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16716205 No.16716205 [Reply] [Original]

I'm contemplating and selling books that are free of rights. Really, I would just copy the content from another ebook, change the cover and the frame, and sell it like this.

Also, I am also thinking about creating audiobooks of books that are free of rights. I'm gonna buy a microphone and I am going to make a test just to know if i am able to create some decent audiobooks. For that business, the market should flourish in my country in the years to come.

Has anyone any experience in that regard? What are the best platforms on which to sell? Is it a bad idea?

>> No.16716253

It used to work on boomers at some point, but a highly convincing, hyped-up landing page is a must, and I'm not sure if it works anymore

>> No.16716292

the audiobook market is thriving

>> No.16716442
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I think it could work if you learn well about digital marketing: identifiying your target audience and ways to reach them, publish some quality free content frequently to establish your persona as an expert in the subjects the books approach and build an audience (suggest they subscribe to your newsletter to receive news when new content is out, then you can use the list to email market your product around 6 times a year). Learn what trigger people's attention, learn about copywriting (unrelated to copyright).

>> No.16716539

>thinking about creating audiobooks of books that are free of rights
https://librivox.org/ - beat you to it. They got volunteers making audiobooks out of Project Gutenberg (public domain) books. I am not sure what release license they use or the legal situation with redistributing librivox audiobooks would be - audiobooks.com pads out their catalog with these, but, they don't charge for them, thats maybe (probably) a nono.

>> No.16716766

Yes but at the same time, I'm pretty sure some of these free ebooks keep selling on Amazon. I'm not currently trying to create a new business for me, I am would just like to get some good side money.

>> No.16716800

I think audiobooks will be hard
You underestimate the time to read the book, then reread it for the recording, reading each part until no mistake, good pronounced and tonality
And you probably need a soothing voice to beginn with
Then you need to cut and master it

I like book other approach better
Make sone unique covers
Use nice fonts and its almost done

>> No.16716885

Well i have read hundreds of books, some of which could sell more than $10 per unit as audiobooks. If I could sell a few hundred books per year, I think I could get a very nice return. I have lots of spare time, and my priority really is to make more cash.

>> No.16716924

Is your voice worth listening to though

>> No.16716953

Nope, not at all, I have a shitty voice which I intend to tweak with the software and a quality microphone. I think that should do the trick.

>> No.16717441

anyone willing to share its experience in this business?

>> No.16717513

Look at the nose on that one