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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16714177 No.16714177 [Reply] [Original]

How much will he flex for PNK on January 11?

Will his dad buy more than him?

Shall Kleros really be the last great non-scam moon of the decade?

>> No.16714220

fiddy k.

>> No.16714226

I hope so, bought 50k pnk to stake in the courts and am waiting to buy another 50k on jan 11th

>> No.16714274

fiddy hundred K.

That's like $300. Not a bad start, but you will definitely wished you'd stepped it up in 2020.

>> No.16714295

what's to stop me as a brainlet staking technical court and using biz to crowdsource the correct answer

>> No.16714298

I think they said something like 150K PNK for max position to enter best positioning staking realms. Get there before the sale, then buy that as a flipping bag.

>> No.16714302

I mean...you could, I guess. However, the pure autism on display in the community is staggering. You will probably be BTFO'd.

>> No.16714383

You can do as you please, but as was said, you're up against an army of sperging neets.

>> No.16714731

what's so bad about doing that though
can't into code but i want to stake and it pays more

>> No.16714792

Anyone can be a juror. The system is created so the average simpleton can participate, being extra intelligent is a great tool but as long as your staked and get selected then vote logically you will do well. The way it's set up it rewards ruling right the first time. If people somehow managed to rig a case, which is impossible, it would be obvious and then appealed and the bad actors would lose money. Bad actors are penalized.

>> No.16714799

Green IDs bro we're going to make it. Happy Fucking New Year Biz Senpai!

>> No.16714810

Yep. We're gonna make it.

>> No.16714818

i didn't mean to rig it i meant if the technical court is like verifying some solidity code or some shit then i wont be able to answer and risk losing my stake if i vote the wrong way but i could just ask on biz or wherever right

>> No.16714883

Yes you could do that. There's already real world lawyers offering their services for Kleros court resolution disputes if you wanted to hire them but obviously you would rather get your answers for free and perhaps biz would be a help.

>> No.16714902

Yeah if you are rolled in as a juror for that case. What happens when biz doesn't know though. Not so clear cut.

>ying some solidity code or some shit then i wont be able to answer and risk losing my stake if i vote the wrong way but i could just ask on biz or wherever right

Yeah this is fucking crazy

>> No.16714982 [DELETED] 

That's not what I said you fucking retard kek you're stupid

>> No.16714989

>overlooks the whole point of my post then proceed to act smarter than me

Unironically I should fuck your mom for irony

>> No.16715006
File: 586 KB, 605x695, tqLmdRg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can you join the jan. 11 sale ? do you have to become a "juror" or register somewhere.. or is it open for everyone

>> No.16715033

>Required Skills: A high understanding of blockchain technology, smart contract, solidity language and Ethereum ABI is required.
how hard can it be

>> No.16715036

Anyone can participate. No KYC required. First come first first basis. It might be worth more for the sale though which means you will have to pay more. I have been getting some before and will get some during the sale just to play it safe.

>> No.16715040

you can buy it now

>> No.16715063
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yeah but the volume is so small, i think i'll wait for the sale

>> No.16715068

thanks anyway guys we're gonna make it

>> No.16715158

Be careful not to get burned. There's some available for market price still on all exchanges. Also the pnk market price in eth is continuing to rise and the trend is slow but consistent. The sale will be an average of the last 5 days price on cmc and cg and if the sale were today it would cost more than it did 5 days ago. I would grab more on idex now but I'm out of ethereum. I have to wait for fiat next week I'm praying it doesn't go up before it arrives.

>> No.16715226

don't sweat swings. accumulate when you can. don't FOMO. anything under 3-5 cents is early IMO.

>> No.16715229 [DELETED] 

Fixing up some loose end and I'll put in $5K in Uniswap next week + $5K in the sale. Still have 500K I've sat on all year. It's time.

>> No.16715239 [DELETED] 

Doubt anyone will get too burned on this. Everyone wants it to go up, and not having bagholders to comb through, it really is only a matter of time. Fixing up some loose end and I'll put in $5K in Uniswap next week + $5K in the sale. Still have 500K I've sat on all year. It's time.

>> No.16715240

Uniswap is better and a decent spread.

>> No.16715245

You mean by waiting? I dunno...it's been a year. I think you have time. Others may be waiting for large chunks in the sale...but you're right. It could pop up at any time. Just do what you can. Everyone wants it to go up, and not having bagholders to comb through, it really is only a matter of time. Fixing up some loose end and I'll put in $5K in Uniswap next week + $5K in the sale. Still have 500K I've sat on all year. It's time.

