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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16734182 No.16734182 [Reply] [Original]

r8 my business plan
>make anti-semitism movie praising hitler and extermination of jews
>make jew lives matter shirt

>> No.16734191

there's a vulnerable weak spot in your business plan

>> No.16734201


>> No.16734318

that's an awful lot of t-shirts you intend to move to cover the cost of a film. Even a short film, professionally done, can cost $100k when you include locations, lights, catering, post-production to include score, colour grading, sound mixing.
Where are you gonna get that capital in the first place?

>> No.16734354

Just use jannies to save on labor costs.

>> No.16734400

yeah but you need a shit load of hotpockets and tendies to lure them away from their busy janitorial work

>> No.16734427

i can try to convince pol to make one

>> No.16734455
File: 26 KB, 1200x673, thumb_1920x1080_00001_1540716172_70094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure, after the Tree of Life Synagogue shooting here in pittsburgh, I've seen tshirts and stickers of pic related everywhere. someone's already did your idea, they just piggybacked off a mass shooting instead of making a movie lol

>> No.16734473

doesnt have to be jews per se

>> No.16734614

ADL(Ashkenazi Dong Lover)

>> No.16734696

10/10 Love it.

>> No.16734870

thanks <3