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16735560 No.16735560 [Reply] [Original]

Should I do it, /biz/ bros?

>> No.16735582

Jesus fucking Christ I thought that was me in the thumbnail. Holy fuck, almost freaked the fuck out. I don't want some anon's posting my face.

>> No.16735614
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We're watching you... Alex.

>> No.16735626
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so thats how they do that

>> No.16735949


LOL that's even sadder than those guys who take finasteride. Just embrace the baldness

>> No.16736027

Just shave it off you insecure pussy
Does your hair define you?
I'm half bald, shave it once a week and don't give a fuck

>> No.16736188

I'm not balding but I'm starting to get tired of plucking my white hairs. There's starting to be too many to deal with and I might just start going bald. Never been bald before but it seems like a much easier lifestyle.

>> No.16736203


>> No.16736231


>> No.16736246

well i will admit he looks better with the hair but there is no need, he should just shave and embrace it.

im 5'5'' and i used to like to wear boots when i was a teenager. cus it made me taller, now at 45 i feel like a boss wearing flip flops and having a big belly walking around like a fat penquin. its almost ok to see a short fat rich guy. i make girls laugh and giigle. and thats enough to get me through not killing myself.

>> No.16736290
File: 51 KB, 368x528, former-pakistan-envoy-confuses-porn-star-johnny-sins-for-a-kashmiri-guy-500-1-1567494417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, Shave your head and keep the beard. Johnny sins is bald and he fucks tons of women on and off camera. Obviously you have to be in shape to make up for it but nothing more defeated than seeing a man with a balding head that refuses to man up and shave it off.

>> No.16736340

How comfortable could be having plastic glued to your head

>> No.16736353

that looks pretty good actually i'll be damned never knew how this worked

>> No.16736354

>Does your hair define you?
>I’m half bald
anon, I...

>> No.16736362


>> No.16736364

imagine if it fell off lmao

>> No.16736377

Wow those are pretty good gains. Might have to try the scalp massage meme

>> No.16736920
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I take one of these and press it into my scalp and do circular motions for about 15 min in the morning and at night. Do you think it will work?

>> No.16736955

Honestly I wouldn't know because I haven't started the regimen myself, but I feel that the 20 minute morning and night sessions he does with his fingers will do better in getting that deep tissue than with 15 minutes of the silicon. It's a pretty tedious regimen desu but it seems worth it? Idk gotta try for myself.

>> No.16736977

Take 5mg loniten pill once a day for 6 months before you do anything drastic. Turned my hair into fishing line, thicker than it ever was before

>> No.16737044

Depends on how annoying it is to mantain it. Does it take to much time to take care of it?

>> No.16737060

meh you can feel something is off with his face with the wig on.
you're much better off learning the proper behavior that fits your own looks than trying to look someone different.

would you really feel good if you went in for a plastic surgery, and a 10/10 stacy that wouldn't let you smell her fart before suddenly jumped in bed with you? maybe you would for a few hours then you'd just go thru a massive existential dread. being genuine to yourself always pays off in the long run, it literally doesn't matter what your goal in life is, you'll be more fulfilled if you're yourself.

>> No.16737272

did you stop after 6 months and keep the hair thickness?

>> No.16737288

I am Arab, anon.

>> No.16737304

نشاهدك، يا فيصل.

>> No.16737516

Gotta do this shit for life, 6 months is when the gains were obvious for me, it also filled in some patchy areas in my beard too. Taking the pill is easy though instead of putting liquid shit on your head every day. I hope in 10 years there will be an actual cure and I'm just using this maintaining until then

>> No.16737548

any side effects?

>> No.16737551

Stem cells, perhaps? They don't seem to be a meme.

>> No.16737558

loads. That's why it is not recommended. Dude use google and read articles.

>> No.16737581

I did, I was curious if he experienced any.

>> No.16737593

I'm on finasteride and jack off 3 times a day, best decision of my life

>> No.16737611

I have experienced exactly 0 sides. Loniten was prescribed at 20x this dose back in the 80s for blood pressure which is a bad idea, but there are new studies now that show negligible sides at threshold doses for hair maintenance

>> No.16737614
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Hey fellow Arabbro

>> No.16737628

>new or worsening chest pain;

>chest pain spreading to your jaw or shoulder;

>fast or pounding heartbeats;

>swelling in your legs, ankles, or feet;

>rapid weight gain, especially in your face and midsection;

>shortness of breath;

>a light-headed feeling, like you might pass out;

>fluid build-up in the lungs--pain when you breathe, feeling short of breath while lying down, wheezing, gasping for breath, cough with foamy mucus; or

>severe skin reaction--fever, sore throat, swelling in your face or tongue, burning in your eyes, skin pain, followed by a red or purple skin rash that spreads (especially in the face or upper body) and causes blistering and peeling.

I'll pass

>> No.16737729

Yeah if you take 100mg which is the clinical dose for blood pressure. I'm talking about 5mg and lots of people have results as low as 1 or 2mg

>> No.16737890

White males are being poisoned on aassive scale with xenoestrogens to equalize their intelligence/ capabilities with that of blacks. This will succeed, though at a terrible cost, borne by unsuspecting young white men.

Ever seen a bald black man? Exactly.
Relatively rare, whereas most whites today by 30 are already balding/ bald.

>> No.16737902

high iq poster

>> No.16737936
File: 21 KB, 657x527, 1518989961037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol it's exactly the symptoms i have but with tramadol

>> No.16737941

What other stuff is in the regimen? Besides the massage

>> No.16737950

>oral minox
not even fucking once, will totally fuck my heart up

>> No.16737954

can confirm, asian living in the west tend to be bald when comparing to the fresh one from asia.

>> No.16738157

may actually be cheaper on a 5-10 year scale than invasive methods(dht blocking, surgery), plus no need to worry about other upkeep costs like your minoxidil, dermarolling supplies...

Anyway yeah, it is unbelievable how dependent your face is on the hair.

>> No.16739099

>dwayne johnsons bald!
most men look like shit bald. imagine elon musk with a cue ball.

heres the ideal move
work on getting rich. if hair falls out dont worry.
then, once you succeed, get your shit fixed and take a month off while your follicles heal

now youre rich with hair. you shouldnt try to get laid if youre not a free man yet, it makes you compacent.

>> No.16739203

This, I've been taking it for 9 years and my dick has never had any problems and still have almost the same amount of hair as when I started

>> No.16739240

absolutely based and redpilled

>> No.16739244

while I do agree most men do look bad, its not the end of the world if you are broke and bald, you can still look great with a beard and muscles. The laid part is true, most men are too beta to have a rotation of women to fuck because they always have simp attitudes, then they get into relationships thinking they will be different and it always derails them. save the relationships for when you have free time and even then there are much better ways to spend your time. As I see it women are only good for sex, all men should have this perspective but sadly you have "men" who think otherwise.

>> No.16739259

I can only hope to be you one day anon

>> No.16739267

I look my best with a totally shaved head and I have no history of baldness in my family.