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16744030 No.16744030 [Reply] [Original]

I plan on ditching everything and living in the woods.

>> No.16744037

by not being a burger lol

>> No.16744061

Get a psychiatrist to diagnose you with depression

>> No.16744063


>> No.16744065

Just say you will shoot your Sgt, Officer & CO first chance you get

>> No.16744066

but how will you shitpost on 4chin then?

>> No.16744070

Move to mejico

>> No.16744076
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>They won’t be going to conferences. They shall deliver some bayonets, some gut, and I assure you, some grenades, and some heart… For them everything is a matter of war, no debate is possible. And as for the Jews? Our fanatical liberators? where will they be going? …our frenetic, excellent Hymies? …our rats? our adorable naturalized citizens? Eh what? “too old, too slow, too fat, too nearsighted, too cross-eyed, flatfooted, hypertensive, uremic”… The winds of glory pass them by, they are too fragile and too precious… in short deferred, at best as stretcher-bearers…at worst: into the General Headquarters…“something” in the way of being the sort who are often inspectors of the lowly troops… also very frequently interpreters… officers close to the General who relay the orders for the butchery. often by telephone… What must be done must be done!
>You will see then. You don’t know them very well! One blow on the bugle and hop! they’re off! They gather together as though they were a single man! And then they are chest forward! superb! prepared for the enemy.
>Another ten million just like them who are going to go get themselves killed for the Kike! It will take only two weeks of radio, press and fanfare to get them all rolling along, well-intoxicated, to get themselves minced to pieces in the barrages, it’s a childishly simple mechanism

>> No.16744078

I'll get a psychiatrist to diagnose me with EPIC BACON!

>> No.16744089

I'm 32 and I have the muscle mass of a 12 year old girl. If by some miracle I do get drafted because of my age, I'm getting 4Fed immediately.

>> No.16744106

deserters will go into concentration camp for showering.

>> No.16744124
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I can't stop laughing at this post. Thank you for this. Try doing some common exercises

>> No.16744128

Becoming trans. Imagine the logistical strain of supplying hormones and dilators to the front line, every tranny is going to need almost daily medical care (and not be allowed to buy rope from the PX)

>> No.16744135

im not a disgusting amerimutt so I wont have to die for israel, thank God

>> No.16744136
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>> No.16744137

nah, you will be the radioboy sitting in the radiotruck

>> No.16744226

stop being amerimutt

>> No.16744282

Boomers win again. Have fun getting your leg blown off in kekistan little faggots I’ll be watching on the news while sipping.

>> No.16744373

I’ve aged out :). 28 here. You age out at 26

>> No.16744505

Kek. Imagine the smell of hundreds of unwashed front holes

>> No.16744708

imagine the 51% mong, feminist, non-binary tranny fighting heroically against iran's opression of gays with the war cry "allahu akbar", "for israel!"