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16746617 No.16746617 [Reply] [Original]

What use cases do you think will be the best investments for 2020?

-Security Tokens
I'm looking mostly at small mcap Dutch company $dusk as it should have the highest potential x00% gain

Lots of projects with their own tokens. $eth looks to be a good investment as even more of it will be locked up over the coming years

Still king in many regards

What use cases are you looking at for 2020?

>> No.16746630

quantum resistance

stealth payments

scale-ability to many receivers

>> No.16746633
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I was like you once, then I grew up

>> No.16746757


another dutch company: GET protocol, microchip, already storming the world, ticketing on the blockchain


>> No.16746783



>> No.16746816 [DELETED] 

Vector Space AI
a message from their Telegram,

"We're in dialog with the following companies:

- Neudata.co
- WorldQuant
- Accenture
- Bitvore
- Elastic
- Splunk
- TwoSigma
- AlternativeData
- 1010data

Some of them are running pilot programs with our datasets.

We have a trial agreement with WorldQuant"

>> No.16747747

Okay boys and girls, this is going to be a long one. It might not make sense at first but I'm going to explain why true chain is the best and most comfy hold of 2020. You'll have to read it all to really understand why. So strap in put on your reading glasses and let me educate you on True. Also? Rank 112 on coinmarketcap. Rising pretty fast.

I'm going to be straight here though. I am a cuckold, but I am also a white nationalist. I believe that whites have contributed more to humanity than any other race, space travel, anti—biotics the list goes on. But when it comes down to it, blacks are just better at fucking. Theres no shame in admitting this. There is no shame in admitting that despite the infinite intellectual and moral superiority of the white race, black cock is just better at pleasing women.
The EASIEST way to buy TRUE to use forkdelta. Once you're on there you will despoit your ethereum onto the websites exchange, and then it'll allow you to either put buy orders, or buy the sell orders.
Not working? Use more gas. Order taking too long? Use more gas.
Laggy orders, not showing up? SAVE your seed word phrase w/ metamask, and reinstall.
Exchange link >>> https://beta.forkdelta.app/#!/trade/0xa8bdc8882987a3ed83d8030f08d64479f1eff731-ETH <<<

>> No.16747763

Delete this before leddit finds it...kek

>> No.16747771


>> No.16747775

Literally free money

>> No.16747783

He inhales deeply then takes out a Cuban cigar. Lighting first a $100 bill then using it light the cigar. You can smell the ashy scent lingering in the room as the smoke drifts up.

"Th-they said... $32 million dollars isn't worth my Oracle solution, that skinny, pedophile, meth, twink vitamin can kiss my neet asshole. when the verizon singular happens, everyone will know...."

"No master, let me kiss your whale 65% ass. Dump it on me. I'll wait for the singularity."

"How about this singularity marine!" He screams as a shit flies out onto your chest.

Retarded delusions creep your mind as the raw gas of his asshole makes your delirious, you prepare yourself for the joy. you pucker up and smooch sirgay's asshole, the sharpie still twitching in your little link boipucci.

"Just imagine all the data being sanitized by reputation, like Uber. No sybil attacks, all ERC20 based."

He lets out another fart and grunts again.

"Another 700k!"

You shout ecstatically, "build that oracle solution, buy that towncrier! hire more devs!"

"I've give you something to cry about" He replies. Once more he grunts again and shits a violent flow of diarrhea, this time getting on your chin and lip.

"Hey man, where's the bathroom?"

"Oh sorry bro! we're jus-just doing a little thing here, we're actually the link conference here, bathrooms are to your right."

"uhhhhhhhhhhh" says the confused onlooker as he quickly scuffles away.

"I'll shill for you Master!" As you cry out, the sloppy heap of shit covering your body as it slides down.

"1k EOY is FUD!"

"No... I will give you the fud." He grunts again and proceeds to let out a gassy fart.

"Another 700k!" He cries out as he lets his sweet, hairy cheeks flap as another shit dumps out.

