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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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16765436 No.16765436 [Reply] [Original]


sideways you get????
because its going sideways for like 6 month hahahahahahahahhahahahaahahaha

literally the best project and nobody even cares HAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHA wtf

>> No.16765446

How long did link went sideways? Long. Have patience.

>> No.16765497

link mooned on mainnet
they have the biggest pathnerships in crypto and its at 18 mil...

>> No.16765547
File: 116 KB, 1658x706, FTM VS Cosmos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Market is still in clown mode. FTM should be at least as valuable as Cosmos, which is a 40x from here.
I wouldn't be surprised to see the price catch up this year, not to $4, but to $0.40 to match Cosmos's cap.

>> No.16765553

2.38$ end of feb, cap this bois

>> No.16765581

im all-in in fantom for 10 month now, i was expecting 0.2 by now....

>> No.16765590


>> No.16765644

you were early but ur right on time now

>> No.16765671

Yeah, early Link holders also had to endure the long decline from $1.30 down to $0.20 in 2018, but it was all worth it in 2019.
FTM will have an even stronger performance in 2020 than Link had last year, because this time the whole crypto space is also going to pump.
FTM is the best altcoin in the whole market in terms of risk/reward.

>> No.16765705

lmao how was it worth it its a 10x from the bottom and a 2x from the top?
there is right now no reason why fantom in below 0.1 but yet it still is...

what do?
i was shit posting about fantom for atleast 6 months

>> No.16765718

Nice make believe number you pulled out of your ass

>> No.16765737

if you only knew

>> No.16765739

Selling now is like selling Link a year ago. Just stake your whole stack and be patient a bit longer.

>> No.16765750

staking rewards get burnt if you withdraw before 6 months (barring a large majority of total supply being staked), is that in the timeframe you're looking at?

>> No.16765754

Are you the same asshole who said we’d be $1 on New Years? Kys

>> No.16765755

im not going to sell this, im riding this to 1 or to 0
but the lack of buying pressure is making me concerned

>> No.16765888

Staking is the right play regardless of what the price does. Maybe FTM mega pumps in 3 months and you really want to sell, no problem just unstake, forfeit the rewards and sell.
But maybe we have another 6 months of sideways movement and you'd be really glad to have stacked if that case.

>> No.16765898

trips of truth. I'm guessing undelegating will be easy with the wallet too

>> No.16765953

Long accumulation means crazy gains and fantom has been doing just that. I am not selling this until $100 or close to it. Staking is definitely the best price right now regardsless of the price. Say Fantom his $1.00 end of February and you're staking. Imagine the amount of fanties you can cash out AFTER you collect you rewards after your 6 month time period? Fantom already has shit under wraps (Vietnam) as well as governments, banks and the like. We are going to make it. No matter what.

>> No.16765986

based and passive income pilled

>> No.16765994

if fanties ever even approach $100 each I will nut in my pants so hard the teeth of my zipper will be embedded in the drywall in the next room

>> No.16765999

What's happening with Vietnam?

>> No.16766596

Biggest partnerships..bro :D

>> No.16766680

There was a post with all of the validator nodes are staking and one of the nodes was vietnam. I didn't remember Fantom specifically saying their doing anythign with them but I decided to look into and found that. Only thing that makes sense. Why else would they have node saying fantom vietnam?

>> No.16766956

there was something about a coin burn too happening tomorrow or some shit like that.