impressed.

>> No.16786194
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>> No.16786195

Big money is in control of LCI.. they'll decide when to start raising the interest on the shares.. they'll decide when to lock up the float and get shares back from shorts.. they're in control.. we're just in for the ride.. and right now.. it's accumulation time..

>> No.16786210

The bears have taken consistent losses for years now. How can they still fight?

>> No.16786216

They always look back to the 1 in 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 time they were right


>> No.16786217

But imagine being LCI themselves. You would find it harder to raise money because your own shareholders are holding it down. Your own net worth is low because of it. That's fucked up.

>> No.16786221

i wanna see avg dem returns vs avg repub returns

The polls show dems are hugely pessimistic of the market sine 16

>> No.16786223

I did read a few chapters... and I also get TONS of the ads. Fuck off hiroshi, new year, no coomies.

Accurate and concise

My PEP and KO calls... goddamn

>> No.16786230

>clown ass retard libs missing on the gains and REEEEEEEEEEEEEing over every little things

we truly are living in the golden age of prosperity and memes

>> No.16786232

Would they care?
Only in the case of dilution and debt collateral...probably.

>> No.16786243
File: 354 KB, 842x617, A3560786-720B-4AF1-94C5-A39B43CA8F5B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being this smug fuck the DAY BEFORE FRESH ALL TIME HIGHS!!

It’s one thing to fade a rally, but not betting on America... what a loser!

>> No.16786250

yeah but what if LCI decides to raise money like lets say $50million.. and they decide to raise the money by selling shares or bonds to institutions... the institutions won't mind holding it down until after the funding if they are able to get a good deal on whatever investment vehicle they purchase.. then boom.. let it go and they make massive gains...

They don't care about the little guy.. they're just playing their game right now.. both shorts and longs want shares and to grab large positions.. it doesn't usually happen overnight..

>> No.16786251

They should care as much as any about their market cap. Which is plenty.

>> No.16786258

Oops, I was referring to this:

>> No.16786262

>massive green candles everywhere
Holy fuck bros I'm so horny

>> No.16786267

The meme war will rage on until bulls finally plant the flag on zerohedge servers. It'll happen and still the beartards will rise from the ashes 3rd mortgages in hand to take more punishment

>> No.16786268

Well, I hate them both for different reasons but I am bullish and I am up big so I'm happy

>> No.16786274
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>> No.16786279
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Who here /MTP/?

>> No.16786280

So close to +5% club

>> No.16786284

Come to think of it, this is a classical domestic Chinese style officer appointment to assign personnel who are not familiar with a region to work as leader of the region (although this post that person is going to take is not nominally a leader position), with the conceot behind such assignment being to avoid citizens being able to grow loyalty on any particular regional leader which could threaten central power.

>> No.16786286


How it hasn't collapsed on itself like a dying star from the sheer gravitational force of all the wrong calls it made surrounding it is a mystery to me.

>> No.16786290

So hold LCI hostage for cheap shares and when they give a deal, then let the market actually function? That's pretty fucked.

Im not saying I don't like it. I have shares of LCI and I can wait for years. But the entire situation is next level ridiculous.

>> No.16786299

We’re back on the gain train

>> No.16786300

Am I dumb for buying OGI at this price?
Looks like a bottom to me

>> No.16786302
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Ty based musk

>> No.16786318

Funny how it was all gloom and doom as it turned out yesterday AH, and now the market is going up to ATH again.

>> No.16786322

it really is fucking retarded... whats really shit about it is how obvious as fuck it is.. last I checked the borrow rate was like 1.2% or something really low? whats it now? you know?

shorts are hitting a bottom and when I say bottom i'm not looking at pennys i'm looking at dollar amounts.. a larger scale..

>> No.16786323
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>pumps or dumps your markets no exceptions

>> No.16786325
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Holy crap i made 2 hunnid doll hairs in 30 minutes. The Trump effect.

>> No.16786330
File: 152 KB, 1000x750, Tesla-Gigafactory-3-TSLAQ-2019-Recap_1000x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TSLA has reached 483. Boomer bears getting their margin call and committing suicide en mass.

Imagine being stupid enough to bet against a company that can do this.

>> No.16786342

really fuggin low

>> No.16786347

It was 0.7% when I last looked.

>> No.16786350

Nvda train is still taking passengers, exit is end of 2020 at 300

7nm node will be huge, still off ath

>> No.16786357

Good God I wish I had TSLA stock

>> No.16786371

Dont be scared about q4/q1 er

7nm euv cards are the rocket ship

>> No.16786375

what is the name of the cat in the picture(oj) on the left side??

