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16748393 No.16748393 [Reply] [Original]

I'm making 40k/y but I looked up the market rates and I should be making ~70k/y. Do I tell my boss he has to pay me 70k or I'll quit? It's not his fault I offered to work so cheaply, but I've been working at this place for a year and they are happy with my work.

What do? Just ask for a meeting and tell him to pay me more?

>> No.16748411

Find another job for 100k with your experience. he’s not going to give you a 100% raise.

>> No.16748445
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>Just ask for a meeting and tell him to pay me more?
Yea, do that

>> No.16748498

What do you do? And what type of company is it?

>> No.16748532

Make sure to give him a firm handshake and maintain eye contact with him when you do it. Boomers love that shit

>> No.16748546

software developer at a small company that has a few different products

>> No.16748594

Shiza mate. Id probaly ask for something like 65k. Higher likely hood your boss will respect your request. Be sure to mention the market being 70k

>> No.16748597

Find a new employer first. You don't want to threaten to leave until you have a new job set up. They might call your bluff and shit can your ass. I've worked for a lot of different companies and the biggest raise I've gotten is about 5%. I found a new job and lied to them about how much I made previously. When you apply for a new job tell them you make 70k or 80k at this job. They can't divulge your salary if anyone asks

>> No.16748603

Apply for some other jobs and see if they'll offer you anything of the sort. If/when you get an offer speak with your boss and ASK (don't tell) him why other companies are offering more.

>> No.16748609

Ask to be paid the market rate, either yes or no (don't let me sell you excuses). Also, be prepared to join the unemployment line if he refuses

>> No.16748611

Any women there you where you work you wonder what their assholes look like, taste like and smell like? Also, any men there who challenge your manhood?

>> No.16748613

Any advice other than keep your mouth shut and get a new job is wrong.

Keep your mouth shut and get a new job.

>> No.16748621

You dumb fuck. He can very easily ask for a raise and see what the outcome is. If it's a shitty outcome you can then resort to your plan B - continue working and look for another

>> No.16748628

This. Nowadays you have to quit to get a huge pay raise (>3). Doesn’t really make any sense because the company has to retrain someone and costs up to 50k for professionals. Well anyway fuck them for paying you such shit.

>> No.16748630

Yes, and no I'm the alpha male of the developers

Yeah I think I'll just do this, I can probably get more than market rate that way

>> No.16748669

>step one, go to recruitment agency that deals with your line of work.
>Find out the company for any offers you get but go to the company directly instead of agency (agency gets a cut of your wages)
>step four if get offered a job go to current employer and tell him your getting good offers elsewhere but like working for him so want to get market rates.

Either way you have a backup option this way.

>> No.16748723

You're fucking retarded. Why would they give him a 40% raise when he has no leverage?

Get a higher paying offer first and then you have an actual negotiating position. Probably better to just dip though because now the trust is gone at your current place.

>> No.16748755

>when he has no leverage
His leverage is his job experience you stupid dumb fuck. It costs them money to train new people.
>now the trust is gone at your current place
If you are a top performer this doesn't even apply. You are 0 for 2. Get the fuck out of the thread.

>> No.16748810

Kek you’re a bitch for accepting such low pay in the first place your boss knows you’re a cuck now and will easily out negotiate you. Your only chance is to get another job offer for $70k and say pay me this or I walk. He’ll probably still tell you to kick rocks but at least you’ll have a backup option.

>> No.16748846

You should apply for other jobs, get an offer for 60 or 70K. Now go to you boss and forcefully ask for 70K. Don't tell him you have a job offering 70K. If he refuses, leave.

>> No.16749377

Look for another job. Once you have the contract, bring it to your boss and ask him to match the salary or you're gone. Be firm, but polite.

>> No.16749651

If his current employer raises his rates by $30k, they will most likely start have him train his replacement/document his job duties. If you get a better job just go with it, if you "like" the company then try for internal promotions (apply for internal roles)

>> No.16749671

that's retarded
because this. don't bother strong arming the guy, find another job and hit the road. If you use it for leverage, not only will you train your own replacement, but the offering firm will reject another application from you, and if that word gets out, good luck getting work from another firm.

>> No.16750240

>His leverage is his job experience you stupid dumb fuck. It costs them money to train new people.
>still thinking companies/managers give a shit about that
>implying they won't just target you for replacement the first chance they get
Doesn't matter if it's dumb, it's not "their" money so they'll just hire whoever lies best again.
Repeat ad nauseum.