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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1671204 No.1671204 [Reply] [Original]

>turn 19
>get first job at factory
>4 of us in training
>me and 3 niggers
>HR specifically stated we can't miss any days in the first 90 days or they won't keep us
>even if we are sick or have car troubles, come in anyways or get here when you can to show we put an effort, then they may send us home if we really aren't feeling well
>be 1 week
>2 of them has already called out sick
>they go ape shit mad when they get fired
>they can't even follow a simple direction
>me and normal nigger left
>he thinks he knows everything
>always twitches his head and says "mannnnnn that ain't right tho I worked here back in 2010 and it wuz diffahrent"
>trainer is getting fed up with his stubbornness
>lets him do it on his own
>he fucks everything up
>he can't even tie a granny knot
>he can't read a psi gauge
>he can't lift a 50lb bar without grunting like a gorilla
>he has to stop every 5 seconds to pull up his pants
>he sees a girl walk by and has to stop and stare or say something to her
>he has the memory span of a 2 year old
>looks at us all frustrated like "man ain't you gonna help!?"

It is insulting to work here.

>> No.1671219
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>niggers are niggers

Welcome to life.

>> No.1671221

> unskilled job that requires no education attracts the dregs of society

>> No.1671229

>It is insulting to work here.

I know that feel, I work with a bunch of women and a faggot.

>> No.1671233

try r9k

>> No.1671237


Thanks OP. Reading your post this morning really put my life in perspective in a positive way.

>> No.1671632

Why do americans work at shitty minimum wage jobs straight out of high school? I know that college can be a huge scam and is often not worth it but literally just learn a trade. Why are americans so retarded and only know the two extremes of going to an ivy league school and ending up with 60k debt or working 3 minimum wage jobs and then whining about the shitty economy? They all act like fucking maniacs and force themselves into bad positions to then whine about it.

>> No.1671636

Because people aren't taught its an option, people think highschool college is the only way to success. when in actuallity its probably the longest most costly and least succesful way. Schools are designed to create a working class

>> No.1671645

I agree. For most people learning a trade would be easier, more interesting and more profitable then going to college for some overfilled meme degree. Honestly, any electrician here makes a good amount of money during his apprenticeship and has decent salary afterwards. After 5-10 years he can start his own company and with hard work, knowledge and a little bit of luck he's making more than 60% of college grads ever will.

>> No.1672322

>minimum wage

Where? $17/hour here. Maybe distribution centers pay like $11-14/hour but no place pays minimum wage. Cheapest factory around here starts at $15/hour.

>> No.1672333

Let me guess... McDonalds?

>> No.1672336

A job is a job. Stick it out for at least 6 months. Gain skills and experience. Get better job. Repeat.

>> No.1672353



>> No.1672361

Thanks. My Dad keeps telling me this.

This place is full of lazy people. Most people in here are in their 40s and 50s and have been working here since they were my age. This place has been 90% automated since they started. They hardly do any work. They think taking out the trash and cleaning up their work place is back breaking work.

Was talking to a guy the other day about how easy it was here and he was all "there's more to it man than you think it's hard in here" yet all he does is ride around on a fork lift and talk on the radio. He doesn't know what real work is. I'm going to stay here and get paid to stand around until I can't stand the people anymore. They are so fucking lazy and complain about anything. Their line will go down and the Supervisor will make them go help another line and they get all pissy because they didn't get to just sit there until maintenance fixed their line.

>> No.1672384

95% of people have to start at the bottom. It gets better as you get experienced and doors start opening.

A good work ethic will get you a long way in life, stay strong and keep going. Don't take the easy option and quit unless you have something better lined up.

>> No.1672391

>niggers working
Something doesn't add up

>> No.1672397

>work at factory
>blacks have one entire section of plant
>help them out sometimes when they have problems
>after 6 years get new boss
> ends up being a dick who wants to get ahead by lowering headcount
> tries to prove he can do our job with 1/2 the people
> cheats to "prove it"
>union goes along with it
>black dudes call him a liar and prove he was cheating to make it seem like people weren't needed.

Nice not being a social retard

>> No.1672401

Interview at a call center tomorrow because I got fired from one last week, I don't wanna go back into the call center hell but have to, they are basically the factories that hire anyone of my city

>> No.1672409

Get certified on a forklift. Guys here make $22/hour cruising around on a fork truck all night while talking about sports and pussy on their radios. I want to get certified but supervisor says I would have to wait until after my 90 days.

>> No.1672456

What the fuck are you talking about? Trades are fucking dogshit, dude. I am so sick of people who have never worked a day in their life talking about how trades are better than white collar work. It's not fun waking up at 4 or 5 am to be on your feet all fucking day, coming home smelling like shit, having a hard hard cap on your pay, and severely limiting your skill set. Yeah dude, just wait 5-10 years and start your own company!! You are so inexperienced that it's embarrassing. You really think it's some sort of assembly line from apprenticeship to owner. Lol. You tradefags are so much more delusional than collegefags. Can't wait til you get to the real world

>> No.1672466

Blue collar businesses have the highest success rate. If you are still doing all the dirty work after 10 years you done fucked up.

>> No.1672468

tons of people don't know trade schools exist
tons more have only ever heard of them in late-night commercials and figure they're a scam because of that

>> No.1672625

Wtf are you talking about. Factory work is rarely min wage. And people work minnwage jobs because they have nonother options. Please google supply and demand

>> No.1672629

Sucks to be you huh guy

>> No.1672633

Forklift certs arnt like commercial truck licenses. Theyre pretty job specific. I mean you could put it on your resume but youd probably be retested. At least that was my experience

>> No.1672694

Worked out well

>> No.1672696

It runs the gamut though you are going to work hard. There are a lot of millionaires and a lot of guys collecting food stamps. Luck and personal decisions are the biggest factors.


>> No.1672720

Jesus, OP, I hope you are getting $40/hr to endure that type of work environment