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16738567 No.16738567 [Reply] [Original]

How do we profit from it or avoid losses because of it? Synchronicity is Jung's theory of non-causal meaningful "coincidences" YADDA YADDA YADDA
Whether you believe it or not, it's a verifiable psychological phenomenon. How can we exploit seemingly arbitrary meaning making in market movements, and how do we counter it affecting our choices?

>> No.16738743
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here are some links that may give you some explanation of synchronicity






>> No.16738748

cant tell you

>> No.16738827
File: 168 KB, 980x653, The-Police-Synchronicity-Photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16738890

You buy LINK.

>> No.16738940

My brainlet understanding which is undoubtedly flawed is that what he was saying was that events which appear coincidental to us are do have logical causal pathways causing them, but when we can not conceptualize that pathway and only identify the archetypical similarities our minds choose to interpret it as a bemusing coincidental set of events. Or something. Am stemfag, prefer numbers to wordy stuff.

>> No.16738950

So I guess the answer is you profit by understanding that there are no coincidences and work to correct your own mental interpretive heuristics when you feel yourself experiencing one.

>> No.16738980

join @ChadLounge on Telegram

>> No.16738996

care to elaborate?

This reminds me of how George Soros says he gets a backache whenever it's time to sell a security.

>> No.16740187
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>> No.16741138

kek this thread is so jooish

>> No.16741164

if you can't beat'em, goinyim
get it? if you goyim? Join'em?

>> No.16741233

>baits with women
>talks about a schizophrenic niggger and memecoins

cool thread nigger

>> No.16741266

Are we reading the same thread?
Since when is Sting a Schizo nigger?

>> No.16741282


i'm pretty it's impossible.

but maybe take advantage of the after effects: people freaking out

>> No.16741286

just become a psychologist. Charge people 200 an hour. And then they kill themselves like jung's patients did.

Meme coins, shitcoins wont make you a millionaire. Or sell books about asshole washing like petson.

i really dont know what else to tell you nigger

>> No.16741418

>but maybe take advantage of the after effects: people freaking out
See this is what I'm getting at, people have have mass hallucinations or collectively draw (inaccurate inferences) those moods and trends no doubt can have affects on markets.
Now are they significant enough to give some kind of informational advantage that a trader could exploit?

>> No.16741424

fuck of with this Oprah bullshit

>> No.16741432

I don't care about any of that, and it doesn't answer my question about what that has to do with Sting: What's your opinion on the frequency illusion bias, or things like Baader-Meinhof effect/phenomenon and other artifacts and cognitive biases produced by cognitive priming effects? How can they negatively or affect a trader's performance?

>> No.16741441

Did you read any of it?
Are you denying the posibility that the human pattern recognition can draw false-positives, and that those false-positives could have very real consequences for traders or any kind of personal decision making (since their inferences are false)?

>> No.16741455

What does it mean when you stop experiencing synchronicity? I used to notice them every few days or weeks but it's been almost a year since the last one.

>> No.16741458

Follow the trends. AKA buy FRM re : DeFi

>> No.16741487

You'd have to explain what your synchronicity experiences were like, I have a few theories that mainly have to do with how attentive you are and how you process events form now and then, but hard to say if it's accurate without more info.

>> No.16741548

Buy LINK to profit off of synchronicity.

>> No.16741661
File: 115 KB, 1192x856, EmmaConfused.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does LINK particularly allow one to profit from the synchronicity phenomenon?

>> No.16741799
File: 528 KB, 1600x871, you-keep-using-that-word-i-dont-think-it-means-what-you-think-it-means.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16741840

Ferrum is unironically the best Defi play in the space

>> No.16741858
File: 130 KB, 388x395, 7623.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got a chaturbate popup earlier today and i stayed and watched the slut for a while and some guy started throwing money at her to make her dildo vibrate a little

guys she made like 100 bucks in 10 minutes (excluding the site's cut) and all she had to do was fake arousal. or worse, maybe she actually got off on it, meaning she got the money AND the pleasure.

it's not fair, is it?

>> No.16741892

>How can we exploit seemingly arbitrary meaning making in market movements,
Seeing that its all connected, have a dive into fx, money supply, floats, tbonds, stocks, commodities (crypto), industry, non manufacturing. All of the markets are affected by the the other. Start making the connections.
> and how do we counter it affecting our choices?
Why would we want to counter it?

>> No.16742680

>fatum bot
>get into nondeterministic tunnels of high synchronicity