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16753110 No.16753110[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I have been NEET by choice for 6 years. My grasp on reality slips day by day. I feel nothing but rage, bitterness, anger and despair welling up inside me. Nothing brings me joy any more apart from going to the gym and when it is done I am empty and hollow for the rest of the day.

>> No.16753178

nice blog faggot

>> No.16753183

same. but at least we made it. the thing that gives me purpose is the same as the jew, watching it all burn down. though after this coming bubble i will stop and go back to reality get a phd in all sciences and start a space company with the profits.

>> No.16753185

>I feel nothing but rage, bitterness, anger and despair welling up inside me.

Same for me when I go to work.
I was NEET for about 2 years. I miss it so much.

>> No.16753193

>Nothing brings me joy any more apart from going to the gym and when it is done I am empty and hollow for the rest of the day.

how do you go to the gym and not feel high as a motherfucker afterwards the rest of the day? what kind of workouts do you do?

>> No.16753207

unironically kys

>> No.16753211

Good, I hope you kill yourself soon.

>> No.16753297

You need to stop shitting up the board. Microdosing time

>> No.16753310

Same. Been lifting for 8 years now, NEET for 4. I destroyed my body in the gym but it's the only thing keeping me from killing myself.

>> No.16753318

Impregnate someone

>> No.16753499

Yes, I lived something similar. Do something or it'll be worse with each passing day. Get an education, a job or something.

>> No.16753630
File: 41 KB, 442x694, factfulness good increasing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, you retards have some bad chemicals or bad software loaded into your brain.
There has never been a better time to be alive, and although the world is still somewhat bad, it is steadily getting better. There will not be a crash. Read a book and feel better.

>> No.16753687

Ah yes all these things should make for a happier living
>species listed
>electricity coverage
>internet usage

>> No.16753697

Have you tried not sucking so much dick?

>> No.16753795

this thread is nothing but self pity, it is pathetic and you deserve no sympathy.

"abloo abloo my life is so sad and boring waaaa" no, you're a boring piece of shit and likely a narcissist. You justify your completely self-centered existence by positing that the entire world and everyone in it is unworthy of your shit - the reality is you're miserable because you're selfish and lacking humility. You be a millionaire but still spiritually impoverished. Life is about other people, being useful and of service. Only immature nihilistic fuckwits don't understand this. You're "edgy" personality means jack shit and is a front for your empty life, all of the mediocrity in your life is self-imposed. You could have been providing people with a needed service or doing straight up good works for others, but instead you chose to literally worship yourself above all other life and now wonder why you are miserable. It is because you are SELFISH.

>> No.16753851

wow you must be a clueless, naive norman if you think most of that is a good thing
>girls in school
>mobile phones
wow surely this will make us happier than we were when we lived naturally in the wild in small tribes.

>> No.16753886

there is nothing, literally nothing but your own weak composition - stopping you from going out and living in such a communal situation. You're just a little bitch who would rather play on anon forums, venting your little bitch anxieties to other little pussies. You wish you were in a small tribe with a loyal woman and kids? Yeah right, you're a fucking internet addict and probably degenerate scum. Get real retard.

>> No.16753968

lmao, you can prove any point with cherry picked surviorship bias shit. For millennial boomers, being born just 10 years earlier makes a world of difference in terms of career opportunities, asset ownership and sexual marketplace.

>> No.16754026

as a millenial all you had to do was learn to code, and calling web dev "coding" is a bit of a stretch, to access high paying comfy jobs. Oh, and not be an insufferable faggot who can't communicate IRL. There is literally no excuse other than you thinking you're entitled to an instant house/wife/family/career. You're a selfish child, crying because you're noncompetitive and unwilling to do the work to change it.

>> No.16754037

Maybe he is one of those guys who drags a bench into the squat rack and sits on the bench on his phone for an hour before showering and going home.

