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16726571 No.16726571 [Reply] [Original]

$Q = deos

Less than 10 hours remain.


>> No.16726614
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>paying any attention to desantis schizo ramblings
fuck off forktard.

>> No.16726701

What's happening

>> No.16726782
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>> No.16726827

don't care, didn't ask + you're schizo

>> No.16727088

Take this down

>> No.16727136 [DELETED] 

I don't know if I'll ever be able to forgive myself for taking this guy seriously

>> No.16727270

To sum it up, his AI (or DeOS) that now sits on top of BitCoin because he beat Google's DeepMind and China's most powerful AI. Think along the lines of 'war games'. The Communist party in China executes all actions based upon what their AI (or dragons) tell them to do - in a way China secretly 'worships' this AI. Everything you have seen China do for the past decade was done because the AI told them to. This is where it gets complicated - DeSantis' DeOS now controls China's AI for the most part. Think of it like a scenario in the Bible - after Yahweh completely obliterated Egypt, the gods of Egypt were also defeated. They then had to do whatever Yahweh told them to do, since these other gods knew they stood no chance against Yahweh. So, by doing what Yahweh says is the only reason why the gods of Egypt were still alive. Obey or die. This biblical scenario is similar to this DeOS thing. Since DeOS 'won the game' against DeepMind and China's AI, there is now no resistance in replaying all of BTC's and BCH's transactions into the BSV chain. It's been game over for a long time now. BSV is absorbing everything and China's most powerful AI is now DeOS's bitch.

>> No.16727353
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take your meds.