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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1675183 No.1675183 [Reply] [Original]

So I'm inheriting €1.3 billion worth of assets from my late grand father when I turn 21 in a few months. Most of the value is in real estate, stocks and ancient antiques. My family is extemely jelly about this and are probably going to take legal action against me. Yeah I've got my financial advisors telling me to invest in this business and that, but I was wondering what you guys think i should do with the money?

Pic unrelated but yes I do have a small castle somewhere in Switzerland.

>> No.1675186


this isn't /b/ where fiction and falsehood override facts

>> No.1675199

Try r9k

>> No.1675209

Don't ask us if you can't even figure out what to do with over a billion

>> No.1675214

On the off chance this is true, just travel world and do random shit and meet lots of people until something makes sense thats worth doing that you're interested in shows up. Have fun, keep a low profile, pay attention to what humans are doing and try to figure out why they're doing it in each particular instance. From the why is the individual doing it, to who is vested in them continuing to do it

>> No.1675233


Switzerland doesn't have any castles you dumb fuck, the pic is Bavaria and Schweiz is full of chalets

Why the heck would you need a castle in the middle of a mountain, just think for a second? What's a castle for? Most castles are in France.

Unless OP is living in a Church on welfare if possible out of the ground

>> No.1675238

I know its fiction and all but I'd just sell whatever you could, place all your cash into an irrevocable trust with yourself as the sole beneficiary and go snort cocaine and ski at Garmisch and invite bitches to come live in your castle.

>> No.1675247

I know what to do. Just interested to hear the opinions of random strangers on the internet.

>low profile

Yeah thats pretty much how my family has been for ages. Even though I go to a private college literally no one even knows that I'm a billionaire.

>Switzerland doesn't have any castles you dumb fuck, the pic is Bavaria and Schweiz is full of chalets

Not sure if trolling or simply unaware, but Switzerland has many castles. Mine is not listed here because its obviously not open to tourists. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_castles_and_fortresses_in_Switzerland

Thats pretty much what i plan to do anyway anon....

I was hoping for some more unconventional answers but damn, most of the responses are generic as fuck.

>> No.1675249


Est-ce que tu parles Français? Schwizzer-Deutsch, Hoch-Deutsch?

Did you happen study at Le Rosey or Florimont, besides why 21 that's such an American age

>my family is extemely jelly

legal action in switzerland isn't as possible as in the US because it's restricted to the canton

your post just still seems full of inconsistencies but I might be wrong. Why euros and not swiss francs?

>> No.1675250

>generic as fuck.

What do you expect?

>> No.1675251
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>> No.1675252



>> No.1675258

Why are you living in Canada?

>> No.1675294

hi Romeo

>> No.1675362

oh I am laffin OP.

I look forward to reading about you in Forbes in a few months in an article similar to this:

When do you turn 21 exactly? I want to know when to refresh the list of billionaires and see you on it. Lol. This is going to be national news, OP, I can't wait. How much longer do I have to wait, OP?

>> No.1675597

You know those trampoline gyms? You should get one of those. If I was buying a franchise, that would be #1 on the list.

>> No.1675601

Forgot to add - if you're looking for a cool project, start one of those school ships where people travel from port to port, buying low and selling high, while learning cool skills. That would be #2 on my list.

>> No.1675608

Never heard of such ships

>> No.1675635

he said pic unrelated you mug

>> No.1677041

dont listen to the travel bait.
Get a nice sweet home, install bulletproof windows and secure doors, movement activated cameras, get a high-speed connection. Invest in 15+ of the top investment funds, buy some decent property, sell much of it. Get a BMW security car. Get a couple bodyguard. Move to a SAFEcountry, netherlands, norway, switzerland et, spend a couple years learning about investing, hedging, how markets work etc. read about 100 financial related books and you might be ready, start to practice on how markets are controlled. Sell antiquities, stocks and real estate. Slowly to not make it lose its value. dont invest in murica as its market will die

>> No.1677143

This. The Grandfather part gave it away. My Grandparents were worth ~$200M and I only got $5,500 and a 2005 Honda Civic my Grandmother drove.

Then the $1.3B part. If any billionaire would have passed away, it would be in the news.

>> No.1677168

they cant do anything about a will unless at the time of ur grandfather making it that he was ill or influenced by some one else. imo you can start off with a business if you dont know much about stocks. whatever you know more about.

>> No.1677174

stopped reading after invest in investment fund. what a cuck.

>> No.1677261

>dont invest in murica as its market will die

What makes you say that?

>> No.1677263

>Then the $1.3B part. If any billionaire would have passed away, it would be in the news.

The media is not the source of all knowledge you know... There are quite a few undocumented billionaires who keep a low profile.

>> No.1677622

If our market dies, you have a lot more to worry about than just money.

>> No.1677900

Put one million dollars in funds that will net atleast 10% each year like Vanguard etfs. Live off the interest/dividends while you find the best way to invest. Since you are young you should probably go to school. Don't tell anyone you meet about your dollars