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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16735500 No.16735500 [Reply] [Original]

that's it.

>> No.16735612

>don't do what you're told
this is a meme.
If I had done what I was told my life would've been 3 times better now.

>> No.16735622

basically I fell for the
>you should be different and do something different! everyone is mediocre! do what your inner self tells you to do.
absolutely retarded.

>> No.16735633

buy btc

>> No.16735672
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>> No.16735709

Both ways are retarded if you follow them blindly.
Balance the input that you get from others. Sometimes it makes sense to change your own opinion and sometimes it's better to stick with your opinion. It heavily depends on who you ask and also how much experience they have. Maybe they can't every information that you can see etc.
It's not as easy as black and white, best is balanced to the situation.

>> No.16735744


>> No.16735790

i fell for the , quit your dayjob be your own boss, make your own money meme

i was listeing to too many motivational books on audible at my wagie job.

quit started my own buisness , failed , bankrupt. broke. only have 14k link to my name. and link is going back ro .30 cents over the next two years

>> No.16735808
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Reminder that there is nothing more harmful than an addiction to a salary.
Shaming yourself or others for taking a risk (regardless of the result) is like shaming a soldier for putting his life on the line and getting wounded.

>> No.16735843

>Reminder that there is nothing more harmful than an addiction to a salary.
True, but he has a point though. He should've started a business while keeping his dayjob. Just like Bezos did when creating amazon.

>> No.16735897

you no fail. you a boss son! be proud and do again you make it you make it all day long son!

>> No.16735936

Perhaps, but I hate this attitude people have towards risk takers. It's especially sad to see it on /biz/. Understanding risk and its dangers is important (and thus taking measures to protect yourself against it like keeping your day job), but ultimately you HAVE to take on some sort of risk if you want to make it. It should not be discouraged.

>> No.16736074

i couldnt take my dayjob anymore, i would get into almost pysicial fights with the foreman (tools getting thrown around, me bringing guns to work for my own protection since that fucker always had a loaded shotgun in his work truck. i would have so much stress my chest would hurt. i was tehre for 5 years being brainwashed by audible.

like other anon said i dont regret quitting. i dont regret nothing

i dont give a fuck about my fucked up credit, about how i owe money to the banks. how i have literally zero savings. only 14k link. that i bought at .17 cents because of the memes. and i only found link because i quit my job and was surfing /biz/ two years ago,

if i was a wagie still i would be misersable and no link.

now im just broke. i hated being addicted to the salary. i felt like such a bitch.

>> No.16736232
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You sound like you would have gotten killed if you stayed there. Not necessarily by your coworker but the stress from being in that environment.

So what went wrong with the business? Every time I listen to business owners they all talk about their failed projects. Heck, my pops is still in debt from his failed practice from at least 20 years ago and I'm partially here to get him out of that hole. When I make it with /our/ coin, I fully expect to fuck up quite a bit with my own projects (just as I currently have a number of unfinished not monetized projects).