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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16739083 No.16739083 [Reply] [Original]

Never came here for the money. I came here for some keks and to sometimes discuss bizness. Since a while though I am not sure if it is worth wasting my time here. what a shitty forum....

>> No.16739092
File: 35 KB, 564x823, 1546750511744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Never came here for the money. I came here for some keks and to sometimes discuss bizness. Since a while though I am not sure if it is worth wasting my time here. what a shitty forum....

>> No.16739103

prime example of what I mean.

>> No.16739209

have to admit though some of the womyn pics are pretty nice.
and no, I am not talking about all the tranny propaganda. I have never seen as much cope as here. Never seen so many bagholder retards trying to be smug. Never seen so many brainlets... but whatever, ever since a friend told me about 4chan around 2010 and actually said half-jokingly "just dont go there".
The other day I opened some random and instantly regretted it thinking what kind of people actually post all this shit?. I am probably just growing out of this literal shit barrel. I am fucking done here... Happy 2020 and may good thoughts, good words and good deeds guide you from here.

>> No.16739236

>I never came to a finance board to talk about finance I came to make shitty jokes and shit up the catalog with pictures of crudely drawn frogs

Fuck off you fucking cunt. You are the problem.

>> No.16739243
File: 106 KB, 1256x951, madredditor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can go back already

>> No.16739315

nah, I actually posted some volume profiles but 90 percent of you dont even know what that is, I discussed trading bots but since most of you dont know how to code a fucking hello world its all a waste of fucking time.
and yes, I do use reddit for some news subreddits because I can actually use rss for that and they are on-topic most of the time. but who cares? Everyone deflects everything like fucking girls here anyway, just like fucking reddit which is why I dont even have a reddit account as its fucking pointless to discuss with idiots. social media is all shit nowadays and 4chan is part of it just like the rest except I like the anonymity of it but the content is just too low quality to bother anymore.

I might still drop by here in a few weeks but my attendance is going down by 99 percent from now on. if /smg/ had its' own board I might have gone there but its all so tiresome filtering all the shit the way it is now...

>> No.16739325

dont you people value your time?

>> No.16739340

this guy even took the time to shove a post in an image generating bot just to post it. wtf?

>> No.16739353

woah, you are a coder who creates trading bots?
you sure don't drive a 90s toyota!
post car keys with timestamp or kys

>> No.16739368

I live to coom

>> No.16739403

I heard 90's toyota corollas are nice cars but I do not have a driver's license since cars are a money pit unless you want to use it to make money. wont need a license soon anyway with the self-driving electric cars for 20 bucks rent-per-day which will take over soon.

>> No.16739455

should coom less to images and more inside wholesome women. dont go for less anon

>> No.16739672
File: 19 KB, 600x391, 1520957631319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jannies can tongue my anus. As for OP...pic related.