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1672367 No.1672367 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone here purposely do a mediocre job at work?

I take longer to complete projects intentionally. For two reasons:

1) If you do an excellent job management will volunteer you to do more since you're an exceptional employee.
2) It prevents burnout. You're giving yourself breather because no one else will.

Sure you can argue "But if you do a good job you'll get promoted!!". More than likely someone has to die for a position to open. Take my advice, it's easier to shop around for better pay at a different company.

>> No.1672371

I underpromise, over deliver (if possible). Does that count?

>> No.1672375

I work in a factory right now. My job is all about taking your time and safety first so I take my time. I don't even break a sweat. I work in a room all by myself cutting up bad product and throwing it through a grinder so they can turn the bad vinyl back into pellets and re run it again instead of throwing it out. They say they want at least 3 scrap carts done a night (12 hour shifts) so I stretch it to 4 hours a cart even though it can be done in less than a hour working at a normal pace.

>> No.1672383

I also try to get cut or hurt at least once a month. They are planning to automate the thing so it cuts all by itself and all I'd have to do is feed the vinyl in it. But if I'm doing to a great job on my own, they probably wouldn't ever replace the machine because there's no history of people getting hurt. They've only started this recycling process a few months ago so hopefully by the end of 2017 I'll get the auto cutter machine and all I will do is stand there feeding it.

>> No.1672386

More like under promise but over deliver occasionally

>> No.1672392

So you want to lose your job you inbred monkey? You offer no value to your company so guess who can fuck off first when the new machines arrive?

>> No.1672400

They have extremely high turnover rates mainly because it's a tobacco free facility and it's night shift only for new people. They won't get rid of anybody that shows up everyday for work. Plus it's only 3 days a week and I work full time making $17/hour doing this while going to college. Beats a McDonald's job.

>> No.1672406

Oh alright that sounds nice. Thought you worked there fulltime but its a good college job

>> No.1672413

12*3 = 36 hours a week. That's full time. I get benefits too. I'm scheduled to have a week off every 4 months next year. Plus I get matching 401K up to 2% of my income so that's a 100%/year investment basically. Also medical is only $40/week. And we get education stipends as well but I'm not eligible for that yet. Also if you're a parent cuck they pay half of the cost of day care for you. Not bad for a factory.

>> No.1672417

And they also got a gym, doctor you can see, and a bunch of free programs like weight loss programs, quit smoking programs, drug/alcohol rehab paid for, etc. They used to pay $50 for every pound lost in their weight loss program some old employees told me but people abused that. Now they only pay you a $100 gift card if you sign up and you meet your weight loss goal that you set with their dietitian.

>> No.1672423

>12*3 = 36 hours a week. That's part time.
Fixed that for you.

>> No.1672433

Yeah i misread the 3*12 hours you worked there, its late for me but thats pretty much full time. Nice benefits aswell. Keep it going but also look for a job thats more relateble to your future job tho. Unless you want to become a factory manager i guess.

>> No.1672434

According to federal law, workers are considered to be part-time if they commonly work fewer than 30 hours per week.

Graduate high school kid.

>> No.1672441

I would love to be a supervisor in a factory. It's the most laid back $60K/year job you can get. But I'm going into allied health. Respiratory Therapy to be specific. Not really a future related part time job for that. I'll still get the 12 hour shifts I enjoy but I will be doing more meaningful work. I think people who work in health care and education are the most important people in society, and always wanted to work in either. But I enjoy 12 hour shifts so I only have to work 3-4 days a week, so i went with health care. Don't know of any 12 hour schools.

>> No.1672464

>I take longer to complete projects intentionally.
I do this sometimes to give the client the impression that the project required more work than it actually did or that I have such a big backlog that I can't get to their thing right away.

I also used to do it to appear more busy than I was, but after I got to a certain level, part of my compensation became tied to my billings, so I can't really spend a lot of time dicking around without literally paying for it.