>> No.16786389

big money holding it will eventually start locking the shares back up.. let it run..then lend em out again...it's all just a big long game..

also.. the fucking options aren't moving I have just a couple more to buy back and they aren't budging.. fucking weird..

>> No.16786395

Converszational ai will be huge, 7nm nvda demand will be insane everywhere.

The rtx line was a long term play to create pent up demand. Nvda cashes in this year

>> No.16786407

What is wrong wif yo [.] key? Fix that shit.

>> No.16786409

>gourmet soup

>> No.16786411
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The crash was highly irregular, either there was an uncontained engine failure or there was some explosive device (bomb in plane, missile hit plane). All seem unlikely and irrational but it has to be one of them.


>> No.16786415

........ no.

>> No.16786419
File: 88 KB, 800x800, 028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

b-but the big old white guys on TV told me not to buy any $TSLA

>> No.16786423
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>> No.16786435
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>> No.16786442
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Who was the lad shilling oil

>> No.16786462


>> No.16786467

Was it me? I don't think I shilled though or what are you referring to?

>> No.16786477

I am as bullish as it gets and my hands get sweaty every time I look at my chart, this is the most godlike stock I have ever seen like 1.5 straight months of green never stopped almost a 100% what the hell?

>> No.16786480

Let me explain NVDA in a bit of detail.

RTX launches into bitcoin mining ending and ram prices still high but declining. What happens is they get double fucked. They are pushing a new tech, RTX, on an old node. So it's a meh product and the GTX 10XX oversupply from miners ends.

It's a worst case situation for NVDA and shows over the next year. People see though that NVDA was slow-rolling due to no competition. Increasing their cost and pushing ray tracing to differentiate in more ways than pure power.

Now comes 2020 when they go to a new node, new arch, and have a more mature RTX and power to use it. The demand is at least as good as what people bought up on RTX announcement 280 share price. Not to mention ML/AI is only growing and now with conversational AI getting way better it will be a huge datacenter demand on the new nvda 7nm offerings and gaming demand will be there since many people skipped RTX

2020 is good for nvda barring any obscene market downturn/recession. That's just my crazy thoughts. 280 would be a good low target by eoy with 300+ more likely.

AI isn't getting worse. Gaming demand will be there for RTX 30XX

>> No.16786514

oh yeah their only competition on the high end (so far, who knows with AMD) is themselves. Meaning people not buying RTX cards and staying on 1080/1070 are just future revenue for this year when 30XX blows up

>> No.16786520



>> No.16786534
File: 43 KB, 218x227, xxz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fngu dream came true after all, if only 1 year late

>> No.16786557

In what way does a missile strike seem unlikely?

>> No.16786570

>5% per day

total hysteria

>> No.16786579

>2 Milly shares traded on that green candle


Based... aapl hitting all time highs, tsla squeezing off, gotta love them memestocks

>> No.16786593
File: 34 KB, 720x720, 757633677889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Boeing made planes crashing every fucking day
>stock price is the same as it was a year ago

>> No.16786634

3D systems +10% today, the DDD train starts

>> No.16786639

I wish you all the best with LCI but it looks like a really boring generic drug manufacturing company run by old farts. Nobody is getting excited about the occasional licence to manufacture boring existing legacy WHO essential medications. There is nothing there. You might as well get excited about ketchup. Also manufacturing barbiturates in 2020. Riiight.

>> No.16786682

Don’t talk shit about ketchup, consumer staples are based.

Generic pharma could’ve done well under a Medicare for all plan, but this isn’t the way to play the aging boomers. This is purely a speculative play on short squeezes, and it’s burned a lot of people because of the lies spread in this thread and other places on the internet.

They’re not being genuine about being excited about this company. They’re only excited for the next short squeeze. And it’ll probably come, eventually. And, I suspect, that’s when they’ll announce they’re excecuting the dilution they recently applied for.

>> No.16786694

there's no way Tesla can keep doing this right
I need to get some long range puts right

>> No.16786696

peak market euphoria phase, wait another year and you'll see the results

>> No.16786697


Even the Moon isn't going to stop us, lads!

>> No.16786713
File: 48 KB, 952x670, gull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mentions ketchup

>> No.16786715

Its gucci to 1000


>> No.16786719

LCI is becoming a lean mean drug selling machine. It climbed quickly to $60 and it will do it again. Insurance companies are already pushing toward generics as they are more affordable... if anything.. generic drugs will be in higher demand as the population of old people grow........

