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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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16774564 No.16774564 [Reply] [Original]

>The main one we got at the moment is called "Tulip". And Tulip is the number 15 (in the top 500 supercomputers)
And what are you doing with it?
>We have been modeling the Bitcoin scalability and all that for a number of years now.

-Satoshi Nakamoto 2015

>> No.16774604


>SGI EVP and chief operating officer, has told ZDNet that despite this, SGI has never had any contact with Cloudcroft or Wright.

>"Cloudcroft has never been an SGI customer and SGI has no relationship with Cloudcroft CEO Craig Steven Wright," he said.

>Conceicao added that SGI has no record of the C01N supercomputer being purchased or serviced by the firm.

>> No.16774613


"Australian Bitcoin figure’s supercomputing company enters liquidation"

It's all just a stack of shit isn't it?

>> No.16774656

>you need a company to run supercomputer

>> No.16774696

Did he really con the aus tax office for 50 million rebate

>> No.16774747

When a company goes into liquidation its asserts are sold to meet the debts of its creditors.
Read the other point about SGI denying it had anything to do with Creg or ever having sold him a fucking gaming PC let alone a super computer

>> No.16774758

>creg: FLEES Australia from Tax Office
>packs only laptop
>Fraud Status: Always
m-maybe it went on fire

>> No.16774768
File: 40 KB, 330x391, 1509761584546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a fucking gaming PC

>> No.16774803

was this the SUPERCOMPOOTER that ran XP ?
>we licence a maximum of 2 (two) processors on this particular OS, Sir

>> No.16774837

Keep denying, satoshi is gonna teach you a lesson.

>> No.16774841

You two apparently don't have any idea what a supercomputer is do you? They don't sit on a desk; you access them remotely.

>> No.16774861

Tulip is sexy

>> No.16774871


Here is a video lecture where he talked about it;


>> No.16774872

Is Tulip Christian?

>> No.16774959
File: 77 KB, 384x384, 1421926981133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fucking insane how scammy and brazen this glownigger is. First he got in trouble with the Australian authorities because of a tax scam. Then, on an unrelated note, he pulled off some forgeries on Dave Kleiman and got in trouble with the US law. Then he goes on telling everyone how he loves the law , and people actually believe him. Aside from forgeries, he absolutely loves plagiarizing papers (copypasta-style) and cannot code, as it turns out. If he, hypothetically, was Satoshi, then Satoshi would be such a massive faggot (incompetent, lost his keys, couldn't even finish his "vision", obviously stole/outsourced everything) that we could safely dismiss him and find a new guru. Not the case, sadly.

>> No.16775147

Reminder that all these ''fudders'' are a fucking clear buy signal. We are smart money.

>> No.16775154
File: 98 KB, 849x1034, 1570624379361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw the crypto blackpill was true all along

>> No.16775405

We are the elect

>> No.16775442
File: 1.05 MB, 1123x1459, 23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice source URL for the quote you fucking faggot

>> No.16775497

Yes the multi-processor remote capabilities of XP were well-known. SO, WHERE IS THIS FUCKING 'SUPERCOMPUTER' THEN ???
must be very 'remote' indeed. No fucker ever laid eyes on it.
>Protip: creg 'talking about' something does not make it true
>Protip #2: its usually the fucking opposite

>> No.16775510

Same panel discussion where he surprised szabo about turing completeness.

>> No.16775517

>3 emotional posts by this ID
What's wrong with you?

>> No.16775546

nothings wrong with me mate, I'm asking:
the creditors of CO!N Inc (or whatever that collapsed scam BS of cregs was called) are surely interested. As would be the ATO. The ATO are interested in many of cregs doings, apparently.
simple. fucking. question.
whats wrong with you ?
No answer ?
thought not

>> No.16775611

Is it gregory the jew himself in my thread? enojy your freedom while it lasts

>> No.16775632

JUST answer the fucking question
can't get away with behaving like this in court y'know. Whats that, 'Freedom', you say ?
>and, it's G'Night from creg

>> No.16775649

lol you are totally unhinged today

>> No.16776081

Imagine being such a daft cunt that you fall for this scam