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1675405 No.1675405 [Reply] [Original]

Last one died. Let's gear up for another week of trading and banter.

>> No.1675464

The cuntfreezone is up


>> No.1675593

Still 40 posts till bump limit, more than enough for the weekend.
Learn to use the catalog goddamn

>> No.1675807

Sell my IAM or hold it? Opinions?

>> No.1675835

What do you guys mostly trade in this general?

All I ever see is blue chip stock or constant shilling for IAM

>> No.1675847

Ima hold till teens but also have a stoploss and will keep a close eye on it.
I'm extremely lazy when it comes to trading stocks and usually just do medium term things.

>> No.1675914

I cant monitor the price all day at work, how do i set up an automatic stop loss?

>> No.1675917

I use commsec btw

>> No.1675918

I bought $300 worth of Shares in Woolworths.

What do?

>> No.1675921

Conditional orders.

>> No.1675923

Whats your stop loss set at?

>> No.1675940

7.3. But it's subject to change and depends heavily on the days trading.
Another thing as-well is it's best to keep your stop a secret. I find otherwise the Boogeyjew loves to hit it on purpose.

If a stop is ever hit, I take the time to evaluate if I want a reentry or not.

>> No.1675947
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Is this right?
Why Does it have two sections for trigger and order details? Do I just put the same numbers in both ?
If i put say 0.07 in the order section wont it post that to market?

>> No.1675950

>$15 to set up a stop loss order, on top of a $20-25 brokerage fee

Commsec sound like they are as Hebrew as it gets

>> No.1675993

The second limit is so that it will continue to sell down to that price(if you have a large postion and want to get rid of everything) if there aren't enough bids at the current stoploss price.

E.g. Stop triggers at 7.3 but the amount of stock you have is more than what is in the buy queue at 7.3 so it will keep selling until everything is sold unless the price drops below the second limit.

Of-course goyim. I myself rarely use actual stops with commsec because I am always watching so I can eyeball it. Of-course commsec will rort you out the ass if they can because they know people don't like to risk things.

>> No.1676176
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fuckin sheepshaggers

>> No.1676231

How does transferring shares work? Are there any tax implications if my Dad transferred shares under his name to me?

>> No.1676242

i dont think you're required to pay tax until you liquidate them. theres probably some brokerage fee for transferring them though

>> No.1676256

What will happen to the market tomorrow after we lose our triple a rating? Short bank stocks?

>> No.1676283
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i was so tempted to sell IAM when it hit 9.3c but I got greedy/confident from all the shilling in this thread and i ended up closing at 7.8 since I thought it'd dump

knowing my luck it will skyrocket into the teens on monday

>> No.1676498

I'm holding FBR, HMO and NTI. I'm holding them all till at least next february.

>> No.1676501
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I am sorry bro

>> No.1676721

What's considered "alot" to have in the stockmarket? 50k, 100k?

>> No.1676941

I have 80k and still consider it miniscule. 200k would be good, +500k would be a lot.

>> No.1677124

>*Sounds of rubbing can be heard in the distance...
"Did ze goyim sell yet?"

>> No.1677128

Whys that?
I don't have anything in them, but shouldn't their partnership with ford be worth something?

>> No.1677131

>but shouldn't their partnership with ford be worth something?

no, they earn nothing through their partnership with ford, they just payed ford for advertising their app by installing it in their cars with a myriad of other apps.

they need users and currently this app is too flawed to be considered useful, I tested it out and I advise you to do the same before investing in it.

>> No.1677167

Fucking IAM down again reeeee
Do I sell or wait till the MOU?????

>> No.1677178

Cut and ran with my profits from IAM on friday. Don't get me wrong, its a good stock long term and I'll be buying back in when it bottoms.
Jesus HC is being cancerous about it though. Any opinions opposing IAM are being shut down as "DOWNRAMPERS GET OUT REEEEEE"

Know the feel brah, I wish I saw the sell signal when it rocketed to 9c

>> No.1677239

CCE :-) Shilled it 2 weeks ago ;-)

>> No.1677241

Good announcement. LLC agreement pretty sweet. Well played

>> No.1677296


>> No.1677306

It will cost ya dad about $55 to transfer to you. There will be tax implciations for him because he can indicate the price that he wants to transfer at which is esentially a selling price. So if a bought at $1 he can transfer them at a dollar and there has not made any gains, or he could tranfer at 50c and cope the loss but then u have more gains

>> No.1677318

Fucking IAMEME

i should have bought at the end of nov like u cunts said and sold out. I might throw a $500 in on this down. Is it still going to the moon boys?