LCI to $60

>> No.16786731

Tsla should be 750-900 right now

>> No.16786747
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>> No.16786749

I’m getting flashbacks of the $OMG to $64 by November shill years ago

>> No.16786755

It's too late for me vrother I put half my savings into AMC at $8.16 it just keeps on going down they are gonna take my house away my family needs this

>> No.16786773

>AMC at $8.16 it just keeps on going down they are gonna take my house away my family needs this

the movie theater chain? who the fuck goes to movies?

>> No.16786779

>You might as well get excited about ketchup.
Implying kraft heinz wpnt sky rocket

>> No.16786794
File: 767 KB, 1242x2688, F453BDA5-E17A-4CC4-87D6-AE9AF0DE3979.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>orange man bad

>> No.16786797
File: 34 KB, 449x423, boom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tesla is THE millenial stock. prove me wrong.

>> No.16786802

I stand behind my pick.. hence the trip.....

LCI to $60

>> No.16786817

Elon is a dumb fraud cuz ford and boeing are my guideposts

>> No.16786818

CBL is getting around 1$ again. Is the stock now finished for real?

>> No.16786830

what kind of plays can one make on ford?

im getting out at 500. this shit is crazy.

>> No.16786839

Fair enough I’ll pick up a handful of shares rn and see what happens next week

>> No.16786867


>> No.16786899
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The current model in healthcare is to reward HIGH drug prices with large rebates and reimbursements. It's the same problem as AMRN for this guy:

Generics and low price have a future if we get major healthcare reforms.

Because the race will be Biden vs Trump, and Trump has a 90+% chance of winning, big pharma is still the place to be.

Taking on debt to build out a generics pharma business? That's a terrible idea under the current system. What you want to do is make a new drug that is marginally better than what is currently available, and get the FDA to approve it for use in various conditions and then charge an insane and unaffordable price for it.

Just be honest, LCI is nothing more than a trading platform for short squeezes. If you want business to improve, you should start shilling Warren.

Coordinated shilling, absolutely disgusting.

Why would you even act like there's a reason to be in it right now, in case something happens next week? Earnings aren't until February.

>> No.16786901


>> No.16786926

You poor sod, they were still spiraling. They shifted around some big management and are going to eat shit for a few quarters but they’ll bounce back in 2021 mark my words

>> No.16786977
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>> No.16787003

Holy dubs 777 we go

DDD looking good too

>> No.16787022

There are a lot retail investors getting into it out of fear of missing out on the next big stock, but much of it was just a correction due to the stock being suppressed for the last four years and trending sideways despite all their growth and path to profitability. It was only a matter of time before people caught on and the CNBC hit pieces no longer worked.

>> No.16787054

2020 trades

NVDA 240->300
DDD 10->15

These are my favorites, DDD is crazy risky and I think NVDA is more solid.

>> No.16787066
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>> No.16787078

retail investors are the ones who consistently lose money though

>> No.16787091

hedge funds vs index

>> No.16787115

Cramer started warming up to them right as they flipped. I don’t know about these hit pieces, they’ve been having Ark and others on to pimp it for months.

>> No.16787122

>paper trading

so you didn't make anything

>> No.16787138

Why oil is going down?

>> No.16787159

Dont hold oil or auto not tesla longterm

>> No.16787188


lol at bragging about making nothing

>> No.16787201

He made more than you GALT BAGHOLDER LMFAO

>> No.16787210

Is 'fat stacks' AMRN anon still around?

cause if you're still holding then god damn I'm sorry friendo

>> No.16787215

He sold AMRN, which is one of the reasons I felt better about buying calls

>> No.16787219

They're at least right in this case. Wall Street can be tremulously short sighted and lose their appetite for stocks that may not pay off for years. Retail investors must be overrepresented as shareholders in companies like Google, Amazon, Apple, and now Tesla.
They have to have at least one bull on, and Ark management is one of the few companies that came out in supported TSLA while everyone else was screaming about how it was about to become bankrupt despite it being false. By the way, that narrative was pushed by CNBC. Most of it is just clickbait garbage to draw people in.

>> No.16787220

Hey babe, would you like to eat at the 212 steakhouse in NY for our first date? I'll pay the bill with my GALT gains.

>> No.16787244

>clickbait garbage to draw people in
So... news

>> No.16787261

this aged well

>> No.16787263
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Concern but also erection

>> No.16787264
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>5 figure account zoomers think they understand retail vs institutional order flow

>> No.16787272
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Do you know why I stopped you sir? I can smell weed in your portfolio. Just wanted to congratulate you. Enjoy your gains, sir.