>> No.16754046


>> No.16754087

LMAO, if you are too dumb to learn front end dev and some JS you literally deserve whatever miserable existence you are experiencing. I'm fucking serious. You use this shit daily and have no excuse not to have access to a "good job" . But go cry more about how you're a miserable poorfag who deserves to be desirable to the opposite sex just on account of existing. The majority of these magical boomers who bitch about died childless and poor just like you will if you don't change your self defeating bullshit emo lifestyle.


You're fucking pathetic. There are literally billions of people in the world who would bust ass to have a chance as less than what you likely take for granted.

>> No.16754091

how does more niggers using electricity, water, and internet make the world better? we need less internet and water for niggers, not more

vaccines are a scam

>girls in school

the only good thing on your list is child cancer survival but we wouldn't get cancer anyway if it weren't for our shitty goyfeed diet

>> No.16754147

Speak for yourself, buying healthy food is not complicated. What is this, some self pity race where you inevitably lump yourself in with the degenerates you pretend to be better than? Truly pathetic.

>> No.16754158

instead of killing yourself take enough mushrooms to kill yourself. decide if you want to live after that

>> No.16754210

yes i was raised on goyfood. i didn't have a choice since i had no money when i was a toddler

>> No.16754216

I know that feel OP. Spent the last few years fucking with crypto and coding on personally satisfying software projects completely alone as well as going to the gym. I feel like the fucking mouse experiment mice. I look at how cucked my generation is out of all the basic essentials of life and the only possible path I see is sitting on the sidelines watching people struggle to attain the wealth I attained by being a degenerate idiot who ''''invested'''' in meme tokens years back. I don't relate to anybody and every single person I used to know has lost contact. I don't even think I can build a social life because of how fucking strange my life has been.

>> No.16754223
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>> No.16754229

i hold chainlink too. our day will come (maybe).

>> No.16754232

I've been NEET for around 14 years now and even I'm not that bad . Getting there though

>> No.16754235
File: 199 KB, 1710x790, look here - money is not all anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16754251

that chart doesnt mean people have a better life

>> No.16754257

>but your own weak composition
youre saying that like theres not other people on this earth lmfao

>> No.16754276

so it is OTHER PEOPLE who are STOPPING -you- from doing something to change -your- life anon? Are you being held against your will?

>> No.16754280

oh great another retard who thinks learning pajeet level coding will castly improve life. do you understand that literally monkeys work for those jobs?

>> No.16754315

oh yeah def. try being ugly as fuck for a day. let me know how that goes. job? how can i get a job when everyone hires their brother, uncle, sister? its not WHAT you know its WHO you know. try having zero family members. Try it. tell me how i can live life telling chad and stacy that NO i didnt watch the fucking football game and immediatly labeled as "the weird guy who didnt watch the football game and doesnt want to talk about weather" Fuck outta here little boy. chainlink = scam

>> No.16754388

>pajeet level coding will castly improve life. do you understand that literally monkeys work for those jobs?
All I think right now is that you're an idiot.
You're just making excuses and licking imaginary wounds.

>> No.16754652

If you tried learning to code why didnt you apply for a job? It is way faster to learn wth competent people around you i know because im a coder since almost 3 years now in a small startup we are all friends and learn from each other if somebody has a better way to do something we can pick it up pretty fast. Best thing about is writing real software that automates some dumb sheeples job i genuinely find joy in making people jobless so the social security system fails faster:^)

>> No.16754668

Have fun when the social system fails because monkeys like me make everybody jobless and dependent on (broke) governments dime. Meanwhile ill have money and be somewhere nice and warm you miserable piece of shit haha

>> No.16754692
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Same, but years of depression and mental illness have sapped any and all intelligence I might have had. I cannot focus on anything either and few things give me pleasure.

Nothing can be salvaged from this life. When I look at normalfags, I see people who effortlessly achieve what takes me years of struggle to do. I see them moving from goal to goal and rising up in life in great strides. Their daily errands are my herculean efforts. I cannot compete. I am an inferior being and should have died in some war or eaten by a mammoth.

>> No.16754711

Because living in Toronto will do that to you.

>> No.16755590

Start working on yourself before it's TOO late

>> No.16756011

Lifting with bad form