"Di-di-", the shit overflowing your mouth, "d-didn'... arghhh, didn't read, not selling"

>> No.16747791

>"how do you do fellow whites?"
>literally 1 buy order total for the entire token history

>> No.16747794

its not so much about a moon (which is potential because of the binance announcment) but there is some sweet arbtiraging you can do right now. Buy the stack for .00001199 , and 14x your gains by selling on okex. I know a lot of people are probably doing that instead of HODLing for now. HODL after forkdelta is dried up / more expensive

>> No.16747815

Was kind of under the radar according to my telegramjew I consult with.
Thanks already up 2 eth
But just delete this before its too late. Also whites rule.

>> No.16747819

Beautiful sir

>> No.16747823

Based and redpilled

>> No.16747831


>> No.16747839


No tens yet but got some good gems hur

>> No.16747844

>He inhales deeply then takes out a Cuban cigar. Lighting first a $100 bill then using it light the cigar. You can smell the ashy scent lingering in the room as the smoke drifts up.
>"Th-they said... $32 million dollars isn't worth my Oracle solution, that skinny, pedophile, meth, twink vitamin can kiss my neet asshole. when the verizon singular happens, everyone will know...."
>"No master, let me kiss your whale 65% ass. Dump it on me. I'll wait for the singularity."
>"How about this singularity marine!" He screams as a shit flies out onto your chest.
>Retarded delusions creep your mind as the raw gas of his asshole makes your delirious, you prepare yourself for the joy. you pucker up and smooch sirgay's asshole, the sharpie still twitching in your little link boipucci.
>"Just imagine all the data being sanitized by reputation, like Uber. No sybil attacks, all ERC20 based."
>He lets out another fart and grunts again.
>"Another 700k!"
>You shout ecstatically, "build that oracle solution, buy that towncrier! hire more devs!"
>"I've give you something to cry about" He replies. Once more he grunts again and shits a violent flow of diarrhea, this time getting on your chin and lip.
>"Hey man, where's the bathroom?"
>"Oh sorry bro! we're jus-just doing a little thing here, we're actually the link conference here, bathrooms are to your right."
>"uhhhhhhhhhhh" says the confused onlooker as he quickly scuffles away.
>"I'll shill for you Master!" As you cry out, the sloppy heap of shit covering your body as it slides down.
>"1k EOY is FUD!"
>"No... I will give you the fud." He grunts again and proceeds to let out a gassy fart.
>"Another 700k!" He cries out as he lets his sweet, hairy cheeks flap as another shit dumps out.
>"Di-di-", the shit overflowing your mouth, "d-didn'... arghhh, didn't read, not selling"
Why is this so beautiful

>> No.16747854


>> No.16747876

Rsr will bring you good new year

>> No.16747879

The middle out compression was recently applied to link I'd hop on it

>> No.16747885


>> No.16748185
File: 127 KB, 1145x645, Screenshot_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had high hopes for DUSK, but getting bitconnect vibes now.

>constantly delaying mainnet
>making anouncements of anouncements
>repeating anouncements
>promised big partnerships turned out mediocre

At most, the trade mission they did with the RVO is/was promising.

High potential, but not living up to it's promises right now. And as a side note, their office in Amsterdam looks sketchy. It's a literal house filled with young developers on gaming laptops.

Still keeping my eyes on DUSK however

>> No.16748767


>> No.16749281


>> No.16749714


>> No.16750146


>> No.16750484

Kek at any anon who misses this

>> No.16750486


>> No.16750984


>> No.16751225

A man of culture

>> No.16751251

Interoperability and branded digital currencies (for loyalty programs for example) are my two hottest topics for 2020. Obviously projects like Quant, Link and Digitalbits will play a certain role here.
BAT is also a top longterm hold i'd say.

>> No.16751496

Chainlink is shit definitely buy rsr

>> No.16751562


>> No.16751598

>What use cases are you looking at for 2020?
same as always save me from central bank and government fuckery. and for that btc is best candidate. i don't think the real age of crypto is anywhere near. there is absolutely no reason or incentive for normal people to not use fiat. nor is legislation has any incentive to be more friendly (ie accepting crypto as legal tender). so i don't give a flying fuck about fancy features don't give a fuck about dapps don't give a fuck about oracles and most definitely don't give a fuck about shitcoins.

>> No.16751625

Kek at 0.3% fee.
>Not using Binance with BNB holding 0.075% fee

>> No.16751642

It's like 20x cheaper on the forkdelta listing

>> No.16751644

Ok retards let me just explain to you 100% how to do this without fucking up because I know one of you will, and will cry about it for 3 weeks on here.

