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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1675067 No.1675067 [Reply] [Original]

Are you self employed?

what do?

how much do you earn a year?

how did you get into it?

Im looking for something profitable to get into other than being a factory worker making someone else rich while I only earn enough to scrape by, tell me how you did it offer any relevant advice

>> No.1675069

A very good portion of the companies I have worked for were low on workers.

I bet if you put an ad up on Craigslist with a slightly higher wage asking, after 2 or 3 weeks, some company would look at you and try you out. Might even be done quicker.

>> No.1675076

i need more than a slightly higher wage my friend, I want it all

>> No.1675224

OP, you'd be lucky to get a full time factory job these days. Those types of jobs have either been replaced by sweatshop slave labor or are staffed by low-paid temps.

>> No.1675487

Join a union if you have a factory job.

>> No.1676181
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>Are you self employed?
Not yet but I will be in a few years, I've done a few jobs for my uncle(hes a builder) on weekends.

>what do?
Plumbing for new homes, extensions, renovations.

>how much do you earn a year?
I've been charging $80 an hour plus materials.

>how did you get into it?
year 12, 6 months full time study for plumbing certificate 2, 4 year apprenticeship for shit pay while doing certificate 3 and 3 years after that at a different company for $32 an hour. I need to still do certificate 4 to sign work off legally.

>> No.1676189

>janitorial and environmental contractor
>varies. My lowest was $50k, highest was $330k
>worked for a tiny janitorial company. liked the pay. bought the company.

>> No.1676657

is plumbing very complicated?

>> No.1677948

nb4 pictures of his family in front of a helicopter/fishtanks

>> No.1677956
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>> No.1677961

Self employed making corporate videos. Going back to wageslavery cuz entrepreneurship is a meme. I made 4000/month as a wagecuck, now hardly making 2000.
We are not going to make another Facebook dudes.

>> No.1677986
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the glamorous life of the environmental contractor.

also the only pic I have of me working in the last 15 years. It doesn't happen often.

>> No.1677993
File: 200 KB, 700x525, DSC00322 (700x525).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and here's what the typical business owner looks like at work.

I've made millions doing this 24/7/52/15.

>> No.1678040


>> No.1678043

I think I was looking at facebook when that was taken.

but let's pretend I was working, k?

>> No.1678051

KEK, I love this guy

>> No.1678055

currency trading
unemployed college dropout

>> No.1678148

What are you trading coffee or some shit like that?

>> No.1678186

I freelanced for about 3 years. Big difference between being self employed and financially independent. I didn't know the difference at the time

>have multiple bosses (clients) instead of working for one boss
>have to handle most aspects of the business myself because I couldn't afford to outsource/hire others
>the $50/hour that I earn on projects ends up being like $20/hour after I account for all of the extra shit I have to do to run the business properly and cover overhead

I work in private equity now and only make $40K/year. I spend 90% of my time at work browsing 4chan and trading stocks in my robinhood account. Once I hit $20K/year in passive and investment income (should be October of next year) I'm quitting my job.

>Own duplex and rent one side, live in the other
>Living costs covered + a small cushion
>Investment/passive income will cover my entertainment, food, and other bills
>Car is paid off, no debt otherwise

I'm 24 and can not fucking wait to be free after just a few years in the workforce

>> No.1678193

''le epik forex trader mastermind''

He is a small little entity that feeds on >>(you) 's. Also called cancer.

>> No.1678360


tell me, I trade as well (including forex), mixed results atm. blew up my account after a a good 3 solid months, what is your secret? Just purely technical or fundamental?

>> No.1678370

im a freelancer on fixed rates (not hourly)

i make art mostly for indie games

>> No.1678445

>Are you self employed?
>what do?
Automotive Collision Repair
>how much do you earn a year?
>how did you get into it?
Worked in industry for a few years, liked it, started my own
>Im looking for something profitable
Everything is potentially profitable. Some people get rich selling Ferraris and others get richer selling cabinet door hinges and some get rich drawing pictures of cats. It doesn't matter what it is, if you are interested in it you can turn it profitable.

