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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16747220 No.16747220 [Reply] [Original]

Oh linkies, are you ready to take the redpill? If you take the redpill, satoshi will take you to the bitcoin-land and show you what true Bitcoin really is. If you take the bluepill, you will continue your infinite delusions and yell $1000 eoy memes for the rest of your life.

Choose wisely my fren, you don't have too much time.

>> No.16747281

Went 50/50 earlier and thinking going all in now

>> No.16747295
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God damn the dragon energy on biz is insane

There must be at least 40 BSV threads up

>> No.16747754

smart. I sold my link for bsv way to early and missed the link pump. I got to buy bsv at 40 though, but could had 3 times as many

>> No.16747943

So here's the real crypto bluepill:

Craig Wright is unironically not Satoshi, the real Satoshi Nakamoto always wanted small blocks and segwit, "Peer to peer electronic cash" was simply a purposeful mistranslation of the Japanese. Blockstream - funded by Bilderberg group - saved Bitcoin by refusing to raise the 1mb block cap, preventing the blockchain from becoming cripplingly large. If they had not done this the blockchain could be as large as 500gb today meaning that Bitcoin node operators would have to upgrade from 500gb hard drives and pay for more storage space, ultimately leading to financial ruin and the death of the network.

Bitcoin as a store of value was just the first step, Blockstream is releasing the full version of the Lightning Network in 18 months, this will lead to a revolution in digital gold and decentralisation by routing all payments through Lightning banking nodes off-chain, this is why Blockstream is so intent to lower the block size to 300kb to incentivise adoption.

Back to hash power, as the price and adoption of BTC increases the blocksize will be gradually reduced to 0kb, closing off the blockchain completely, this will move all transactions onto Layer 2 (Layer 3 and 4 are also in development). With all transactions off-chain the greedy miners will have all their power removed and we will never see another hardfork ever again like the hard forking of 'Bitcoin Cash' and later 'Bitcoin SV' by the fraud Craig Wright (they have their own competing blockchain in the works), this will render the BTC protocol completely free from big blocker influence under the tight but decentralised fist of Blockstream.