>> No.1677319

Why won't IAM stop going down REEEEE

>> No.1677339

I'm in on IAM @ 4.1 and I'm not a fan of watching chunks of my gains eat shit, but fuck it's almost worth it just to watch the HC shitters lose their minds.
I'd be willing to watch it drop to sub 7.0 again just to see the fallout in the IAM threads.

>> No.1677342

Haha. The mood and amount of updates has definitely been entertaining on HC this past week

>> No.1677354

Is hotcopper any good at all? I been looking at the threads without an account and it just looks like a clusterfuck and shit UI

>> No.1677384

Its much better with an account. You can setup watch lists which have hyperlinks to the main stock page so it's pretty quick and easy to navigate.
Everything posted there is shit. Either extreme hype or fud and the posters are 10/10 delusional.

>> No.1677391


It's good for the watchlists and the list on the main page for current top 10 gainers and bottom 10 losers.
The contents is mainly garbage. I wouldn't trust what anyone says on there, despite there being some intelligent and good posters.

It's a good place to go and see what the mainstream retail traders are doing, then you do the opposite!

>> No.1677395

It is better with an account. I have an account but have never posted. I find it entertaining more than anything.

Same with any stock/share community, DYOR

>> No.1677551

Will IAM go back up with the MOU?

>> No.1677557

The price surge we've seen the past 2 weeks was from the expectation of MOU2. This announcement basically says that's not coming before the new year. Expect a sizeable dump as people profit take and look to get back in later.

>> No.1677558

Just had a look at the market depth and it looks like a race to the bottom is on before close.

>> No.1677601

Dive! Dive! Dive!

Good announcement IMO but people still rushing for the door. Too much shilling about the MOU2 drove the price

>> No.1677634

Yes it was unfortunate. Even though they did say it could be Feb too but people just get way too emotional.
A little patience would do some people good.

>> No.1677646

23% in the red. Damn that escalated quickly.

Wonder what the rest of week will bring

>> No.1677665


>> No.1677678

Holy shit that nosedive

>> No.1677685
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Told ya so you faggot. At least paying capital gains tax means you've actually had some gains.
IAM is going to go the path of XPE, IOT and others.
Don't really understand why you thought IAM wouldn't follow pic related, like all hyped up stocks.

>> No.1677687


>> No.1677696

some of you guys are alright

don't buy shares on the asx for a couple of months

>> No.1677700


What have you done? Woolworths is about to get raped by Amazon.

>> No.1677717
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>IAM down 23%

H-hold until 10 cents goyim! hahahahahah

>> No.1677744

>This announcement basically says that's not coming before the new yea
Yeah I sold as soon as i saw that. Made about $4000 profit, so still reasonably happy

I honestly feel like it could drop back down to 4.5c, if its close to that mid january, ill buy back in

>> No.1677761

Today's Summary -

IAM shills kill themselves en mass because of 23% drop.

PLG announced their half yearly dividend as expected.

Stay woke NEETs

>> No.1677795

What stock is the new IAM?

>> No.1677800

Doing my research now. If I find something worth shilling, I'll let you neets know.

>> No.1677848

i am such a scrub at this. I have money what do i buy?

>> No.1677854


>> No.1677856

But one month ago

>> No.1677857

HSO if you want a decent chance at making money. IAM if you enjoy memes

>> No.1677861

Why HSO?

>> No.1677864

Why HSO over RHC?

Also for everyone ITT, what price would it take for you to re-enter IAM? I'm sure the price will recover eventually, I wouldn't touch it until the end of this week though

>> No.1677871

if it's under 5 and looking to settle a bit, I'll jump back on next month

>> No.1677872

I recommend ADA (established flight simulator software company with no debt, steady income from software maintenance as well as a large base in the US -which is doubling it's number of air traffic controllers over the next 5 years)

I bought SRX at 16.9 after a big drop, sold at 16.1 or.3 unfortunately after the CEO got into the shit. Shares kept dropping to 14.5 now so avoid at all costs as there is ongoing drama as well as poor market for their (only) cancer treatment product

>> No.1677875

>Why HSO over RHC?
It was dumped recently by large funds getting in on resources so it is relatively cheap. RHC was not and is still expensive. I expect over the next 6 months or so HSO will return to similar multiples as RHC.

