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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16734661 No.16734661[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I impregnated my Korean gf. What do? And yes, before you ask, I do hold chainlink. My question is is that enough for a young WMAF couple to raise a child? Also, how do I profit off this?

>> No.16734668

>impregnated my Korean gf
enjoy your moon-faced hapa mutts lmao

>> No.16734672

race mixing ends your line, you already lost

>> No.16734681


>> No.16734697
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You just made the worst investment you can possibly make, OP.

>> No.16734710

I actually just had a son with my Korean wife just 6 months ago. It's not so bad. I profited off her by using her ID to create accounts on Korean exchanges and then arbitrage the difference in price between US and Korean exchanges. I did this for almost 2 years but there's very little money left in that now. Anyway, that's literally how you profit off it. Sorry if it's not helpful for you now but I think I answered your question.

>> No.16734721

This image should be stickied on this board. Might finally end all the yellow fever.

>> No.16734763

It's so brutal when you thinc about sexual selection...

t. ugly boy (4/10)

>> No.16734771

My kid looks identical to me and he's very fucking handsome. The meme failed and I'm not having any more kids.

>> No.16734779

The first time she wiggles she lifts her ass up just enough for me to slip my head underneath it without noticing I think

>> No.16734793

Im never getting an asian gf
Fuck that why should I even if i get cucked i will have a pure white kids. Plus theyre fucking insects

>> No.16734830

Nice larp. This arbitrage isn’t possible.

>> No.16734848

It used to be very possible and I'm not larping. I used Citibank to send it back to the US and I even wrote into some online news company that said it wasn't at the end of 2017. I started around May 2017 doing this and stopped around August of 2019 because it stopped being profitable. It's dead now. But I'm not larping.

>> No.16734898

>jewish pushed WMAF meme
>i hold chainlink
Jesus Christ its becoming so clear that chainlink is an israeli funded scam to lure in white anons so that they can be scammed.

>> No.16734950

No, it’s very NOT possible unless you were arbitraging like $100 per week

>> No.16734952

race mixing improve overall genetics at a faster pace since recessive genes are less likely to appear and genes pool is way bigger
the rest is up to you, if you are a shitty father or not
being handsome in life doesn’t really matter
if you are ugly you can still be financially and sexually successful, nothing stops you, even chinks and pajeets are reproducing

>> No.16734961

Tell Netanyahu “thank you for the gains”

>> No.16734979
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Ok. Good luck.

>> No.16735003 [DELETED] 

You're just incorrect. I'm not sure what to tell you. If I told you how much I made you'd just say it's a larp again. Korean exchanges only work with Nonghyup bank now. That didn't used to be the case, but now it is. Also Coinbase Pro charges fees for limit orders, also new. I simply bought BTC and ETH on Coinbase, sent to the Korean exchanges, sold it, withdrew to Nonghyup and then transferred to Citibank and then did a global transfer to my Citibank account in the US, then wired it to Coinbase. The maximum allowed transfer is $50,000 per year in USD out of Korea. I had multiple people send it for me so I was able to send out many times more than that, and I waited for the right times (end of 2017 there was as high as 55% arbitrage one day).

>> No.16735007
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Absolutely based if true, congrats. Do not listen the retarded /pol/ newfags on here. /biz/ has always been an asian qt board.

>> No.16735010

yea but DeNiro is uggo already while everybody wants to be Clint. Look at that jawline and beard, (((they))) don't let us make them anymore

>> No.16735103

Nice, just had our first in august. It’s worth. Yup if you know about link then you’re definitely good.

>> No.16735130

Depends. How much Chainlink do you hold?

>> No.16735203

Enjoy your autistic Elliot Rodger offspring

>> No.16735207
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Just wait until he hits puberty

>> No.16735217

holding chainlink and not trading it like 90% on biz? you're fucked.

>> No.16735237

>Comparing a 30 years old with a kid during puberty

>> No.16735245

No bullmarket till 2022

>> No.16735268
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All loser hapas have ugly parents, ignore the Jewish shills

>> No.16735279


>> No.16735589

Eliot looked better than his father. What do you expect?

>> No.16735620


>> No.16735639

Not based fuck off kikes you disgusting oven dodgers

>> No.16735694

Neck yourself Tenda

>> No.16735702
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>> No.16735735

>My question is is that enough for a young WMAF couple to raise a child? Also, how do I profit off this?

depends on how much money you have, You won't be profiting on it at all. Kids no matter what the race cost around 500k not to mention all the time and effort that youll have to put in once your bug gf eventually leaves you which is not a matter of if but when. You'll go through the same fate all men go through when having kids, You'll most likely have to sell all your link to pay for expenses and child support if you aren't already rich.

>> No.16735992
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My money making scheme is this. Force my children to be professional StarCraft players, and if they so not want to do that, they MUST create the next Samsung phone, or KIA Sedan. Me and my Korean gf will be very hard on our children but also I will be very hard on them.

>> No.16736013

I will never sell my linkies and my Korean gf will never leave me. She begged me to impregnate her so that her children could be genetically superior as you all know Koreans are self loathing bug people that despise the natural way they look. Obviously this can only end up hurting in the long run but obviously as hwite men we can profit off of this in the short term.

>> No.16736286

OP the eternal faggot

>> No.16736293


>> No.16736322

I remember this webm being longer

>> No.16736535

seething ricecels. your women belong to white cock

>> No.16736887
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lmaooooo that instant cope

>> No.16736908


>> No.16736910

Asphyxiate yourself race mixing mutt

>> No.16736925

Wasn't your father Jewish Tenda? You take after him so well

>> No.16736999

hapa girls > mulatto goblins
hapa boys should be aborted

>> No.16737047

Her faces looks like plaster. Everything about her faces screams plastic surgery. If you're gonna go asian go for thai's at least

>> No.16737063

Was she born in Korea?

>> No.16737085

>t. /r/hapas regulars
"Everyone must be as miserable as me, and I'm only miserable because of demographics and not the fact that individually I'm a pathetic loser."

>> No.16737144

This is /biz/, were you expecting anything other than "every hapa boy is literally Elliot Rodger."

>> No.16737273

Yes but she moved here at a young age. I was her first and only bf I took her virginity. I pooped all over her butt every chance I got. We pooped on each other. She loves eating poop that was created by a white man. It's a taste she's simply addicted to

>> No.16737299

Have you been to Korea with her?

>> No.16737330

No I've never been and I have no interest in going. She likes it better here and I think she would be nervous if I was in a country full of women who all want you based in your looks alone. Plus I don't want to waste the money. We have more fun pooping on each other's butts stateside

>> No.16737345

Just make sure to abort the child if it's a male.

>> No.16737364

We would never we are both highly religious and plan on having at least 5 kids

>> No.16737408

That's amazing
Literally wrong on every point

>> No.16737488

I’m glad this is a real thread and definitely not obvious trolling

>> No.16737492

I want to shit on her face

>> No.16737495
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Congrats, OP!

Don't listen to all the racist losers here. They don't like WMAF because they got stuck with white women who begin to degrade terribly early in life

Guys like you and I picked the genetically best females.

>> No.16737567


>> No.16737603

>having a gook kid

>> No.16737923
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Dios mio.... le luz extinguido

>> No.16738046

Chads don't marry Asian women. They fuck them using protection and have white children with their white wife.

Having a mongrel child is a beta thing

>> No.16738167
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>Sexually successful means reproducing