>making someone else rich while I only earn enough to scrape by
Maybe? Maybe that someone else is making enough to scrape by too. Just because someone owns a business doesn't mean they are getting rich. Find any local independent restaurant or bar, you most likely make more money than that owner does. Ownership doesn't mean high income.
Don't focus on the income, focus on what excites you to the point that you can't get a good nights sleep because you can't stop thinking about it. In the game of self-employment the thing you do comes before the money.

>> No.1678615

I believe most of this to be solid advice, I was self employed once, I had been buying cheap cars locally and re-selling them for years I enjoyed it, then I decided to become a licensed car dealer and it soon went to hell I lost about 25k in a year and now im back at square one afraid to try again

>> No.1678629


>Own a building company

>Depends, usually between $110k - $160k

Grandfather was a civil engineer. When I was a kid my father and I started to help him with his work, laying out foundations and septic systems, lot surveys for new construction, etc. My father ended up becoming a builder. I worked through college, got my unrestricted construction supervisors license, and took over the business. What I make depends on how many houses I build a year, usually 3 or 4. Sometimes custom homes, usually I build a style of house from one of my plans and get a buyer during framing, and they customize the interior. You can usually get more for a custom house, but the buyers are usually a lot harder to work with. Working on getting my broker's license so I can do the real estate on my own, save the 7% I'd normally shell out and keep it as profit.

Currently working with an older couple in the area. They wanted to sell a large piece of property, but would never get what they wanted for the raw land. Instead I partnered with them, and we got financing to turn it into buildable lots, we'll split the profit on the houses, I tack on 15% of building cost as my fee for building the houses. 120 1.5 acre lots, building 26' x 36' colonials, two floors with third floor walk-up attic roughed electric and plumbing, 2 car attached garage. Should get $330 k- $360k each in our area, and that is being conservative with the comparative market analysis. Cutting the roads and utilities this winter, starting construction on the units in the spring, aiming for 6 u it's this year, then 8 - 12 a year for the next year until built out.

>> No.1678632
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$$$ endless

>> No.1678638

Interesting so you don't actually swing a hammer just over see the builds?

>> No.1678674


Used to swing hammers and do roofing and sidewall. I can't do finish work to save my life. Right now, most of my time is spent coordinating subcontractors and dealing with the business side of things like suppliers, so it made more sense to sub out all of the work.

>> No.1678690

You just need to have a brain and think about how fittings seal. Some shits hard like really big jobs because there's plumbing rules to follow and stuff like gas if not done right can be dangerous.

>> No.1678908

> yes
> Runescape goldfarming
> $90k
> played the game as a teenager and started writing bot software. Really scaled it up and started botting on 120 accounts for gp 2 years ago, been quite consistent since.

>> No.1679480

>Once I hit $20K/year
just in stocks and rent?

>> No.1680272

Do you do any pressure washing?
I've been thinking of buying a decent hot/cold machine and going after commercial and industrial jobs

>> No.1680294

Yeah, when I first started I did a bunch of one-off work. Pressure washing, window washing, carpet cleaning, tile scrubbing, duct cleaning, wood floor maintenance, construction clean up, cleaning for deposit. Whatever work I could find I did.

Once I got some recurring contracts I stopped doing all of that though. Just because it's much easier to find one commercial client to hire you all year than it is to get 365 individual clients.

there's good money to be made in pressure washing though.

>> No.1680423

>Just because it's much easier to find one commercial client to hire you all year than it is to get 365 individual clients.

Thats the exact reason I don't really want to go after the residential side of the market.

Washing driveways and houses means spending too way much time fighting to get clients or stopping low ballers from stealing them away.
Time that would be better spent operating the machine and actually making money.
Most guys doing houses do other stuff anyway like landscaping or window washing.

>> No.1680447
File: 148 KB, 550x734, 20161215_175321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Questions about your duplex.

I plan on doing the same thing. Are you able to cover your entire mortgage with the rent alone? Is it worth the investment?