>> No.1677876

Why was it dumped?

>> No.1677884

>PLG announced their half yearly dividend as expected.

how much, when is ex div?

>> No.1677889

3.6% yield at date, exdiv until Thursday December 29, 2016

>> No.1677906


Yeah, they've been reaffirming their prospectus forecast the whole way.

>> No.1677908

How big of a loss does it have to be before you consider just holding and riding the wave?

I.E. 40%? 50%?

>> No.1677912

If you went over 50% loss, you have no business investing in the stockmarket. I am honest here.

>> No.1677914

But stocks bounce up and down all the time? Atleast the cheap ones. But thanks for the opinion. Wasn't the question

>> No.1677943

Stocks (unless they're like 0.002) don't bounce by 40-50%

>> No.1677951

I'm aware of that. Hence why I said the cheap ones. I said 40% - 50% as examples of the format I was asking for an answer to be in. Not as what my answer to the question was.

I also know it's never as simple as a flat % for some people.
Q: At what point do you just give up trading and hold the asset to see if something happens?

Answer can be:

"Never I'll always cut my losses"
"20% etc"
"Depends on the stock"

For me it depends on the stock, my investment goals are LT, but sometimes I'll put small capital in a share that interest me and just see what happens over a period of time.

>> No.1677967


as proven by their SP

>> No.1677984

IAM is now my poster boy for a perfect pump and dump

>> No.1677999

NUH is about to take off. Buckle up.

>> No.1678005

Why do you say this?

>> No.1678010
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>IAM is now my poster boy for a perfect pump and dump

not as good as MGMT, however it was also obvious as fuck, since the beginning.

>40 Mil$ on indian backoffice

KEK, you really had to be a fucking idiot to invest in that. (Under invest I mean a couple of k's, not your piss neet money)

>> No.1678017

>Not realising it was a p+d and taking advantage of it

Everyones problem is that they're too greedy. And naive

>> No.1678018
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>don't sell until it reaches 10c
well the idiots 3-5 days ago knew shit about that and were shilling it hard to the point of shitposting.

also picrelated, btfo'd

>> No.1678159

just to make it clear, all this forecast crap about IAM getting 40mil on the Sentry deal is bullshit according to Patrick Canion.

>> No.1678447

Another day, another dollar

>> No.1678471

saw this post on hotcopper

"what is going on with IAM? I bought shares at 8.8c, and now it's dropping to 6c, omg
is there any bad news ?"

>> No.1678478


>> No.1678497
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jimbo the goatfucker, got arrested for posting himself fucking the sheep on youtube.

>> No.1678501


Just goes to show the calibre of people on Hot Copper - worse than thr NEETs here lmao

>> No.1678538

I wish people would use stop-losses.
It doesn't matter what you think the stock will do, You can always reenter for another trade if you like once the dust settles.
Triggered yesterday and although I doubt there would have been that much of a sell off if that ann didn't come out to spook the normies, still well worth it in any-case.
When you are a small fry, your nimbleness is your advantage.

>> No.1678691

New asx bread


>> No.1678753


>> No.1678760

>New thread 90 posts in
Fucking why?
And learn to link the old one, jesus christ.

>> No.1678773
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> -10%
IAM fucked

this is the sweetest pump'n'dump since MGT. post losses you fagits I wanna laugh!

>> No.1678789

Good time to be getting in?

If it get's to 4c I'll buy. So entertaining to watch HC

>> No.1678792
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>Good time to be getting in?

you would stick a dick in a corpse just to feel the pussy. you are one sick anon bro.

>> No.1678793

pussy is pussy

>> No.1678803

Made $5000 :)

>> No.1678805

The normie boomers on Hotcopper are still defending the complete trainwreck that it is


>> No.1678806

Got on HSO first thing this morning like that anon said. Now it's fucking down REEEEEE

>> No.1678809

Hope it keeps going down.

Despite other anons saying not too? And give it time sheesh

>> No.1678815


IAM, not even once.

>> No.1678846


>> No.1678866
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no one listen to me :'(

>> No.1678913
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Morningstar says IAM is fair value at .06

Is it worth buying into the company now or will the price tank a little more?

>> No.1678920

I want off IAMs wild ride

>> No.1678924

Nobody knows. Director buying more could be an indicator. But honestly, nobody knows

Then sell.

