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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16716778 No.16716778 [Reply] [Original]

when did you realize this is a dead shitcoin?

>no team
>no updates
>no utility
>no future
>90% of network ran by chinks

>> No.16716794

Based. After learning how much of mining is done in China I will never touch btc again.

>> No.16717331

lol you are a fucking retarded exchange baby
schnorr signatures this year
taproot 2021
OPtech is going in hard right now
layer 2 picking up steam

this is also one of the great legacies of bit torrent, the immortal untouchable development that cannot be censored or stopped

you kikes better make your amends and prayers cause this ain't stopping and you're getting painfully slowly run over

>> No.16717334

BTC = pets.com
ETH = Google

>> No.16717341

shitskin hindu cope. bitcoin is a fucking meme and you are never going to make it because no one who actually has any power in the real world is going to give you anything for these virtual pajeet coins.

>> No.16717344

>Bro, your car can't go faster than 3 mph

>> No.16717370

No development on btc of any note. I'm going all in smart contract ecosystem. Btc is dying. PoW lets people with low power rates control the coin (China). Proof of stake lets the people with the most money/holdings control the coin (USA, Europe). Fuck this pow shit.

>> No.16717378
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bitcoin transcends the power of wealth and money
those billionaire faggots don't get to decide the code bitcoin runs
they're going to need to be a little more human if they want users
and don't even think about changing the terms on them
that'll get you forked off into some nonsense like bsv

>> No.16717395
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>Proof of stake lets the people with the most money/holdings control the coin
>No development on btc of any note.

>> No.16717421

Nothing there is new or of any note. LN is a joke and more wrapped btc exists on eth than on LN. Complete failure.

>> No.16717431

4-5 years ago when it was first brought up that the block cap should not be increased.

>> No.16717444

>All of crypto is dumping
>BTC is a meme
>Stock market still going up

Anyone holding any crypto in 2020 is an absolute brainlet

>> No.16717458

check out my thread >>16716522 on the scaling debate

>> No.16717464

>Total market cap of crypto is less than a single fucking company
>This is including all the thousands of shitcoins that will eventually die off as they become irrelevant - consolidation into the actual useful projects will happen eventually

If you seriously think that crypto provides absolutely no worth and will all become a distant memory, you're the actual brainlet.

>> No.16717526

Are you talking about Chainlink?
BTC Core team acts very quickly whenever they have to, which was proven during the attack last year.

>> No.16717553

>the attack
what attack you liar
you talking about that small bug that was patched that nobody abused or even really remembers

>> No.16717557

I recommend that you fags research RSK. This thing is very likely to reanimate BTC and jump-start a new massive bull run.

>> No.16717565

>when did you realize this is a dead shitcoin?
one year ago when I got redpilled on Craig being Satoshi

>> No.16717566

>the market can stay irrational longer than you can remain solvent
Try me.

>> No.16717571

rootstock, bisq, discrete log contracts in lightning network
it's all so juicy

>> No.16717573

based coin

>> No.16717584

seething, I just listed 2 important upgrades and all you can do is cuss like a nigger

>car analogy
don't go into tech, you're ngmi

I just mentioned two
you can't read or doesn't understand the implications of multiSig becoming fungible

>> No.16717596

The attack where there was tons of transactions that were for values smaller than the fee was which made the whole chain overflow.
The value plumetted by 15% and it was basically impossible to make any transactions during the attack.
It was fixed in one day and the situation resolved itself by the two next days.
How can you call something that crashed the value of the asset a small bug?

>> No.16717624

>The attack where there was tons of transactions that were for values smaller than the fee
yeah dust transactions are a thing, key management and how you write transactions to mainchain determines its weight and there's a fee market to include it in blocks
I think you misunderstand so much

did they fork the code that day? no
it probably was the mempool naturally working through the bloat with a fee market
it's part of the dynamics of the system
only newfag retards like you panic sold

>> No.16718205

Maybe one of you can help me out - I've only been on this board for a few months but I've gone from thinking it's filled with retards to thinking no way there are actually that many people who are that retarded and it's just a bunch of really dedicated trolls tuned into their craft of pretending to be retarded, but now after some time of reading brainlet arguments I'm starting to be convinced they are actually sincere in their retardation. I know I shouldn't be surprised but it's still a little mind-boggling how low the IQ is. So, my question to you oldfags is - is /biz/ really, unironically as mindfuckingly retarded as I think it is?

>> No.16718218

What fucking updates does money need, retard? Why do you think it is so highly valued?

