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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16758971 No.16758971 [Reply] [Original]

What does /biz/ think about Universal Basic Income? Aka a national guarantee to get just enough money each month to live above the poverty line, about $1000 in the U.S.

>> No.16758990

Fuck off chink

>> No.16759004

aka a get the minority vote promise that results in inflation making your real buying power even less than you had before.

>> No.16759102

If it was only for whites id be fine with it

>> No.16759166


It doesn't increase the money supply so inflation is not a big deal. Creates more demand and encourages entrepreneurship

>> No.16759177

How does free money being given out and pushed into the economy not create inflation? That’s inflation 101

>> No.16759180

Poor people deserve to be poor. Fuck handouts, that includes social security.

>> No.16759241

>be lazy wagie
>hate working but need money
>UBA hits USA
>lol why work
>wagie exodus from minimum wage jobs
>stores close because can't keep themselves staffed
>food prices and cost of living skyrocket
>economy poopie

lol I blame george bush

>> No.16759267

No nigger. The money supply stays constant so there isnt any welfare.

>> No.16759307

I support it, but not from taxes on production.

Tax what people use, not what people make. A single tax on the market value of land is the only tax that makes sense.

>> No.16759323

more like
>be lazy wagie
>votes for chink from Chinchong, China
>Chink wins. Hail President Chink
>yay! gonna get free money! $1000!
>UBI bill dies in committee, raises taxes instead
>wagies realized they got scammed by a chink

>> No.16759331

so long as it eliminates welfare, and allows my salary to rise proportionally, i'm fine with it.
the left seems to think that inflation is a myth.

>> No.16759544

Encouragea entrepreneurship? Grow an IQ. There are already enough retard entrepreneurs failing to create any value at all, we don't need more.

>> No.16759607

Government subsidies breed apathy, destroys initiative, and opens the door to invasion of individual rights.

>> No.16759636

>eliminates welfare
It IS welfare, retard.
And you think Shaqueefa and her 5 nigglets who are now getting $4000 will only get $1000 if the lying chink has his way?

>> No.16759703

>make $1000/mo anyways
>don't qualify
>make $900/mo
>qualify for $100 extra a month
welfare doesn't do that.

>> No.16760180

Well sheeeit, let's do $10,000 then and everyone can live reeeaaal goood

>> No.16760187

i honestly think society at large could benefit from everyone getting "play money" to learn about finances and economic principles. of course the usd would tank if this ever happened

>> No.16760188
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Taxation is theft. Earn your own money, faggot.

>> No.16760195
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it's a scam.
recipients of UBI in US won't be elligible for other more useful social programs anymore.
In America at least, it will wind up being an indirect subsidy to Nike, Sony, Apple, and Landlords.
The food stamps americans recieve are already disproportionately spent on Soda and Chips.
Go watch Dave Chappell's reparations episode.

>> No.16760197


>> No.16760204

so $1000 will essentially become worthless

>> No.16760205

Employment rate would also go down. Some businesses would have trouble hiring staff.

>> No.16760215

A free market economy has never existed because workers have never been free to negotiate the terms of their employment in the same way that employers always have been. Businesses are emotionless and can react perfectly to market conditions at any moment in time, even if the necessary action is to fold, merge, or otherwise terminate its identity as such. Meanwhile humans are weak and full of material needs, the absence of which causes them to behave irrationally (from a market standpoint), taking jobs at wages they otherwise wouldn't in order to acquire food and shelter such that they do not die.

A UBI would actually allow the market to truly be free for once, with businesses and workers arriving on equal footing to negotiate terms together. If either party proposes something less than acceptable to the other party, they can call the deal off without materially endangering themselves in the way that is the case today.

It is not an exaggeration to say that true libertarianism/free-marketism cannot be realized without some sort of a UBI in place to guarantee the laborer's ability to walk away from bad terms of employment.

>> No.16760226

put economic in front of libertarian to differentiate it from political libertarianism

>> No.16760232
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>High taxes
Choose one

>> No.16760236

I have watched Neetbux turn slots into workhorses. The boringness is crushing. You know it, too.

UBI would make Americans more productive.

>> No.16760243

printing and creating more money causes inflation

UBI is a redistribution of money through a value added tax.

tl;dr, they're taxing rich people and using that money to fund UBI.

>> No.16760256

uuuuuuh, yes it does. In fact, a huge amount of people on welfare are already work on the side. You lose some money for every bit you make, and you're limited to abooooout... what UBI would be/month. It's not easy to live on.

>> No.16760260
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Nice try.

>> No.16760262

Fuck VATs, I refuse to pay for a tax to buy online.

>> No.16760267

yang will start the 2020 bullrun

>> No.16760348

>High taxes
More like raising taxes slightly more towards their 1950s/60s brackets instead of letting america's .1% pay less taxes than the middle class, as is the case today.

In any case, a true, universalized personal freedom is unobtainable. Either you're subject to the brutal dictates of material existence (hunger, exposure and disease) and therefore not really free in your decisionmaking processes, or you're getting taxed to fund a UBI or guaranteed societal food/shelter floor. The former causes laborers/wagies to make economically suboptimal decisions, the latter causes high performers to make economically suboptimal decisions (by e.g. deciding not to perform as much as they could since they are in a bracket where most of it would be taxed away). The only real question is which scenario has a greater disorting effect on the market? When you think about the billions of wagies agreeing to objectively disadvantageous terms of employment, vs the handful of high performers dropping out of the market due to high taxation, I think the answer is fairly obvious.

>> No.16760373


This guy gets it

Anyway with automation this is inevitable. The whole McDonald's supply chain could be automated pretty much today as an example, how will capitalism work when there are no entry level jobs? And the higher you make wages the quicker you encourage automation to occur

We don't 'need' jobs we need goods and services

>> No.16760375
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The middle class gets their money back through refunds and low quality services, the upper class does not. Only the upper class pays net taxes.

Stealing is wrong, no matter how you try to twist it. Taxes are theft.

>> No.16760383
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>insert excuse x

If you lived in the real world more you could come up with better stories.