>> No.1678974

What day commsec close for holiday? And till when?

>> No.1678980

Early close on Friday 23. Open 28/29 and early close on 30. Back on Tues 3

>> No.1679129

Too early to tell yet. I didn't bother getting out of bed to watch it this morning. Its rising but it could be a dead cat bounce. I'm going to wait until tomorrow at the earliest to see if its worth buying back in.

>> No.1679142

>expecting returns within hours

>> No.1679144

So Im reasonably new to all this, but ive noticed a correlation between the ratio of buyers and sellers and whether the sp goes up or down.
Is this a valid and used way of estimating which way the price will go? Or should I completely ignore it?

>> No.1679149

Also volume
Whenever I see that a share traded alot of volume the SP usually goes up

>> No.1679150

If you're using that as an indicator you're a pleb and also too late.

>> No.1679153

I wasnt, it was just something that I noticed

Also, IAM did huge volume today. Opinions?

>> No.1679161
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Yes fuck me it did. That's nearly 20% of the available register.

Got back in for 5.3 this morning after stop was hit at 7.3. Nice being able to add another 20% to holdings and take a few grand out for Christmas.

>> No.1679180
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>> No.1679181

All I see is IAM IAM IAM lmfao

>> No.1679198

I seen it mang, was too fixated on lmaoiam.
But well done if that was just a day or two. Makes me ultra jelly of people that have enough money to just plonk 50k on half a dozen stocks for a few days make 10% then rinse and repeat.

>> No.1679264

>making thousands off a 2 cent move
Why do you even need to do this cunt

>> No.1679286
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>MFW every pip is 400 dollarydoos now.

>> No.1679292

Jesus, I thought it was stressful enough with 20k in one bag.

>> No.1679371

I put 5k into VTS about 4 months ago and it's up more than 10%

I know ETF's are supposed to be a long term thing but I'm not sure what's going to happen once trump settles in, and I'm thinking of taking the $500 profit and then putting the 5.5k into OOO because oil has a good Outlook coming up.

Should I sit still or follow what I've suggested?

>> No.1679429

Is this the best time to buy gold now?

>> No.1679438

>Is this the best time to buy gold now?
No, the worst

>> No.1679783


may as well, nobody knows whats going to happen. is 5k into an ETF really worth it though... can get better gains putting it into memestocks

>> No.1679880

ETFs are doing well at the moment. Making alot more than the NEETs with these stupid gt rich quick stocks

>> No.1680262
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ADA continues to rise while no one listens to me

Guys I'm going to the moon by myself here up 10% in 2 days

>> No.1680284

What are you, a faggot?

>> No.1680320

Inghams is killing today.

Bought in at 3.06 and it's currently at 3.17

A lot of people will be selling at 3.2 though.

IAM is resting at .06 - will buy in if it goes to .05

>> No.1680324


Morningstar has ADA rated as undervalued with I/B/E/S suggesting it's a strong buy.

Thanks for the tip.

>> No.1680327
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Crazy buy/sell ratio.

>> No.1680337

Gold prices are low historically

>> No.1680569

Actually probably a great time.

The American economy is only going downhill with Trump, and the Chinese are more corrupt than ever.

All signs point to a global economic downturn, which would see the value of gold rise.

Probably is worth building a long term nest in gold, my good friend.

>> No.1680570

The choice is between safety and risk, there isn't much more explanation necessary.

>> No.1680587

Making a decent run this arvo, based on their announcement with apple.
Was fucking around with my shares for this the past couple of days, sold on a 'rise', missed the dip and now I'm over a grand worse off.

>> No.1680603

Good call.

>> No.1680619

So tempted to buy back into IAM, opinions?

>> No.1680624

it's not enough of a meme.
No fundamentals behind it. The only factor driving it's current SP growth is speculation and sentiment.

I wanna change my investing tactics next year. wanna leave behind meme/ tech stocks. Take so long for them to do anything and 90% of the ones available to invest in wont ever eventuate into anything.

>> No.1680629

What does everything think of VOC?

>> No.1680656

I just want to be rich :(

>> No.1680766

New Thread, hope this one is more constructive

>> No.1680877

>So tempted to buy back into IAM, opinions?

>> No.1680984
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sage your shit thread fuckboy

mods, take care of this

>> No.1681148

IAM down 10% today

>> No.1681189


>> No.1681614

this is devastating