Use fucking metamask like OP said. Download the NEWEST version. SAVE your FUCKING seedwords degenerates. If you don't say bye bye to all your tokens, TEL, link, eth, or anything you have on there.

SEND the ETHEREUM to your metamask, or directly from the exchange to forkdelta if youre a retard.

Then TRANSFER the ethereum ONTO forkdelta - accumalate the TEL, WITHDRAWL the TEL, and send the TEL w/ your metamask wallet to kucoin.

Rince & Repeat. I better get a fucking thankyou.

>> No.16751646


>> No.16751651

Thanks mate

>> No.16751653


>> No.16751658


>> No.16751662

Good guide

>> No.16751692

also i think the digital coins with crypto features released by central banks soon enough will have all the fancy features anyhow. what they will not have is hardcoded supply curve trustless and permissionless ownership and transaction. they will however be secure and smart as hell. fintech really gonna explode. banks will get a hell of a lot smaller (employee and counter wise) card companies will either adapt or get forgotten.

>> No.16751760

seems like a lot of messing about for a tiny price difference?
Im missing something I think...
Price is the same in usd or Eth on both servers?

>> No.16751783

Anon if ya csnt figure it out with a literal guide posted above then no one can help ya

>> No.16751790

This is why it shouldn't be deleted kek average [joes] cant convert eth to usd

>> No.16751795

Changed my year around cheers

>> No.16751796


>> No.16751798


>> No.16751805

Chainlink or brap

>> No.16751810

Eh eth or rsr probably op

>> No.16751811

>What use cases do you think will be the best investments for 2020?
VID-T obviously

>> No.16751815

Stocks LOL

>> No.16751853

Kleros. Big news coming. Cap this.
Egfd jesU ffdsfkljjGlkfjmdsmam$

>> No.16751880

Uh okay *smirks*

>> No.16751923
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>> No.16751951

there is only one project that matters in 2020, and it's fantom.

>> No.16751967

Please eat shit and die.

>> No.16751991

BRAP, Zuckbucks or BSV. Three solid choices.

>> No.16752014

shutting fuck up

>> No.16752480


>> No.16752558
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If we do begin to see the more exciting signs of a bull market this year, we'll probably see a return to day-trading and a bump in volume.
It's a great spot to be in if you have ownership in an exchange. That's the goal I have in mind for this bull we may very well have coming to us, so I'm buying as many Stakenet (XSN) masternodes as I can. Out of all the DEXs, I am strongly convinced that it is has the best odds of becoming an industry standard.

Consider the following conundrum...
>CEXs have all the leverage, but they suck. We need DEXs. There have been some major undertakings and there are many DEXs out there, but they still have zero advantage or leverage over the centralized exchanges they're supposed to succeed. None have the power, accessibility, or volume to scale and compete with something like Binance. The current "best option" for the sake of volume is letting some 3rd party have the final say over your deposits. With that, the essence of Bitcoin as P2P cash with at-will anonymity is completely void. The options for exchanges are so shitty that the best choice is relying on questionable figures in "trust". At the drop of a hat, they can get hacked, institute KYC, freeze funds for no reason, exit scam, report you to your national tax office to save themselves, etc etc.
The DEX that eliminates all of these risks and offers competitive infrastructure for fast, high volume and advanced trading will have no match and I'm 100% certain that Stakenet is that DEX. Private wallets, no KYC. Full cross-chain and LN interoperability to the point that you could use the wallet to buy a coffee priced in Bitcoin with Litecoin instantly. In a way, it's a weird game of Clue where it killed the CEXs by saving Lightning Network and making DEXs usable.
It should also put an end to all the altcoin gatekeeping shenanigans. If a coin can be listed, it can be listed and traded. No $50,000 listing fees. No kissing rings. No "which coin should we add next?" tweet bs.

>> No.16752968

How delusional go back go lebbit

>> No.16753022


how do i downvote this

>> No.16753036
File: 94 KB, 1016x1016, 4064004B-56B2-4814-8614-7156520BD424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Defi : Tellor TRB.
Blok : Zenon ZNN

>> No.16753063

None of those are use cases

>> No.16753259


>> No.16754333


>> No.16754569

Penice coin or tron

>> No.16755213


>> No.16755520

Kek twitche bits buy invest

>> No.16755931


>> No.16756462

Its ogre

>> No.16757251


>> No.16757342


> Privacy + security + scalability

If your project don't have these 3 points, it's a Ponzi scam.