>> No.1672476

from my perspective with dealing with these issues:

if you want to move up in the world you certainly can, but you have to be willing to move to a location where good talent is needed. If you wish to stay at the current location you are at, then yes...you will have to wait for a position to open unfortunately.

>> No.1672676


well done. this is how you do it.

>> No.1672704

Stopped going above and beyond after my first year, its useless. Do just the bare minimum not to get the boot. Engineering at a top 50.

>> No.1672722


Factory operator here

Thing is, I already proved my worth by working hard and smart and taking an interest in the proces and actively participating in ongoing discussions with the leadership about the way forward.

Now I get to relax while new people do the shitty jobs and I take care of the computers and the managing of the factory

> Work seriously
> Get skilled
> Become valuable
> Relax and let the rookies do the grunt work

It's straight-forward, but you need to keep at it while on the bottom so the top sees your potential

>> No.1672728


Btw 35 dollarinos an hour on average shift work

Overtime gets hilariously well-paid

4% of my salary goes to pension, 8% of my salary goes to pension paid by the company, health insurance, free fruit, free coffee and&/or tea, 30 holidays a year, 35 hours a week shift work.

Unionized factory work is where it's at, guys

>> No.1673239

Isn't this how it's supposed to be? I was always under the impression that being new meant you're doing the grunt work and eventually pass it on to the newer guys. Now it seems it gets worse the higher up you go. Like everything is an emergency even though it isn't.

>> No.1673289

You can also purposely stop working at all and just live like a hobo in a van while studying Greek literature, after all you waste your one life on earth doing something other people tell you to so you have money to relax from said other people.

You cheat with your work and the company owners cheat with your pay and look for opportunities to replace you, or "promote" you so you get to do even more shitty work for a little extra cash, which you will accept because sunk cost fallacy and human's brain reward system.

If you truly think it's natural or the default to work 40h a week for someone else, you are wrong.

>> No.1673323


Obongocare apparently defines it at 30 hours or more, otherwise it's not really defined, so it's a very recent thing and will be removed soon anyway. Americans are babies, 30 hour work weeks are considered full?

>> No.1673501

Sadly yes. I do my job and extra bit I quit being super employee. Used to kill myself. Now I dick off all day. Fuck doing 4 people's jobs and breakino my back for shit pay. Not fucking worth it.

I mean, I don't wanna be a lazy cuck but I make like 1/50th of what I produce. I do it happily but by no means do I give a fuck about busting ass unless it is very much needed.

>> No.1673503

Holy fuck anon. Do u make pvc fittings????? I used to work there also! Small town kansas amiright?

>> No.1673517

>make 30/hr right out of school
>after a few months of doing small reports etc I get my first big one
>see the cost estimate
>took me 10 days to write

>> No.1673549

At work everyone gets equal number of cases to work and I try to complete my cases by lunch. Thought I could just watch YouTube or learn some IT language after that but team members who don't even complete their work by the day talk behind me that I'm having it easy and That I should be given more work.

>> No.1673554

I've done this for menial jobs with no potential for advancement. Do juuuust above expectations. For my current career, I bust my ass because I want to be first in line when something opens up.

>> No.1673579

Any tips on how to get this across in an interview without giving the impression you're a lazy bastard? Can't exactly say what you've said desu senpai.

>> No.1673803

It isn't natural at all. I think times need to change. No one is happy with the 40 hour work week except for the mentally ill and the business owners. Alternatively, it's better than killing each other for food and territory like in the recent past. 30 hour work weeks should be the norm next. You're not exhausted by the end of the week and there can be a work/life balance. Can't wait for more automation.

>> No.1673806
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At work I'm actually pretty good, I sign up for everything and try to be involved and active in the department

but it's part time military so it's not really a REAL job

>> No.1673807

31,000 isn't a lot.....if that's what this is implying

>> No.1673814


You're probably young but this is what fucks everything up for everyone else. Sounds like you're overachieving for the sake of overacheiving. Employers will want all the employees to volunteer for all the dumb shit charity activities they do so they can use it as a tax write off.