Neck yourselves

>> No.16718251

The biggest stores of value are Money (which bitcoin can't be) and precious metals (which bitcoin is not)

So stay retarded ,retard

>> No.16718290

Behold, a 100% ngmi

>> No.16718313

if you mean to say that money=fiat is a store of value you are a retard

>> No.16718416


Pick one

Also nice store of hodl meme, faggot.

>> No.16718440
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Yes, it is

>> No.16719564

Yes, BTC can be used as money. It serves as a transactional medium. And 1 BTC will always be 1 BTC and can't have the supply artificially increased.

>> No.16719579

it can not function as cash with its supply curve. it can only function as money in as much as gold can.

>> No.16719592
File: 54 KB, 640x428, elon-musk-joe-rogan-blunt-1536341297-640x428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gold can't function as money
Surely, SURELY you jest

>> No.16719655

When will OP realize that he should go kill himself?


>> No.16719694

> Stuck at 4tps.
> Expects worldwide adoption
BTC was supposed to be bitcoin. Bitcoin is p2p cash.
It was hijacked by bankers that confused and defanged it.
Bitcoin is p2p cash as defined by (real) satoshi in the most important whitepaper money has ever known.

>> No.16719701

it can't really only in certain circumstances and in a limited capacity. but it would suck ass.

>> No.16719702

All the idiots still left didn't sell on the run to 20k. And they didnt sell on the echo bubble to 13k. So now all you see left are the tech nerds and the people who can't into market cycles.

>> No.16720113

i have a strict plan on cashing out i know exactly where bitcoin needs to go and how much i will liquidate there. if it takes a year or 5 makes no difference.

>> No.16720409

Thats better than most. You're gonna make it anon

>> No.16720432
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>> No.16720440


the coin that makes nocoiners and shitcoiners absolute SEETH? Yeah, I'm thinking I'm btc maximalist now

>> No.16720443

Blockstream made it shit.

>> No.16720882

Silver and gold were the currency forever. I'm not saying it was perfect, and certainly there were drawbacks, but I mean come on. That's why gold backed paper was such an economic boom. All the benefits of gold, none of the drawbacks. We need a similar idea for Bitcoin

>> No.16721075

No, BTC literally cant be used as cash and no business can integrate it because it doesn't scale. BTC can only be used as digital hodl.

>> No.16721086


When did you realize you’re going to heck for fudding bitcoin and shilling shitcoins?

>> No.16721110



>> No.16721111

Quick buy some stocks!

2020 stocks tanks and crypto moons.

>> No.16721182

My deepest fear

>> No.16721242

>it doesn't scale
It doesn't need to. You fucking retarded are confusing "efficienct money" and "efficient".

>> No.16721387

Then its a ponzi. If its spent as cash, its a currency. A ponzi is when you buy into a promise of a higher return of profit sometime later. Bitcoin isnt specifically designed as a ponzi but currently its a damn ponzi.

>> No.16721473

https://www.fool.com/investing/general/2015/12/06/fiat-currency-what-it-is-and-why-its-better-than-a.aspx.. Bitcoin is better than gold because its digitally transactable. You can break bitcoins into 8 or 9 deci. There also comes problems. You need miners to stay active to process your transactions, you need internet for the most part to send and recieve bitcoins, and you need others to accept bitcoin for what is being traded for it. Its in no way a perfect system. Blockchain and the public ledger is why its useable. Its not antigovernment as much as its pro law.

>> No.16721484

>Bitcoin a peer to peer digital cash system

I'm not confusing anything. Bitcoin is a cash system and BTC is some digital hodl shitcoin.

>> No.16721537

Run by chinks is exactly why it will eventually go to the moon, because its not the usd.

>> No.16721555

Everything is a ponzi on a large enough timeframe.
You just have to choose the best ponzi for the time, and the best ponzi in our age has probably been bitcoin.

>> No.16721557

Yeah I don't disagree

Shut up bsv shill. Holy fuck I have a million filters set up to avoid you niggers and I still have to deal with you.

>> No.16721563

I haven't mentioned BSV. End your pathetic life, paranoid cuck.

>> No.16721572

>talking about Bitcoin vs BTC

>> No.16721597

>BSV is Bitcoin

Freudian slip?

>> No.16721612

Hey, usually these types of posts always follow by "BSV is the real Bitcoin"

I see you aren't a bsv shill so I apologize fren.

>> No.16721666

what if i told you it doesnt need a team nor updates? is there a team making updates to gold?

>> No.16721669

BSV is absolutely Bitcoin. That said, I wasnt shilling it. I was only talking about how BTC has failed and deviated from the Bitcoin protocol. BSV only came up because of you.

>> No.16721704

I use it to buy shit. I mainly hold ethereum and monero.