>> No.16787286
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Help a poorfag newbie out, all may mays aside, should I sell at 2.90 after buying in at 2.80 and take my $200 profit?

These bags are so heavy and I haven't heard any real concrete news in the past few weeks from the other anons shouldering thosenbags with me.

>> No.16787299

Everyone make sure to thank Papa Trump for blessing us with gains

>> No.16787310

Low quality news that would have little interest if the average investor/trader wasn't retarded. Hell, some of it isn't even news, telling people how much they would have made if they would have put $10,000 in whatever company a decade ago has nothing to do with anything.

>> No.16787331

Why are stocks up? I own AT&T and Coca Cola

ps. Is Brookfield REIT good

>> No.16787335

Clickbait is journalism now. We only have ourselves to blame, but fuck I’m not paying for a newspaper subscription.

>> No.16787340

if SAVA closes above 9? Bullish AF

>> No.16787451
File: 25 KB, 392x331, 1548427802106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it would look very good. Hope people went back in at 6.80-7, where I said a potential bounce could happen

>> No.16787456

Why not explain it to them instead of being smugly condescending?

>> No.16787472
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>> No.16787475

You were right on the money with that. Any future predictions your calculations are showing you?

>> No.16787478
File: 936 KB, 1568x2249, bear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy calls
>lose money
>buy puts
>best trade I've made in weeks

Pic related

>> No.16787484
File: 398 KB, 1392x1396, 1578018983625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woah look at metals go

>> No.16787493

t. dickless (((analyst))) who doesn't even beat the market.

>> No.16787509

I always do better in puts instead of calls.

>> No.16787511

I'm already in too many positions as is so I'm not watching much at the moment. But if you're watching something interesting let me check it

>> No.16787514

late on reply but look at SUNS high monthly div and going down a little so its an easy in 11 cents a month has been like that for a while as well

>> No.16787525

Can someone please explain the value of tesla to me?

>> No.16787534

AMC attendance is at an all-time high...

>> No.16787536

Here's a good one, are Tesla and AMD a bubble?

>> No.16787544

but does that mean profit for the movie theater? I know most of their $ is in like concessions.

>> No.16787573

Haven't done research on the company but i think their strong points are batteries ,marketing (memes) and a charismatic CEO.

>> No.16787595

Waiting for BILL to die so I can buy the Microsoft dip.

>> No.16787618

Am I doing okay if I'm still in the green before receiving any dividends?

>> No.16787646

You mean I'll go lower?

>> No.16787651

>that Nintendo soi boi who bought a bunch of gold, defense, and oil

>> No.16787660

Compare both companies to what they were years ago and they have both clearly improved immensely. AMD deserves to be steady at 60-70 until they prove they can sustain the growth through a few earnings calls, same goes for Tesla at 480-560. Just because they have pumped like crazy in what is a straight up bull market doesn't mean they are in a bubble.
Will a correction happen? Yes, obviously. But that doesn't mean they deserve to be up here

>> No.16787668

he bought high but defense is a safe long term hold, he'll be fine on that one.

>> No.16787686

What is your estimate on the correction?

>> No.16787696

I’m the Nintendies investor, I flipped my gold miner calls and DEFN calls yesterday, and my USOI a while ago.

I think you’re doing some weird troll shit.

I have been waiting patiently for L3 and Lockheed to come back to earth, and laughing at those people who bought LMT premarket/afterhours above 420

Will LMT eventually get to 420? Of course. This shits going to space. Still, I’m not outside market hours over all time highs based on speculation of war.

>> No.16787722

I had some success with PINS last couple of weeks. Grabbed it at around $18. Last few days it's been pumping like crazy. Should I lock in profits and sell now while it's high or wait for earnings and hope for a much bigger pump? I do feel like there is some potential for this stock and the market it services (lots of art and design roasties who can be advertised to, and we all know those are not what you would call a rational spender).

>> No.16787781

>Vascepa... was classified as a Tier 3 drug... the highest-cost medications that provide the lowest overall value.

Its unironically ogre guise

>> No.16787788


>> No.16787810

Looks like some are claiming it's completely false

>> No.16787818

Will oil go up again?

>> No.16787829

Holy fuck thanks for the warning... I might have to buy back into GSK

Exited those calls losing like 25%... very ugly trade. Thought options traders knew something I didn’t, but I’m not sticking around.