>> No.16715253


>> No.16715274

How much PNK to make it?

>> No.16715358

Buying 1mil PNK in their sale. Easy hold.

>> No.16715377

The idea seems like it will never see full adoption but I do like the autistic energy behind it. Why do you think the price will pump so much? Just because of Vitalik?

>> No.16715465

1 mil

Will make it by mid 2021

>> No.16715500
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not selling until it's $1

>> No.16715501

With volume so low, how much demand will there really be in the token sale? Also, won't the increase in supply cause the price to dump?

>> No.16715605

Was thinking this too. Any high IQ autists care to explain?

>> No.16715694

It's the only mover in a solid space that is / should be used.

Might crab for a while after. Why would they buy and immediately sell at buying price? If anything, it's bullish as people don't have to take the spread hit, can influx cash, pump it, exit if they wish.

>> No.16715697

(and don't you dare say the 'A' word)

>> No.16715753

will chuck in a few grand due to no liq issues.

>> No.16716388 [DELETED] 

Do you literally haven't to samefagg every fucking thread?

>> No.16716568

150 million more tokens released

>> No.16716710

The circulation increase fud is pretty fucking weak. The sale is at market price. No VCs waiting to dump. Fair distribution. No one has ever done it this well. Once it hits the exchange after the Token sale it's lift off. This isn't some scammy ico waiting to dump. You must be a linker who's been getting dumped on a daily basis with all this doubt you're casting.

>> No.16716742

Your'e clearly the arb trader since you're so obviously pushing Uniswap. There's a lot more on idex. Go spend 50 eth on Uniswap and you will get less than you would on idex. To everyone reading this, he wants us to help set up his arb trades since he's buying on bitfinex and selling on Uniswap. Fuck this faggot and buy on idex

>> No.16716801 [DELETED] 

Sorry for stating the obvious but a lot of these threads are agenda driven, the honest threads end up getting taken over by the samefagger @jonesjimbo

I love Kleros and it's my favorite alt holding but this faggot has been fucking with you ever since he did the Christmas giveaway.

If someone is blatantly pushing an exchange on you that's the least best option, they obviously are trying to manipulate you.

>> No.16717449

>PNK token
Why does Kleros need a token?
Someone fill me in, I feel like this can be absolutely done without the need for an erc token.

>> No.16717562

"To summarize, Kleros needs its own token as a defense against 51% attacks. This token gives users the ability to be selected as jurors. As such, users should have an interest in holding PNK tokens because of the opportunity that these tokens represent to receive fees and rewards for coherence for arbitrating disputes."


>> No.16717599

Beat me to it. It's quite elegant really. After re reading that I sort of want to buy more but I'm already too deep in this.

>> No.16717655

can't be too deep into kleros, anon, unless.....you know, you re-mortgaged or something for it.

>> No.16717719

The sale is first come first served.
I checked their UI and it will be most likely bots competing for this with a fast Ethereum node.

>> No.16717888

kek same here I can't stop buying. Oddly enough it's been my most stable hold.

>> No.16718008

It's not fud. Right now there is hardly any demand for PNK. Just look at the volume. Why would the price go up if the supply increases? You'd be better off waiting for the token sale to finish before buying.

>> No.16718046

It can be used for oracles too

>> No.16718075


And yes, $1 is the target. Let's make It happen.

>> No.16718114

why are pajeets suddenly shilling this go-nowhere shitter from 2018? wasn't this "decentralized court system" used to adjudicate doge pics or something?

i'll stick with fantom, thanks

>> No.16718150

yeah, entire xboxes worth of volume in PNK is being traded there daily

>> No.16718234 [DELETED] 

Your'e letting the REKT blind you. Adoption is on the way.

>> No.16718247

Your'e letting the REKT blind you. Adoption is on the way.

>> No.16718529

You don't know how this works do you? A decent portion of biz has been accumulating this for a year and staying silent about it for a reason. Now the cats outta the bag and this thing won't stay unnoticed much longer.

Good luck with your coin that was literally shunned by Koreans.

>> No.16719531
File: 85 KB, 1024x768, 9c1c9eed-3421-4cf0-ab7a-0fe0b52b6e48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic is people who literally are fighting for PNK scraps once ETH coonsooms and Kleros jurors are a major part of the financial elite

>> No.16720042

Hello sir,

You are not going to make it