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16738504 No.16738504 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any cryptocurrencies without built-in governance that have a sustainable future? How in the world will bitcoin upgrades ever be agreed upon if bitcoin gets any larger? And bitcoin is simple compared to the newer smart contract networks, ethereum governance is already looking like a complete mess. I was just thinking about buying monero then remembered that xmr is practically reddit-funded and developed by only a handful of people. How could it survive it's own success?

>> No.16738579

i forgot to use a picture of sergey, a tranny, or csw so now this will get zero replies because nobody is left on this board except for bots and indians.

>> No.16738947

I think Tezos governance linked with Tendermint is likely going to set the new set of standards with other blockchains for governance.
Interoperable blockchain systems aka the new blockchainTM 3.0

>> No.16738973

bitcoin doesn't need upgrades

>> No.16738994
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>> No.16739417

Bitcoin is constantly getting upgraded. There is a mechanism for doing it. Look at the BIPs, look at UASF. It also prevents sabotage from miners and other single-constituency biased parties, look at SegWit2X and the "New York Agreement".