Just saw it on Schwab so it better not be fake

>> No.16787833

Buy inpx right now or just dont bother with pajeet shit?

>> No.16787838

What the fuck is going on with Tesla?
When should I sell?

>> No.16787853

Dont, cursed stock

>> No.16787877

Depends how greedy you are, bubble is probably gonna pop before the weekend.

>> No.16787890
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I just want to make the money I lost today back... not sure if I should hold or just give up and buy a real stock

>> No.16787900


>> No.16787908
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>Trading with emotions

>> No.16787918
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Hey /smg/gers how do you feel about CLF?

>> No.16787920

I'm down 95% on my 1/17 calls. At this point I'm just gonna hold. That last 5% is a fine gamble for a chance at a buyout before then. But I gotta say, I don't anticipate a buyout.

>> No.16787922
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Just set a trailing stop, my nibba.

>> No.16787928

The CEO has said multiple times there will be no buyout.

He's a do-gooder.

>> No.16787951

No clue, hopefully they both holds the high of the correction that happened in 2018. So 30-50%? Impossible to say considering they might keep on spiking for some time

>> No.16787955

Thoughts on Uber?

>> No.16787959

I sold amrn at 22 losing like .30 each share, literally right after it plummeted. I'm sorry guys it was me.

>> No.16787964
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new high new high

>> No.16787970

As a long term investment? Unironically hold until $4000 per share. As a short term trade? It's a mystery. It's always best not to trade against the trend unless you have information we don't.

>> No.16787991

Uber lhx or mtch stock? For my Roth long term

>> No.16788011
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Damn tesla finna POPPIN cuh. We on our way to 1k baby.

>> No.16788016
File: 206 KB, 1280x853, 1544306351461.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is anyone else presently in Clovis Oncology? They're up 15% today, and I'm considering jumping out to cover my profits. If I stay in though...

>> No.16788036

Automobile sector isn’t going down and oil isn’t going up my week is completely bogged

>> No.16788037

>Had to fill up my car for the week at oil highs
Somehow feels worse than if I made an actual losing trade on oil.

>> No.16788045

Guys forgive me I’m new and retarded.

For call options, let’s say I purchase a call for $3 when the stock price is 2.5 a share. Let’s say the first two days the stock falls, but on the third day it rises to $3. Do I still take a penalty for the two days the price decreased?

>> No.16788051
File: 95 KB, 620x465, #staycroak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't know what to say to your message
>proceeds to post what he should say to my message

that's basically what i wanted to know lol. im on AMTD and they sent me an email about /MES so i got curious. idk how reasonable it would be for me to switch from screening for stocks to day trade and instead solely day trade the /ES but my initial impressions are that it basically solves the problems of liquidity (enough volume to trend and to be able to get in and out at the prices i want with however many shares/contracts/whatever i want to trade), time restrictions (normal market hours vs. 24/6), and news (it's the S&P500 so it should be active pretty much all the time instead of a lot of stocks which are hot some days and then go nowhere for a long time with few trades happening). the 24/6 is the biggest deal for me, i have a full time job and i don't like forex because the big banks control price there instead of people (fiat currencies don't have intrinsic value and the supply is limitless), E-mini's are looking like a great alternative that I could potentially day trade before or after work, that would still work basically like stocks do.

also the HFT stuff, i meant that HFT's can fuck with price trends making things less predictable, not that I would personally use an HFT or something. i was mostly wondering how much trouble they cause or if they're not really a big deal and i shouldn't worry about them.

found this guy while looking for more info, let me know what you think: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8y3VvyQZ38&list=PLZpt37abrD9FuCt6blOvO7Own1XB9xVRt only half way through the first video on the playlist and i like the way he thinks so far.

>> No.16788069

alright I guess Im making the new thread, wait a minute

>> No.16788070

10% correction any day now.

>> No.16788087

new thread

>> No.16788091

Thanks, bro.

>> No.16788096
File: 53 KB, 600x600, 5C86410D-1B9E-448E-ACE2-4EA428E806FA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well there could be a yuge attack tonight yet and send oil soaring. Trump could level their oil fields to send an example out to the pajeets sending oil to the moon. All speculation play now but I’m already bogged and tensions have been heating up so it’s not that out there

>> No.16788104

Are you asking which of these companies you’d trust the most with handling your retirement?

Please ask yourself this question because I hope it’s a joke, and then wait and hope for a bit more of a pullback though you might not get it.

>> No.16788288

Your option would be worth less on those days, but there is no penalty per se. You would also be closer to expiration which would affect the price