>> No.16757664


>> No.16757711

Rate my portfolio
50% BTC
25% ETH
10% ATOM
10% LINK
5% HOT

>> No.16758711

Hope so I put my entire saving into udoo

>> No.16758738

Xtra based

>> No.16759090

Bless yer cotton socks .... god speed retard

>> No.16759569


>> No.16760090

Unironically made 7 eth with this arbitrage kek

>> No.16760091

Bull run is here buy mitx

>> No.16760095

Udoo is how I doo cryptoo

>> No.16760098

Link obviously

>> No.16760104

MITX Brap and rsr you'll make it

>> No.16760107


>> No.16760132
File: 10 KB, 259x194, image 764384398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will always keep investing in btc, censorship resistance!
And a new one that has come up on my radar is Fleta. Good scaling solutions and if they can get into the mainstream gaming industry would be huge.

>> No.16760148

Always stacking them sats! Close to my 2BTC target set last January.
Gaming is probably the biggest industry that could benefit from blockchain solutions - I predict ENJ to be massive over the next few years, along with FLETA and Eth

>> No.16760189

>Lots of projects with their own tokens. $eth looks to be a good investment as even more of it will be locked up over the coming years

I'm basically all in on ETH and FRM for this reason.

>> No.16760202

Fleta fucking sucks

Also you need to at least get 2.1 BTC if you are that desperate of a poorfag. 21mil BTC. Get it?

>> No.16760255

I'm a coinlet and newfag. Somone pls tell me if bitcoin, bitcoin cash, bitcoin vs are all the same coin (same creator)or different?

>> No.16760628


>> No.16760985


>> No.16761430


>> No.16761528


>> No.16761550
File: 7 KB, 200x200, TellorLogo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oracles, but decentralization is the key here. TRB is an interesting one because of their vision and belief in tech that actually makes sense.

>> No.16761809

Seems good. Why ATOM tho?

>> No.16762196


>> No.16762492

FRM is a DeFi low-cap that's hit bottom, and very well could pull Raiblocks level gains in the new year if the don't fuck it up. Don't snooze.

>> No.16762517

If you wanna be safe, it’s fuckin link

>> No.16762950


>> No.16763291


>Loyalty/Rewards points sector
>$60 billion market uncaptured

Digitalbits has major publicly listed companies onboard and will be announcing soon.

>> No.16763344

33% BTC
33% ETH
33% Shitcoin low cap moonshots (that have actual use cases)

Comfy portfolio

>> No.16764402

Blockchain has only one use-case and that is money. People won't realize that it 2020 though so shitcoins are still a good investment opportunity.

>> No.16764787


>> No.16765152
File: 69 KB, 622x429, doompaul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone knows that the real value is in chink coins. Walty has the best fundamentals of any shitty coin on the market.

>> No.16765927

Dether (Dether.io)
Ink Protocol (on.replin.com)

>> No.16767002
File: 17 KB, 350x191, e9c4c7d6c01bdb766f428ef96eff2aa6fb5045a297324130a6ac9161a15ce47e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/x/'s coin. It's the only coin openly backed by autism AND magic!

>> No.16767114

Cash and sv are forks from the original BTC all with different teams

>> No.16767134


simply the OG in PoW privacy coins

>> No.16767430

matrix ai
Beaxy Exchange

that is the list I'm currently watching.

If any of you goyims use discord feel free to join the discord server and contribute to the discussion: DrhHAqF

>> No.16768303


>> No.16769006


>> No.16769083

Tokens like BNB for the next 5 years because CZ pays staff with it and Binance is doing great things like credit card payments for crypto now in europe at least and it's the #1 exchange.
LINK for the next 3 years because oracles are the future I just think someone else will do it better so LINK will die out within the next 10 years
ETH for the next 2 years because move to casper will keep it around with staking being more secure than pow

>> No.16769421
File: 51 KB, 608x608, 74868942_2521648734788552_6370217208319916102_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GRIN/mw to win last 2 digits will be the price of grin in 2021

>> No.16769428

and kek confirms
$21 dollars in '21