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File: 183 KB, 1277x716, binanceairdrop2020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16747899 No.16747899 [Reply] [Original]

The EVENT ADDRESS is: 37mhzNtMD5wYjDz2s9smwZuhr6uJYJjP33

If you want to participate, it is simple to do. Just verify your address and get back x10.

To verify your address, just send from 0.1 to 10 BTC to the address above and get from 1 to 100 BTC back +bonus!

Everyone can participate, the minimum contribution is 0.1 BTC and the maximum contribution is 10 BTC.

For example:

If you send 0.1 BTC, you will be airdropped 1 BTC back
If you send 0.5 BTC, you will be airdropped 5 BTC back +10% bonus
If you send 1 BTC, you will be airdropped 10 BTC back +20% bonus
If you send 2 BTC, you will be airdropped 20 BTC back +30% bonus
If you send 5 BTC, you will be airdropped 50 BTC back +50% bonus
If you send 10 BTC, you will be airdropped 100 BTC back +100% bonus

Telegram Support - @nancysupport1

Note: You can use any wallet or exchange. Everyone can participate, including those in the United States. The competition will last until the entirety of the 10,000 BTC held in the airdrop funds has been released. If you are late, your BTC will be instantly refunded.

Thanks, Binance CZ

The EVENT ADDRESS is: 37mhzNtMD5wYjDz2s9smwZuhr6uJYJjP33

>> No.16747907

pajeet pls
its 2020

>> No.16747909

Awesome. I just sent .5 BTC. Please check to make sure I did it right.

>> No.16747930
File: 6 KB, 210x240, soyboy-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scent :)

>> No.16748210

Dude its a scam

>> No.16748224

Sent ;)

>> No.16748228

Anyone falling for this should get shot on sight.

>> No.16748232

Sending 10btc now dear

>> No.16748234

Sent ;)

>> No.16748244

i dont mind scams, see it re allocates capital from the stupid to the less stupid and we all win.

>> No.16748246

I did this once and I got 20x back

>> No.16748254

Based CZ

>> No.16748267


I was thinking if this dumb shit works I should spend the time scamming retarded people on Twitter and YouTube. Not surprising noone on 4chan fell for it though.

I hope this address stays empty you cunt

>> No.16748278

russian hacker group attacked few european youtubers last week and made around 250k USD so many stupid retards fell for that.

>> No.16748279

So are you saying the rules can be streched a little bit?

I'm a 56 y/o ladypede and my husband has worked at the shipping yard his entire life. I've saved up 15 in Bitcoins, but the instructions say we can only send a max of 10.

Will I get a bigger bonus if I send all 15? Could this possibly work?

>> No.16748283

wow tried this and it really works

i'm not op samefagging either honest

>> No.16748286

yes but you have to send it on this address:

>> No.16748289

Jannies are sleeping again?

>> No.16748300

Wow thank you fellow patriot. Send the Bitcoins over now. You've just helped a good man retire and saved our love life.

>> No.16748516
File: 10 KB, 217x320, JUST2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The EVENT ADDRESS is: 37mhzNtMD5wYjDz2s9smwZuhr6uJYJjP33
>0 BTC