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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 495 KB, 1080x1991, Screenshot_20200103-134547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16732709 No.16732709 [Reply] [Original]

It's 2020 and you still haven't gotten your dream 10/10 gf, are you even making a it, /biz/?

>> No.16732720
File: 222 KB, 1106x1280, 1546812048136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thought this was Rhett at first

>> No.16732726

that little faggot made me rich and I lost it all

>> No.16732752
File: 41 KB, 720x960, FB_IMG_1578044116335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep on grinding anons, I'm sure someone will pump those coins one day

>> No.16732766

i’m sure she stays with him because of his personality and good looks

>> No.16732777

A plastic whore with no unique thoughts, I'm probably making it more than that dude. SAGE

>> No.16732785

IDC I gave up when they called me an disgusting abomination back when I was 14. I have no urge to deal with that awful gender. No homo.

>> No.16732800

It's not just a plastic whore, it's a fucking BOGDANOV LOOKING PLASTIC WHORE

Look at this bitch, she's like Igor and Grishka with a photoshop filter that smooths skin.

>> No.16732918
File: 51 KB, 720x960, FB_IMG_1578047935995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's not bad, depends on an angle

>> No.16732963

>No tits
And this is a 10/10?

>> No.16732999

I met her for the first time on new years 2020. She was beautiful, blonde, and 21

>> No.16733037

I'm like, super gay.

>> No.16733085

I don't know who either of these people are but I wish them the best.

>> No.16733183

thanks to plastic surgery. imagine his face when the children will be a bit "different" than the mother.
this. also if you're a normal white (ok looks + ok salary in the west) it's not like you can't land a cutie in a 3rd world country.

>> No.16733198

Haha gay person.

>> No.16733231

A fucking leaf

>> No.16733614
File: 220 KB, 749x726, Screenshot_20200103-143714_Mimi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol no thanks

>> No.16733800

Fuck off kike
I'm not fucking nor eating bugs

>> No.16733905
File: 119 KB, 758x948, 1538123228238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


FUCK, I want a brown gf so bad brehs...

>> No.16733955

those are men feet
just saying

>> No.16733975

Those plastic lips m8.

>> No.16733992


She looks like a bog

>> No.16734000

fingernails say don't give attention to

>> No.16734026

never going to make it

>> No.16734284


>> No.16734299


Disgusting goblin feet. Unironically one of the reason I broke up with my ex was that she had bad feet and arches. It wasn't the only reason and I couldn't see myself with her anymore. Now that I'm single I can't even find a fucking fattie from tinder to fuck and I'm alone as fuck. Fuck this shit.

>> No.16734311

>he thought he had options
lmao you had one shot at procreating m8 and you blew it over feet. enjoy dying alone you faggot

>> No.16734320

gross race mixing retard

>> No.16734331
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Spree shooter reproductive incel rage.

>> No.16734338

coping ape tamer

>> No.16734350
File: 52 KB, 854x479, 0693013c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No. We didn't break up because of some fetish of mine. I just said it was one of the reasons but the real problems was that she was fucking frail mentally to take on any problems and her vegetarism was upgrading into veganism and she couldn't fucking eat any piece of meat whatsoever. We just ate different foods all the time. Also she didn't like investing that much and just spent her cash on women shit (no brainer here tho) and she was pretty fucking stupid and naive as well. I think time would've fixed a few problems but she was just too into the veganism shit and she wasn't strong mentally at all so we had to part ways. Thanks for reading my blog post.

>> No.16734355
File: 1.02 MB, 1244x826, 1559646893043.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Says the Gook goblin breeder.

At least brownfus are human and not a soulles insectoid hive specie.

>> No.16734363
File: 579 KB, 720x886, 0AF32393-991D-4900-97B1-1F0FCDFFA414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the first blank page of a 365 page

>> No.16734364

>frail mentally
>falls for stupid trends and fads
>stupid and naive
>spends cash on stupid shit
anon you just described literally every women ever.

>> No.16734380


Nah. She was fucking weak to tackle any real shit when problems rose up. I know many women who at least fucking try, she didn't even try. We just enjoyed doing things differently and I didn't even fuck her almost for the last 6 months, just a few times in that period. Why continue if you're miserable with someone for months and can't see a future?

>> No.16734388

Both are disgusting

>> No.16734402

I'll get myself a cinnamon girl someday.
For now I gotta fix my shit and get cheddar.

>> No.16734409
File: 370 KB, 677x929, 88F33CF2-5A05-4954-BE99-45C1C6B67522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>take me to your leader, human

>> No.16734433

did she have her jaw filed down? no way are those eyes that big