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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16723868 No.16723868 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.16723892

I hate NEETs so fucking much

>> No.16723901
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You get paid, therefore allowing you to invest more in crypto which will moon this year thanks to the upcoming halving. As opposed to NEETS who have less to invest and will be left with suicide bags.

Meanwhile, you get to watch as the company you are at slowly is eaten from the inside out by SJW politics and stupid business decisions because they hired people like you who do not care about the company at all.

Safe in the knowledge that when you leave the company after you make it, you'll be able to look back and see the collapse of the place you despised the entire time.

> Work in retail
> At Christmas a bunch of idiotic shoppers ripped apart a fire blanket for our underground car park
> Legally if we get a fire the entire organisation would go bankrupt from lawsuits from staff and customers
> TFW when earned a boosted December wage while the company have lost over 1.5 million on a fire blanket that they are in the process of replacing and my managers are going to get fired for allowing it to happen

>> No.16723906

The only thing worse is when Corps pile on the work at the very first day of the new year to play catch up because they don’t ever take the holidays into account. Fucking bullshit.

>> No.16723949

what else is there to do? sleep in, meaning you basically waste time feeling nothing, and on top of that devalue the time you spend in bed? i just left my job to spend a couple of months learning go to apply for a better job, I'm keeping to the schedule i had while working as much as I can.

also I made time to drink tea in a comfy armchair while reading every morning while werking to start my day in a cozy manner

>> No.16723980

You neets will never impregnate anyone and make babies.

>> No.16724248

Ditch the tea anon, you should be feeling refreshed in the morning just from sleeping for an average of 7-8 hours.

Tea is just caffiene which costs due to brand name, it'll provide a short energy burst that weakens each time.

Other than that, you are pretty based.

>> No.16724760

I feel refreshed, I just like tea. Plus it has a calming effect. I make it a point to be as chill as possible so I don't burn out.

>> No.16724774

and we are okay with that, we got our stacks of link. some of us still live with our parents others are made men and crypto rich.

>> No.16724782

i dont need to eat all day and I can work just fine

>> No.16724846
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unabashedly based

>> No.16724873

inherently working isn't bad because it does let you save in silver,gold and chainlink. Problem is most people don't save or are unable to save any significant amount if they live on the coasts. that's why it's comfy being a midwest fag, I can buy 50oz of silver and 500 chainlink a month without being stressed.

>> No.16725265
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>> No.16725300

that's cute. thank god I don't have that job anymore

>> No.16725534

good, i don't want babies